Combat move before unit purchases
Here is the link to a thread on your topic in Houserule forum.
Purchase units before Combat Movement? -
A buddy of mine tried something like this except that all powers purchased at the same time, and frankly I found it to be super easy. It’s probably a great way to speed up play though.
Here is the link to a thread on your topic in Houserule forum.
Purchase units before Combat Movement? for the link!
[…] As long as no dice are thrown your allowed back into your previous phase. […]
This is the key sentence. Now that I visualize our face to face games we kind of split the turn into two sections where you may (with the needed precautions) move between the phases rather freely.
So before any dice are rolled, you may adjust your combat movements, buys and repairs simultaneously. And after the conduct combat phase you may adjust your non combat movements and stuff till the next guy starts with his turn. (And for simply forgotten units without effect on the next players move till he starts rolling dice)
Good to hear, that I’m not missing something and there are some people who do this alike.
does not everyone do combatmove before purhcase???
it requires some additional planning, your buy should be ready before your turn in any event in order to move things along
while sometimes it is ok to revise a purchase or fix a mistake it is cheese to change your buy after you see how you do in combat
the turn order is there to prevent constant waffling and time wasting too it keeps things clean so that stuff doesn’t get moved more than once
I don’t know for how long those maps are there, but I just reinstalled triplea after a few months and what am I seeing:
World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition with Combat Move First
World War II Global 1940 Balanced Mod with Combat Move First
I’m really happy right now. Didn’t know this exists already :)
I guess both parties need to play the “combat move first” version of the maps in a multi-player game?
I don’t know for how long those maps are there, but I just reinstalled triplea after a few months and what am I seeing:
World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition with Combat Move First
World War II Global 1940 Balanced Mod with Combat Move First
I’m really happy right now. Didn’t know this exists already :)
I guess both parties need to play the “combat move first” version of the maps in a multi-player game?
Yes, it would be asking a bit much of the makers to allow the players of the same match to not use the same turn order.
I don’t know for how long those maps are there, but I just reinstalled triplea after a few months and what am I seeing:
World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition with Combat Move First
World War II Global 1940 Balanced Mod with Combat Move First
I’m really happy right now. Didn’t know this exists already :)
I guess both parties need to play the “combat move first” version of the maps in a multi-player game?
You are welcome.
Purchase first drives me crazy too. Hadn’t thought about the repair of facility limitation - was only really worried about the landing on newly purchased carrier as the only valid landing site limitation. Simple edit mode fix though, in both cases.
Are there any negative consequences from having repair before combat movement? I guess separating it from purchase is a bit off-putting
I agree. It is also not rules compliant.