@cernel That’s quite a loophole you’ve discovered. It’s things like this that made LHTR necessary. You are correct about point 1. Regarding point 2, I see nothing in the rules that would disallow attacking an unoccupied enemy-controlled territory with only air units.
Placing sea units
I understand the placement of land units (where IC are and limits on placement based upon value of land etc.)
Where do new sea units get placed? We have been playing that they have to be placed in the shore next to each countries capitol……
Is this the rule or is there something else?
They can be placed in ANY sea zone that is adjacent to a land territory contianing an IC you control.
Note that those naval units ALSO count toward production limits.
So if you place 2 TRN off Southern in SZ14, you can only build 4 more units in Southern maximum that turn.