Now just add in DST’s have PRE-opening fire against enemy SUBs (only), and naval combat may just be worth some effort!
Oooh, me likey, me likey!!! If no enemy subs are present, the destroyer fires normally, if submarines are present, destroyers get to target them first in opening fire! Then submarines fire in their opening fire. Then Battleships get to fire at any aircraft present. Then everyone else gets to shoot!!!
A rule we played with in classic (with destroyer pieces, add on set from Gamer’s Paradise) was that destroyers or fighters had to FIND submarines before they could be shot at. This allowed Submarines to sink entire fleets without getting shot at if the dice were bad.
Once found, however, the submarine could only submerge if it survived ending combat, if it survived.
Procedure was thus:
Submarine attacks and gets a free shot
Destroyers and Fighters rolled 1d6 each. If the result was 1, 2, 3 or 4 the submarine was “found” by that craft.
Submarine attacks and gets another shot
Any destroyer or fighter that “found” a submarine got to fire back.
Submarine then had to disengage (except submarines not yet found.)
It was tedious, but I think worth it.
At the least, it made submarines more useful then as fodder for battleships in classic!