• '17 '16

    How did you manage to change your table aid for Victory points?
    It is not a simple sheet of paper; it seems to depict Iwo Jima flag lifting combat in background.
    It probably cost of few bucks when changing such rule?
    I like this simple grid with cities name and number of points below.
    There is a metallic sheet behind so magnet can but on these boxes, right?

  • '17 '16

    Baron,  The escaping transport rule every body liked a lot. Transports get a escape roll before attacker rolls for every round.
                Except if subs have first strike it kills them first.

    3 German subs attacking  UK  1 dest and 2 transports.

    2 german subs (WP) attacking  @5 FS   Dice rolls  2 ger subs - rolled a 2, 11  1 hit
                UK picks Dest as casualty. So now with the transports being alone on ships attacking ( 1 Ger Sub yet to attack )
                lone transports they ea get a escape roll. 2 rolls = 2,12   1 transport gets to escape. Place on map.
                1 Ger sub @5 rolls a 6   no hit   1 transport escapes and other has to stay for next round of combat.
                3 Ger subs (WP) @5 FS  roll a 4,9,12  1 hit   1 Transport casualty.

    You seems to formulate two different rules.
    First, TPs start to roll on first combat round to escape.

    Second, TPs need to have no more escorts to be able to roll for escape.

    According to the more detailed naval, you seemed to have use the second one.
    BTW, thanks for providing these detailed naval combat. I like to read how it went.

    Do I understand correctly?

    Tell me if I’m guessing right about what is funny for TPs rule.
    Attacker cannot loose Subs from TPs but defender still hoping to save a few from slaughter.
    Defender is not just watching all TPs sunken in a second. But attacker is still wanting to make the hits because there is no automatic kill.

  • @Baron:

    Baron,  The escaping transport rule every body liked a lot. Transports get a escape roll before attacker rolls for every round.
                Except if subs have first strike it kills them first.

    3 German subs attacking  UK  1 dest and 2 transports.

    2 german subs (WP) attacking  @5 FS   Dice rolls  2 ger subs - rolled a 2, 11  1 hit
                UK picks Dest as casualty. So now with the transports being alone on ships attacking ( 1 Ger Sub yet to attack )
                lone transports they ea get a escape roll. 2 rolls = 2,12   1 transport gets to escape. Place on map.
                1 Ger sub @5 rolls a 6   no hit   1 transport escapes and other has to stay for next round of combat.
                3 Ger subs (WP) @5 FS  roll a 4,9,12  1 hit   1 Transport casualty.

    You seems to formulate two different rules.
    First, TPs start to roll on first combat round to escape.

    Yes  The vote went before combat. But maybe still debatable. This may change to after attacker rolls before escape.  Gives the transport just a bit more of a chance to escape.

    Second, TPs need to have no more escorts to be able to roll for escape.

    Yes. As long as transports are alone only with attacking ships or attacking planes alone too.

    According to the more detailed naval, you seemed to have use the second one.
    BTW, thanks for providing these detailed naval combat. I like to read how it went.

    Do I understand correctly?


    Tell me if I’m guessing right about what is funny for TPs rule.
    Attacker cannot loose Subs from TPs but defender still hoping to save a few from slaughter.
    Defender is not just watching all TPs sunken in a second. But attacker is still wanting to make the hits because there is no automatic kill.


  • @Baron:

    How did you manage to change your table aid for Victory points?
    It is not a simple sheet of paper; it seems to depict Iwo Jima flag lifting combat in background.
    It probably cost of few bucks when changing such rule?
    I like this simple grid with cities name and number of points below.
    There is a metallic sheet behind so magnet can but on these boxes, right?

    The numbers for the Victory City points are changed on outside of plexi-glass. It looks like its on the inside. I could put the numbers under plexi-glass but would need to take apart chart. Just replace the sticky number for any changes. I can use city chart for both different victory conditions for 39 and 40 games.

