Frood AACalc Dicey / Sim / Odds Calculator: Updates and Opinions

  • 2007 AAR League


    I tried running 1 sub vs 1 sub in AACalc 2.0 and it would allow combat to occur.

    I tried various combinations of abbreviations (as per the example) with no success.  I verified no check boxes were checked (not chicken subs).

    Any ideas?

    Not sure what the problem is. Subs can fight subs, no?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Hmmm.  I left out the key word “not” in that first sentence.

    I was running a sim of 1 sub 1 bmb v 3 tran and AACalc 2.0 was not recognizing the existance of the sub.  I added one to the defender side and still no subs.  I removed everything except the subs and still no subs (no combat).

    I shifted to AACalc 1.0 and the subs were recognized just fine.

    If it happens again I will book mark it.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I’ve now had several requests for the ability to do attacker only / defender only attacks - should be easy to do. I’ll also add Game ID to e-mail subject lines, which was a request of the DAAK crowd. Hopefully next week sometime. Multi-group OOL may be pushed off a while though… we’ll see.

  • I could prolly write up a thingy in JavaScript.  Someday.  Lol.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Ok I’ve added the Game ID to the e-mail subject line, and I believe you can already roll the dice for one side at a time…

  • 2007 AAR League

    Well my week off was pretty busy.

    The only update is this - you can now enter up to 999 of each unit type, instead of 99.

    That is all.

  • Thanks Dan.

    We have actually had a few games that were approaching the 99 unit limit on some large scale battles.  I doubt we will ever need to be worried about 999 being a limit.

  • 2007 AAR League


    Okay, I have made a change that I think will make some people happy.

    If using a game ID when rolling combat, you can add additional e-mail addresses to the form and they should all receive the results. It will however always add in the saved e-mail addresses as well, you can just add extra ones now if you want.

  • 2007 AAR League

    All righty, I have fixed a glitch were e-mails were not displaying properly.

  • '19 Moderator

    Let’s all vote, should Ender change his name back to Frood?

    I vote yes…

  • I second that motion…

    All in favor?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Otay. But only if you give me good karma :wink:

    I’m not going to be back significantly, I was just checking in because I was notified of a glitch in AACalc that I’ve now fixed.

    Anyone here play Battle for Wesnoth?

  • @frood:

    Otay. But only if you give me good karma :wink:

    I’m not going to be back significantly, I was just checking in because I was notified of a glitch in AACalc that I’ve now fixed.

    Anyone here play Battle for Wesnoth?

    Are you tired of Revised, Dan?  If so, you should check out our miniatures forum.  Mot has done an awesome job adapting his Mapview program to play AAM by forum.  Miniatures play relies more on tactical considerations such as line-of-sight, maneuverability, range, etc. rather than raw strategic/economic factors as tends to be the case with Revised.  It is great fun trying out different army builds and pulvering your enemies’ Panzers (or Shermans or T-70s or whatever . . .). :lol:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I vote Nae.


  • 2007 AAR League


    Are you tired of Revised, Dan?  If so, you should check out our miniatures forum.  Mot has done an awesome job adapting his Mapview program to play AAM by forum.  Miniatures play relies more on tactical considerations such as line-of-sight, maneuverability, range, etc. rather than raw strategic/economic factors as tends to be the case with Revised.  It is great fun trying out different army builds and pulvering your enemies’ Panzers (or Shermans or T-70s or whatever . . .). :lol:

    I still like the game. It’s just that when I PBEM, I get obsessed and it takes over my life. Plus I kept getting my ass kicked by Gargantua and his wacky tactics, it just took some of the fun out of it.

    But it’s not the game, it’s the time… esp. with a baby on the way and me having to keep my job to support a family now.

  • 2007 AAR League

    What’s with Frood’s site… It seems to be down?

    As for Bidding: the only other place or tool I know for bidding is DAAK. Do you guys know any other site for bidding?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Any chance you’ll be adding NAs and AARe support to your calc?  I know that’s probably a lot of work, but I was wondering.

  • 2007 AAR League

    From what I can see, my site is running just fine.

    There won’t be any new features though. I don’t have time. Plus, when people hated my new input form (which I thought was pretty ingenious) it sort of killed the joy of further development.

    I’ve actually provided the code to djensen for possible incorporation on this site, but I don’t know if he’s making any progress on that.

  • @frood:

    From what I can see, my site is running just fine.

    There won’t be any new features though. I don’t have time. Plus, when people hated my new input form (which I thought was pretty ingenious) it sort of killed the joy of further development.

    I’ve actually provided the code to djensen for possible incorporation on this site, but I don’t know if he’s making any progress on that.

    Heya frood,

    First, thank you very much for the effort on your calculator. In addition on the board game, I play TripleA a lot and your calculator beats everything else available. :)

    Regarding the new input form (I presume you’re talking about version 2.0), a little feedback on that: when it got out I tried it and it is not that it isn’t easy to use but while playing online sometimes I need to make a lot of calculations in seconds and it is faster to already have the boxes for the units. Plus in those calcs you need to run a lot of variations with the number of units present and it is easier to edit each separate box than to change the line on version 2.0 (you need to hit the right space and delete the value, if you don’t you delete something, i think you get the idea…)

    In any case, good there :)

  • 2007 AAR League

    Wow Frood, we are getting a new edition of A&A out soon. How are we supposed to be able to play it, without a new version of your dicey  :-)

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