Finally had a sub dest tac only battle. Italy got a free tech at start of T5 now and got Super Subs Tech. So now they get subs at A6 D3. So they decide to Attack with
1 Tac
3 Subs
2 Subs
3 Dest
Rd 1 Attack
1 Tac FS roll a 3. 1 hit
US sub submerges instead of D@2 with FS
US loses a sub no return fire.
3 subs roll 2,4,10 2 hits
US has to take 2 Dest for casualties.
Rd 2 attack
Tac no FS at Surfaced subs.
1 sub rolls FS 4. I hit no return fire
US takes last Dest out of game.
Now the US submerged sub decides to stay submerged due to Tac bomber flying over head.
So the question is because I probably forgot the sub would need to resurface no matter what if he tried an escape roll and failed.
Thanks for giving me the roster above.
It really helps understand.
I forgot that, in your GW40, TcB and NavalDB have no first strike outside Subs.
In your rule, it is easy to determine what value you use with TcB whether @3 or @7.
It was a long shot from Italy, here. I would have been more cautious and choose to attack US DD with an higher odds.
But it payed off for Italy, sinking this Sub.
You wrote: “US sub submerges instead of D@2 with FS”
But, according to “Sub cannot hit Sub”, they were only sitting duck against Italian TcB (which might have elect to attack Destroyers in regular combat). So there was no target for US Sub and makes sense to submerge.
You wrote: “1 sub rolls FS 4. 1 hit no return fire”
I cannot see why it was possible for Italian Sub to get a FS, since US Destroyer blocked it.
Unless it is an NA?
Played around with another turn and pics show results. Yes it is better if you can do convoy raiding inside boxes for damage and 1 damage ea ship or sub touching a convoy box. Gives the Axis more convoy raiding and does make Allies come get me. This also helps on pacific side to the point of at least getting a 1 or 2 damage on a convoy box without being inside one for US and Japan. Its better to have a sub do damage then a Dest if theres figs in the area and no Tac B. As you can see the US is got some kind of threat for raiders in the Atlantic side but also Italians are buying a few subs too to keep some kind of pressure on allies while allies buying more in Pacific side for the KJF plan. Plus US needs those Tacs also too.
With Germany taking Gibr and Azores island, it is preventing landing spots for the allies to use there Tac Bombers against German Wolf packs! Hey what do you know. Action finally in thee Atlantic !
I really like what you are describing. :-) :-) :-)
More action in ATO, Azores and Gibraltar making sense to be captured to prevent Allies from using TcBs on u-boats.
Expanding Convoy Raiding boxes to adjacent SZs seems a winning idea.
(It feels like a target with a bull eyes when a Sub reach the central Convoy box.)
With figs not being able to hit subs the Tac is kinda a nice piece now with the Stg B hitting them as well. Plus as mentioned the Carriers only being able to hold naval D B and N figs and only moving 4 is huge in the game. Japan cant just go and Jam every plane in a battle. You have to plan your naval attacks on naval better ( land too ) and plan ahead. Also with ground planes M5 -6 with AB you are just constantly looking for all planes that can counter against you every where. You really need to think and look now. With the added stuff yes the game is a little slower but will speed up once people get used to the new added stuff to game.
It seems very interesting to specialize TcB vs Fighters (Naval or Land-based).
Not being able to hit Subs has a direct impact about how you make plans against aircraft or submarines.
There is more tactical decisions for battle and planning when purchasing.
Fighters provides a pretty good defense against all warships and planes, but have an Achilles’ heel: Sub!
A fleet with Carrier have to balance between Fg, DD and TcB to be well-rounded.
All this ring very promising: “For what its worth it is getting more Historical now than ever.”
According to my taste, there is probably a few special things to cut out, so you can speed up more the game.
But having more units and more possibilities is a great addition and it is normal that this slow the pace a bit. Clearly, I would not change these interesting variants between Naval and Land-based aircraft, as well as TcB vs Fighter specialization.
If I would change something, it would be around the sequence and too much combat values variation.
But this is another story… :-D
For instance:
A7 Roll 4 or less can pick target with a return shot
A3 against surfaced subs only. No return shot
D5 Roll of 3 or less pick target with a return shot
I would make all: roll of 3 or less can pick target… (Easier to remember.)
I’m very happy you and all friends enjoyed all these new changes.