    Son help me design chart then had printed on vinyl with 2’ x 3’ sheet of metal bought at Home depot covered in plexi-glass. Round magnets from Hobby Lobby. Cost 100.00 total.
    Well worth it. Did the same thing with the icp-tech chart too.

  • '17 '16



    Baron,  The escaping transport rule every body liked a lot. Transports get a escape roll before attacker rolls for every round.
                Except if subs have first strike it kills them first.

    ** 3 German subs attacking  UK  1 dest and 2 transports.**

    2 german subs (WP) attacking  @5 FS   Dice rolls  2 ger subs - rolled a 2, 11  1 hit
                UK picks Dest as casualty. So now with the transports being alone on ships attacking ( 1 Ger Sub yet to attack )
                lone transports they ea get a escape roll. 2 rolls = 2,12   1 transport gets to escape. Place on map.
                1 Ger sub @5 rolls a 6   no hit   1 transport escapes and other has to stay for next round of combat.
                3 Ger subs (WP) @5 FS  roll a 4,9,12  1 hit   1 Transport casualty.

    **You seems to formulate two different rules.
    First, TPs start to roll on first combat round to escape.

    Yes  The vote went before combat. But maybe still debatable. This may change to after attacker rolls before escape.  Gives the transport just a bit more of a chance to escape.

    Second, TPs need to have no more escorts to be able to roll for escape.

    Yes. As long as transports are alone only with attacking ships or attacking planes alone too.**

    Now I can see where is the difference between what I would implement and what you did.
    Overall, it probably give similar odds of survival to TPs.
    In my prefered version, TP evade roll is after all attacks, but there is no waiting to escape. It can be done right at the end of the first combat round even when there is still escorts.

    So, in your play-test, first combat, 2 TPs have rolled once in first round because DD escort was sunk in first strike phase (Wolf Pack effect). Then last Sub attack with “6”, missed.

    In my variant, no matter what happen to this DD, all remaining TPs get to roll.

    What would you do if there was only 2 Subs with Wolf pack hitting single DD?
    Does 2 TPs get there evade roll right away, even if at the beginning they were escorted by single DD?
    Or have to wait until the end of second combat round, once 2 Subs first strike have rolled?

    4 German subs attacking UK fleet of 2 dest 2 transports

    2 german subs (WP) @5 FS   rolls a 6,7  miss
                2 german subs @5  rolls a 2,12   1 hit
                UK takes dest casualty
                UK 2 dest roll a 3,4   2 hits
                Ger removes 2 subs for casualties.
                1 ger sub (WP) @5 FS rolls a 9    miss
                1 ger sub @5 rolls a 2   1 hit
            **   UK removes 1 dest left**
                UK dest rolls a 3  1 hit
                Ger removes a sub.
            1 ger sub @4 FS  rolls a 2,10   1 hit ???
                UK removes a transport
                UK 1 left transport rolls a 8 for escape. Has to stay.
                1 ger sub @4 FS  rolls a 9   miss
                UK transport rolls a 11   no escape
                1 ger sub @4 FS rolls a 3  1 hit
                UK removes transport for casualty.

    In this case above, if the second DD have been sunk by First strike rather than reg Sub attack, both TPs would have to roll, right?

  • '17 '16

    Having to separate between first strike roll and regular ones and decide if TPs are allowed to roll for escape is slowing the combat process, IMO.

    Maybe this slightly different rule may solve this and still be according to your previous view:
    TPs get evade rolls at the beginning of combat rounds before Subs first strike (same time as Subs submerge phase) but these rolls only begins at the start of second combat round.

    Escorted TPs can get this roll, not just unescorted.
    (IMO, this is simpler, but the other way can be manageable too. If escorted at the start of a given combat round, there is no roll.)

  • @Baron:



    Baron,  The escaping transport rule every body liked a lot. Transports get a escape roll before attacker rolls for every round.
                Except if subs have first strike it kills them first.

