I would love to play, but TrippleA isn’t my cup of tea. However, in the interests of learning, I’ll boot the game up again and take a look at the functionality so I understand it well enough to manipulate the program.
Maphead is a good opponent, but his good outcomes from luck and taking risks make his gambits seem easier to accomplish than they really are (at least when I try to replicate them). I argued the same thing you did in sending in everything available to Siam; the only problem is those units probably aren’t going to survive Japan’s turn even if they survive the opener.
great idea. Problem is, that once the US transports die on turn 1 (95% of all games), KGF is effectively over. If that stuff could be preserved or replaced without losing fleet defensive units, that would be awesome. But unlike G41, G42, the US doesn’t start with any extra stuff to load, and it doesn’t start with a lordly income either.
I have not put together any viable strategy that involves any US splitting, bidding for the US etc. because even with a cruiser or destroyer there, maphead still attacks the US. the UK hasn’t been successful in putting a navy back in the water because even when im saving money with the UK, I still cant out-arms-race Germany’s air.
In short, I have not even put together the moving parts to cross the Atlantic, much less figure out what I’m supposed to do to limit Germany once I get there. its the exact same dilemma as G40–you spend 4 turns just assembling your offense, and once it crosses, it is extremely easy to push it back off the continent with newly built troops, or force it to all huddle together to avoid an air stack attack.
US and UK troops are 3.5$ more than German ones since they require a boat ticket, and they are 2 turns older when they fight. The US troops move at a snails pace only to be placed directly in front of Germany’s main factory (in G40, complex of 5 factories). This does not take into account the additional $3-$5 per unit required to provide them with defensive security. Why this has not been addressed by adding more capacity to transports, or some other mechanism like making navy cheaper vs land units, I simply do not understand.
The worst part is that Germany is about to kill Moscow at that juncture (turn 4), and nothing produced by any team including Germany can reach Moscow in time to change that outcome (except SB), such that Germany can then focus on getting deep (adding inf, bombers,…beef).
2b) what that’s leading to is me putting all my UK$$ in india. All of it. Since there are only 3 spaces, I’m buying fighters for Moscow, almost every time. That’s why I’m not buying the recommended amount of infantry; I basically get 3 placements of 3 units before India and/or Moscow are about to die.
I have not been successful in flying fighters over from London, at all. The proposed landing spaces (west Russia, gib, archangel) are not in Allied hands by turn 3. If I hold any LZs within 4 of London, they are under threat, starting turn 3.
Many of my headaches can be chalked up to poor luck, and we are playing with a variety of players on both teams, not all of whom are experts. Still, I would hope that the game would last more than 4 turns, you guys def. imply that your games are competitive up until turns 6-8.