    ** 3 German subs attacking  UK  1 dest and 2 transports.**

    2 german subs (WP) attacking  @5 FS   Dice rolls  2 ger subs - rolled a 2, 11  1 hit
                UK picks Dest as casualty. So now with the transports being alone on ships attacking ( 1 Ger Sub yet to attack )
                lone transports they ea get a escape roll. 2 rolls = 2,12   1 transport gets to escape. Place on map.
                1 Ger sub @5 rolls a 6   no hit   1 transport escapes and other has to stay for next round of combat.
                3 Ger subs (WP) @5 FS  roll a 4,9,12  1 hit   1 Transport casualty.

    **You seems to formulate two different rules.
    First, TPs start to roll on first combat round to escape.

    Yes  The vote went before combat. But maybe still debatable. This may change to after attacker rolls before escape.  Gives the transport just a bit more of a chance to escape.

    Second, TPs need to have no more escorts to be able to roll for escape.

    Yes. As long as transports are alone only with attacking ships or attacking planes alone too.**

    Now I can see where is the difference between what I would implement and what you did.
    Overall, it probably give similar odds of survival to TPs.
    In my prefered version, TP evade roll is after all attacks, but there is no waiting to escape. It can be done right at the end of the first combat round even when there is still escorts.

    So, in your play-test, first combat, 2 TPs have rolled once in first round because DD escort was sunk in first strike phase (Wolf Pack effect). Then last Sub attack with “6”, missed.

    In my variant, no matter what happen to this DD, all remaining TPs get to roll.

    What would you do if there was only 2 Subs with Wolf pack hitting single DD?
    Does 2 TPs get there evade roll right away, even if at the beginning they were escorted by single DD?
    Or have to wait until the end of second combat round, once 2 Subs first strike have rolled?

    2 subs hitting on first strike would of killed the dest and TP. The 2nd TP would of gotten a escape roll.

    4 German subs attacking UK fleet of 2 dest 2 transports

    2 german subs (WP) @5 FS   rolls a 6,7  miss
                2 german subs @5  rolls a 2,12   1 hit
                UK takes dest casualty
                UK 2 dest roll a 3,4   2 hits
                Ger removes 2 subs for casualties.
                1 ger sub (WP) @5 FS rolls a 9    miss
                1 ger sub @5 rolls a 2   1 hit
            **   UK removes 1 dest left**
                UK dest rolls a 3  1 hit
                Ger removes a sub.
            1 ger sub @4 FS  rolls a 2,10   1 hit ???
                UK removes a transport
                UK 1 left transport rolls a 8 for escape. Has to stay.
                1 ger sub @4 FS  rolls a 9   miss
                UK transport rolls a 11   no escape
                1 ger sub @4 FS rolls a 3  1 hit
                UK removes transport for casualty.

    In this case above, **if the second DD have been sunk by First strike rather than reg Sub attack, both TPs would have to roll, right?

    Yes  TPs would of rolled for escape before the 1 sub @5 attacks.

    I know what you mean by rolling escape roll after attack roll to keep things more simple. But the 1 transport that did survive wouldn’t have survived unless it was an escape roll after attacking FS subs and before sub not FS attacked.**

  • '17 '16


    That’s what I believed.

    The only special case is, for example, when 2 Subs first strike (Wolf Pack) get only 1 hit on 1 DD and 2 TPs.
    So, there is no other attack roll from Subs but does TPs get an escape roll for the on going round or not?

    Does 2 TPs get there evade roll right away, even if at the beginning they were escorted by single DD?
    Or have to wait until the end of second combat round, once 2 Subs first strike have rolled?

    According to your first answer it is still a yes.
    When TPs get unescorted during a combat round, they make an escape roll.

    So, my other comment and proposal is still valid:

    Having to separate between first strike roll and regular ones and decide if TPs are allowed to roll for escape is slowing the combat process, IMO.

    Maybe this slightly different rule may solve this and still be according to your previous view:
    TPs get evade rolls at the beginning of combat rounds before Subs first strike (same time as Subs submerge phase) but these rolls only begins at the start of second combat round.

    Escorted TPs can get this roll, not just unescorted.
    (IMO, this is simpler, but the other way can be manageable too. If escorted at the start of a given combat round, there is no roll.)

    You wrote this:

    I know what you mean by rolling escape roll after attack roll to keep things more simple. But the 1 transport that did survive wouldn’t have survived unless it was an escape roll after attacking FS subs and before sub not FS attacked.

    about this case:

    Baron,  The escaping transport rule every body liked a lot. Transports get a escape roll before attacker rolls for every round.
                Except if subs have first strike it kills them first.

    3 German subs attacking  UK  1 dest and 2 transports.

    2 german subs (WP) attacking  @5 FS   Dice rolls  2 ger subs - rolled a 2, 11  1 hit
                UK picks Dest as casualty. So now with the transports being alone on ships attacking ( 1 Ger Sub yet to attack )
                lone transports they ea get a escape roll. 2 rolls = 2,12   1 transport gets to escape. Place on map.
                1 Ger sub @5 rolls a 6   no hit   1 transport escapes and other has to stay for next round of combat.
                3 Ger subs (WP) @5 FS  roll a 4,9,12  1 hit   1 Transport casualty.

    In that case, the last subs would have get a roll, then all surviving TPs may roll at the beginning of second combat round.
    In this special case, you get same results:
    End of round 1
    1 Ger sub @5 rolls a 6   no hit.

    Next round, 2
    All transports get an escape roll. 2 rolls = 2, 12   1 transport gets to escape. 1 TP is placed on map.
    3 Ger subs (Wolf Pack) @5 FS  roll a 4,9,12  1 hit   1 Transport casualty.

    For the other case…

    4 German subs attacking UK fleet of 2 dest 2 transports

    2 german subs (WP) @5 FS  rolls a 6,7  miss
                2 german subs @5  rolls a 2,12  1 hit
                UK takes dest casualty
                UK 2 dest roll a 3,4  2 hits
                Ger removes 2 subs for casualties.
                1 ger sub (WP) @5 FS rolls a 9    miss
                1 ger sub @5 rolls a 2  1 hit
            **    UK removes 1 dest left**
                UK dest rolls a 3  1 hit
                Ger removes a sub.
            **    1 ger** sub @4 FS  rolls a 2,10  1 hit ???
                UK removes a transport
                UK 1 left transport rolls a 8 for escape. Has to stay.
                1 ger sub @4 FS  rolls a 9  miss
                UK transport rolls a 11  no escape
                1 ger sub @4 FS rolls a 3  1 hit
                UK removes transport for casualty.

    Combat round 1
                2 german subs (WP) @5 FS  rolls a 6,7  miss
                2 german subs @5  rolls a 2,12  1 hit
                UK takes dest casualty
                UK 2 dest roll a 3,4  2 hits
                Ger removes 2 subs for casualties.

    Combat round 2
    Transport roll for escape: 2 rolls (not done according to your rule)

    1 ger sub (WP) @5 FS rolls a 9    miss
                1 ger sub @5 rolls a 2  1 hit
            **    UK removes 1 dest left**
                UK dest rolls a 3  1 hit
                Ger removes a sub.

    Combat round 3
    Transport roll for escape: 2 rolls (not done according to your rule)

    **    1 ger** sub @4 FS  rolls a 2 1 hit
              UK removes a transport
              UK 1 left transport rolls a 8 for escape. Has to stay.

    Combat round 4
    Transport roll for escape: 1 roll (it is the 8 done according to your rule)

    1 ger sub @4 FS  rolls a 9  miss
                UK transport rolls a 11  no escape

    Combat round 5
    Transport roll for escape: 1 roll (it is the 11 done according to your rule)
                1 ger sub @4 FS rolls a 3  1 hit
                UK removes transport for casualty.

    In this case, a different rule would have allowed 2 more rolls per TPs, since it take 5 combat rounds.
    Allowing 4 evade phase for rolling.

    IMO, my proposal is more forgiving for TP.

    If use the variant which requires that TP is unescorted at the start of combat round, in the example above, it would be combat round 3 and you would get 1 additional roll because you still have 2 TPs before Subs first strike.

  • @Baron:


    That’s what I believed.

    The only special case is, for example, when 2 Subs first strike (Wolf Pack) get only 1 hit on 1 DD and 2 TPs.
    So, there is no other attack roll from Subs but does TPs get an escape roll for the on going round or not?

    Yes if I understand you. The 2 TPs would get a 1st round combat escape roll and any rounds after that if subs keep missing TPs would keep getting a escape roll until all transports are dead or escaped.

    Does 2 TPs get there evade roll right away, even if at the beginning they were escorted by single DD?
    Or have to wait until the end of second combat round, once 2 Subs first strike have rolled?

    Yes  Sub FS hit destroyer. Destroyer remove right away. Now transports alone. They get ea an escape roll.

    According to your first answer it is still a yes.
    When TPs get unescorted during a combat round, they make an escape roll.


    So, my other comment and proposal is still valid:

    Having to separate between first strike roll and regular ones and decide if TPs are allowed to roll for escape is slowing the combat process, IMO.

    Maybe this slightly different rule may solve this and still be according to your previous view:
    TPs get evade rolls at the beginning of combat rounds before Subs first strike (same time as Subs submerge phase) but these rolls only begins at the start of second combat round.

    Escorted TPs can get this roll, not just unescorted.
    (IMO, this is simpler, but the other way can be manageable too. If escorted at the start of a given combat round, there is no roll.)

  • '17 '16

    See previous edited post above.

    When TPs get unescorted during a combat round, they make an escape roll.

    If truly the case, it seems you forgot to give 2 escape rolls here:

    Combat round 2
    Transport roll for escape: 2 rolls (not done according to your rule)

    1 ger sub (WP) @5 FS rolls a 9    miss
                1 ger sub @5 rolls a 2   1 hit
                UK removes 1 dest left
                UK dest rolls a 3  1 hit
                Ger removes a sub.

    Here 2 TPs were not allowed…

  • I replied while you replied. Theres some confusion going on I think. Let look at your new edit.

  • @Baron:


    That’s what I believed.

    The only special case is, for example, when 2 Subs first strike (Wolf Pack) get only 1 hit on 1 DD and 2 TPs.
    So, there is no other attack roll from Subs but does TPs get an escape roll for the on going round or not?

    Does 2 TPs get there evade roll right away, even if at the beginning they were escorted by single DD?
    Or have to wait until the end of second combat round, once 2 Subs first strike have rolled?

    According to your first answer it is still a yes.
    When TPs get unescorted during a combat round, they make an escape roll.

    So, my other comment and proposal is still valid:

    Having to separate between first strike roll and regular ones and decide if TPs are allowed to roll for escape is slowing the combat process, IMO.

    Maybe this slightly different rule may solve this and still be according to your previous view:
    TPs get evade rolls at the beginning of combat rounds before Subs first strike (same time as Subs submerge phase) but these rolls only begins at the start of second combat round.

    Escorted TPs can get this roll, not just unescorted.
    (IMO, this is simpler, but the other way can be manageable too. If escorted at the start of a given combat round, there is no roll.)

    You wrote this:

    I know what you mean by rolling escape roll after attack roll to keep things more simple. But the 1 transport that did survive wouldn’t have survived unless it was an escape roll after attacking FS subs and before sub not FS attacked.

    about this case:

    Baron,  The escaping transport rule every body liked a lot. Transports get a escape roll before attacker rolls for every round.
                Except if subs have first strike it kills them first.

    3 German subs attacking  UK  1 dest and 2 transports.

    2 german subs (WP) attacking  @5 FS   Dice rolls  2 ger subs - rolled a 2, 11  1 hit
                UK picks Dest as casualty. So now with the transports being alone on ships attacking ( 1 Ger Sub yet to attack )
                lone transports they ea get a escape roll. 2 rolls = 2,12   1 transport gets to escape. Place on map.
                1 Ger sub @5 rolls a 6   no hit   1 transport escapes and other has to stay for next round of combat.
                3 Ger subs (WP) @5 FS  roll a 4,9,12  1 hit   1 Transport casualty.

    In that case, the last subs would have get a roll, then all surviving TPs may roll at the beginning of second combat round.
    In this special case, you get same results:
    End of round 1
    1 Ger sub @5 rolls a 6   no hit.

    Next round, 2
    All transports get an escape roll. 2 rolls = 2, 12   1 transport gets to escape. 1 TP is placed on map.
    3 Ger subs (Wolf Pack) @5 FS  roll a 4,9,12  1 hit   1 Transport casualty.

    For the other case…

    4 German subs attacking UK fleet of 2 dest 2 transports

    2 german subs (WP) @5 FS   rolls a 6,7  miss
                 2 german subs @5  rolls a 2,12   1 hit
                 UK takes dest casualty
                 UK 2 dest roll a 3,4   2 hits
                 Ger removes 2 subs for casualties.
                 1 ger sub (WP) @5 FS rolls a 9    miss
                 1 ger sub @5 rolls a 2   1 hit
             **    UK removes 1 dest left**
                 UK dest rolls a 3  1 hit
                 Ger removes a sub.
            **     1 ger** sub @4 FS  rolls a 2,10   1 hit ???
                 UK removes a transport
                 UK 1 left transport rolls a 8 for escape. Has to stay.
                 1 ger sub @4 FS  rolls a 9   miss
                 UK transport rolls a 11   no escape
                 1 ger sub @4 FS rolls a 3  1 hit
                 UK removes transport for casualty.

    Combat round 1
                 2 german subs (WP) @5 FS   rolls a 6,7  miss
                 2 german subs @5  rolls a 2,12   1 hit
                 UK takes dest casualty
                 UK 2 dest roll a 3,4   2 hits
                 Ger removes 2 subs for casualties.

    TPs do not get escape roll this round. 1 UK dest still in fleet. Tps don’t roll for escape unless there all alone.

    Combat round 2
    Transport roll for escape: 2 rolls (not done according to your rule)

    1 ger sub (WP) @5 FS rolls a 9    miss
                 1 ger sub @5 rolls a 2   1 hit
             **    UK removes 1 dest left**
                 UK dest rolls a 3  1 hit
                 Ger removes a sub.

    Combat round 3
    Transport roll for escape: 2 rolls (not done according to your rule)

    Tp don’t get an escape roll.

    **     1 ger** sub @4 FS  rolls a 2 1 hit
               UK removes a transport
               UK 1 left transport rolls a 8 for escape. Has to stay.

    Combat round 4
    Transport roll for escape: 1 roll (it is the 8 done according to your rule)

    1 ger sub @4 FS  rolls a 9   miss
                UK transport rolls a 11   no escape

    Combat round 5
    Transport roll for escape: 1 roll (it is the 11 done according to your rule)
                 1 ger sub @4 FS rolls a 3  1 hit
                 UK removes transport for casualty.

    In this case, a different rule would have allowed 2 more rolls per TPs, since it take 5 combat rounds.
    Allowing 4 evade phase for rolling.

    IMO, my proposal is more forgiving for TP.

    If use the variant which requires that TP is unescorted at the start of combat round, in the example above, it would be combat round 3 and you would get 1 additional roll because you still have 2 TPs before Subs first strike.

    Tranports do not get a escape roll until there all alone by them selves. Thats it. Thats the confusion. Above posts you say forgot TP rolls are due to still a dest in fleet or FS sub attack.

  • '17 '16

    In this hypothetic case, you probably answered not correctly according to your rule:
    2 U-boats attacking  UK  1 DD and 2 TPs.

    What would you do if there was only 2 Subs with Wolf pack hitting single DD?
    Does 2 TPs get there evade roll right away, even if at the beginning they were escorted by single DD?
    Or have to wait until the end of second combat round, once 2 Subs first strike have rolled?

    2 subs hitting on first strike would of killed the dest and TP. The 2nd TP would of gotten a escape roll.

  • @Baron:

    In this hypothetic case, you probably answered not correctly according to your rule:
    2 U-boats attacking  UK  1 DD and 2 TPs.
    What would you do if there was only 2 Subs with Wolf pack hitting single DD?

    Your saying 2 regular subs (WP) both get hits on there attack roll ?

    Does 2 TPs get there evade roll right away, even if at the beginning they were escorted by single DD?


    Or have to wait until the end of second combat round, once 2 Subs first strike have rolled?

    Here your saying now the 2 subs have FS attacks.

    2 subs hitting on first strike would of killed the dest and TP. The 2nd TP would of gotten a escape roll.

  • '17 '16



    In this hypothetic case, you probably answered not correctly according to your rule:
    2 U-boats attacking  UK  1 DD and 2 TPs.
    What would you do if there was only 2 Subs with Wolf pack hitting single DD?

    Your saying 2 regular subs (WP) both get hits on there attack roll ?

    Does 2 TPs get there evade roll right away, even if at the beginning they were escorted by single DD?


    Or have to wait until the end of second combat round, once 2 Subs first strike have rolled?

    Here your saying now the 2 subs have FS attacks.

    2 subs hitting on first strike would of killed the dest and TP. The 2nd TP would of gotten a escape roll.

    Ok 2 Subs cannot get both First Strike against 1 Destroyer, even if Wolf pack, right?
    So, there is one which get Surprise strike but never the other.

    Meaning TP would get an escape roll between First Strike and regular sub attack.


    Combat round 3
    Transport roll for escape: 2 rolls (not allowed according to your rule)

    Tp don’t get an escape roll.
    � � �     1 ger sub @4 FS rolls a 2   1 hit
    � � � � � �UK removes a transport
    � � � � � �UK 1 left transport rolls a 8 for escape. Has to stay.

    Transports do not get a escape roll until there all alone by themselves. Thats it. Thats the confusion.
    Above posts you say forgot TP rolls are due to still a dest in fleet or FS sub attack.

    I’m proposing you somewhat return to your previous rule on TP by allowing TPs to dive at the beginning of at least second combat round…
    And waiting for no escort at the beginning of combat round to allow such escape rolls.
    In the above case, instead of just one TP roll, you get two rolls. And TPs are allowed to escape because there is no escort beginning combat round 3.

    A third variant would be, as you used before, to keep things less confusing:
    When a TP is unescorted at the beginning of a round, she might try to escape and get a roll.

    Naturally, on the first combat round, there will be no possibility if escorted.
    And, maybe on second combat round, all escorting vessels will be sunk.

  • 2 German subs @5 against 1 dest 2 TPs

    RD 1  
    1 sub @5 rolls a 2  1 hit
    1 sub @5 rolls a 3  1 hit

    UK removes Dest and TP to casualty side.

    1 Dest @4 rolls a 8  1 miss

    UK has 1 transport left.

    RD 2
    UK TP rolls for escape an gets a 2    TP escapes and no more battles

    2 German subs @5  FS against 1 Dest 2 TP

    RD 1
    2 subs @5 FS roll a 7,9    2 misses

    UK Dest @4 rolls a 7   1 miss

    TPs get no escape roll due to Dest in fleet with transports

    RD 2
    2 subs @5 FS roll a 3,1    2 hits

    UK removes from board a Dest and a TP

    UK lone TP is alone now with no dest. So it gets a escape roll of 7   No escape

    RD 3
    2 subs @5 FS roll a 7,11   2 misses

    1 UK TP rolls a escape roll of 1    Gets to escape. Battle over

  • Waiting until t3 for 2 TPs rolling for escape will probably be killed by the R3.

  • '17 '16


    **2 German subs @5 against 1 dest 2 TPs

    RD 1  **
    1 sub @5 rolls a 2  1 hit
    1 sub @5 rolls a 3  1 hit

    UK removes Dest and TP to casualty side.

    1 Dest @4 rolls a 8  1 miss

    UK has 1 transport left.

    RD 2
    UK TP rolls for escape an gets a 2    TP escapes and no more battles

    **2 German subs @5  FS against 1 Dest 2 TP

    RD 1**
    2 subs @5 FS roll a 7,9    2 misses

    UK Dest @4 rolls a 7   1 miss

    TPs get no escape roll due to Dest in fleet with transports

    RD 2
    2 subs @5 FS roll a 3,1    2 hits

    UK removes from board a Dest and a TP

    UK lone TP is alone now with no dest. So it gets a escape roll of 7   No escape

    RD 3
    2 subs @5 FS roll a 7,11   2 misses

    1 UK TP rolls a escape roll of 1    Gets to escape. Battle over


    Waiting until t3 for 2 TPs rolling for escape will probably be killed by the R3.

    In your two cases scenario, applying this rule instead would not change anything:

    A third variant would be, as you used before, to keep things less confusing:
    When a TP is unescorted at the beginning of a round, she might try to escape and get a roll.

  • Transport rule.

    1 TP ea gets a D@2 against planes only. No D against all ships.
    1 TP ea gets a D@2 against planes only with planes and all ships attacking together.
                                    No escape rolls. Unless just planes left from attacker.
    1 TP ea gets a D@2 against planes attacking alone only against TP’s. Ea surviving TP
                                    gets a escape roll after the attackers roll per combat round.
    1 TP ea gets a D@0 against attacking ships only attacking TP’s. Ea surviving TP gets
                                    a escape roll after the attackers roll per combat round.

    2 ger subs attacking 1 dest and 2 TP’s.

    RD 1
    1 ger sub @5 FS rolls a 4    1 hit
    1 ger sub @5  rolls a 7   1 miss

    1 dest removed from board.

    2 TP’s escape roll get a roll of   3,12     no escape

    RD 2
    2 ger subs attacking 2 TP’s

    2 ger sub @5 FS rolls a 4,9    1  hit

    1 TP removed from board.
    1 TP escape roll gets a roll of  1        1 transport escapes.

    Thats it. Don’t matter what kind of ship it is. Transport Escape roll is at the end of attackers combat.

    Now the question is will you get more surviving TP’s getting escape roll before the attackers roll or after the attackers roll ?

    3 dest attacking 3 TP’s

    Before  attack for TP"s     16.66 % ea TP has for escape.

    3 TP’s escape roll of 4,7,9     0 TP escapes
    3 TP’s escape roll of 1,6,9     1 TP escapes
    3 TP’s escape roll of 1,2,12   2 TP escapes
    3 TP’s escape roll of 1,2,2     3 TP escapes

    After attack rolls for TP’s    Ea dest has a 33% chance of a kill,

    3 dest @4 roll a 6,10,12  0 hits   3 TP’s roll for escape.
    3 dest @4 roll a 2,7,9     1 hit     2 TP’s roll for escape.
    3 dest @4 roll a 1,3,12   2 hits   1 TP rolls for escape.

    Which one of these options best % for transports to escape ? Before attack or after attack. You would think before attack.

    Still think a First Strike sub should get a shot before only transports left roll for escape.

    I will go with which ever one has the better escape %.

  • I changed the rule but may keep the old one with TP escape roll before combat.

    I will decide on rule when and if you can come up with %s. I just want 2 numbers if possible.  :-D

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