Simple 1939 setup variant for Global 1940?

  • @CWO:

    I haven’t had time to look at your tables in detail, but out of curiosity do they correspond roughly to the who-was-in-which-territory-on-what-date information that’s listed in my Global 1940 map analysis?  (See:

    It corresponds very closely to what the status was in 1939.  China could have some changes but mostly based on opinion ( I simply Added Kwangsi and Kiangsi to China but arguably these could be Japanese as well as Anhwe).  I did leave some things like Mexico still being American because there is no easy fix.  The rest is historical.
    Btw GREAT job! That is a one comprehensive overview!

  • Glad to hear that you found it useful.  It was a fun project to work on.

  • '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    I guess two question that are always worth asking yourself when you tweak the year are:
    (1) What do you hope to accomplish, i.e., what thematic or strategic options are you trying to add or change from the original?
    (2) How will you keep the game balanced in response to the new strategies?

    If you just want to dial the clock back a year to see what happens, I guess that’s fine, and it’s straightforward enough – like you say, there will just be several more pro-Axis or pro-Allied territories. But how does that affect everyone’s options? In the Pacific, if China starts with more troops and more territory, then presumably Japan needs to invest more resources there to get comparable results. Japan’s “compensation” for that disadvantage is that the US has to wait an extra turn before declaring war…but many players feel a J1 or J2 attack is viable or even optimal. So by strengthening China, are you nerfing J1/J2 attacks to the point where they’re not serious strategies? If so, are you giving Japan any new alternatives to replace them? Like, is there some new theater that Japan can attack in, or a key battle that Japan can win on J3 that they normally wouldn’t be able to?

    Similarly, in the Atlantic, is France going to be made powerful enough to survive for at least two turns, so that it gets to make a round of purchases and place them in Paris? If so, is the expectation that Britain will have the option to heavily reinforce Paris and make it (prohibitively? very? somewhat?) costly for Germany to take Paris on G2? Or will the players be prodded into using their first turn to essentially recreate the 1940 setup? What about Benelux, Poland, Yugoslavia, Norway, and Greece? Do the Allies have any chance to successfully reinforce some of those regions (i.e., establishing a beachhead that endures for at least a couple of turns) if they’re willing to abandon France? If the Allies have additional options for reinforcing Europe, what (if anything) will the Axis get to compensate? Is a G1 attack on Russia going to be even more of a reckless gambit than in 1940, or will Russia’s forces be thin / awkwardly deployed enough that Germany could reasonably choose to ignore some of the pro-Allied neutrals and blitz for Moscow? What about a Sea Lion? Should it be possible for London to fall before Paris?

    I do think this is a worthwhile project, and I encourage you to keep working on it. I’m just asking all these questions to help you think through the issues and make the best variant you can!

  • @Argothair:

    I guess two question that are always worth asking yourself when you tweak the year are:
    (1) What do you hope to accomplish, i.e., what thematic or strategic options are you trying to add or change from the original?
    (2) How will you keep the game balanced in response to the new strategies?

    If you just want to dial the clock back a year to see what happens, I guess that’s fine, and it’s straightforward enough – like you say, there will just be several more pro-Axis or pro-Allied territories. But how does that affect everyone’s options? In the Pacific, if China starts with more troops and more territory, then presumably Japan needs to invest more resources there to get comparable results. Japan’s “compensation” for that disadvantage is that the US has to wait an extra turn before declaring war…but many players feel a J1 or J2 attack is viable or even optimal. So by strengthening China, are you nerfing J1/J2 attacks to the point where they’re not serious strategies? If so, are you giving Japan any new alternatives to replace them? Like, is there some new theater that Japan can attack in, or a key battle that Japan can win on J3 that they normally wouldn’t be able to?

    Similarly, in the Atlantic, is France going to be made powerful enough to survive for at least two turns, so that it gets to make a round of purchases and place them in Paris? If so, is the expectation that Britain will have the option to heavily reinforce Paris and make it (prohibitively? very? somewhat?) costly for Germany to take Paris on G2? Or will the players be prodded into using their first turn to essentially recreate the 1940 setup? What about Benelux, Poland, Yugoslavia, Norway, and Greece? Do the Allies have any chance to successfully reinforce some of those regions (i.e., establishing a beachhead that endures for at least a couple of turns) if they’re willing to abandon France? If the Allies have additional options for reinforcing Europe, what (if anything) will the Axis get to compensate? Is a G1 attack on Russia going to be even more of a reckless gambit than in 1940, or will Russia’s forces be thin / awkwardly deployed enough that Germany could reasonably choose to ignore some of the pro-Allied neutrals and blitz for Moscow? What about a Sea Lion? Should it be possible for London to fall before Paris?

    I do think this is a worthwhile project, and I encourage you to keep working on it. I’m just asking all these questions to help you think through the issues and make the best variant you can!

    Excellent questions. These really helped me think through the Europe side.

  • Yesterday my team (who actually contributed as much to the Europe 1939 as I did) and I played part of a game of Europe 1939. Here’s how it went…
    Round 1:
    Germany: bought land units.  Took Poland, Denmark, Norway, Holland/Belgium, and moved into pro-Axis Hungary/Slovakia.  Did not attack any British fleet.  Moved whole navy to SZ 112.  Moved barely enough to Western Germany to take France next round (if the Allies put everything there, they may not have gotten Paris).
    Soviet Union: built fighter and land units. Took Vyborg, Baltic States, and Bessarabia.  I (Russia) made the misstake of not taking Eastern Poland; when the Germans moved in and had great positioning to attack me, I realized that I should have done the historical thing and taken Eastern Poland.
    United States: built navy. 
    Italy: built figter.  Consolidated in Ethiopia and Tobruk and transported troops to Tobruk and Albania. Put whole fleet except a transport in 97 and army in Northern Italy.
    United Kingdom: built home defense.  No attacks.  Made big fleets in 91 and 98.  Surrounded East Africa and consolidated Egypt. 
    France: built fighter and land units.  Combined with British fleets in 91 and 98.  Evacuated air units.  Tried to make a stand In Paris.
    Round 2:
    Germany: built air and sea to threaten Sea Lion.  Took Paris with all air force yet only lost one plane to AA guns.  Took Eastern Poland.  Moved into Finland and Romania.
    Soviet Union: built land units.  Tried to form new counter-attack line since I couldn’t use Western Ukraine and Belarus with my misstake in Poland. 
    United States: more navy… good thing we let him play France. 4 turns is a long wait. Btw this was a 5 player game.
    Italy: Attacked Southern France, Yugoslavia, and Greece. Blitzed Kenya and took Somaliland and tried to hold East Africa. Naval stand off.
    United Kingdom: more home defense.  Took back Kenya, Somaliland, and Alexandria for the NO.  Took Persia. Combined fleets in 91 and 98 into a mega fleet in 92. Sent some of its fleet to different places.
    France: Reinforced Egypt and fleet in 92.  Threatened Libya.

    We will play more as the week goes on…

  • Looks fun, keep up the testing. I’m always looking for new variants to play to change the look a little. Global 40 every weekend is fun but its great to set up a 41 or 42 and Empiremans 39 so a slightly different 39 seems awesome
    Surprise Attack

  • I am not going to change anything unless others inform me of balance issues because my team says it is fair as it is now.  Check for Global 1939 in house rules as well.

  • Tanks again
    I’ll definitely set it up and play a few games, not tonight because we’re going with the G 40 It’s been a couple of months since we’ve played it, but it’s on the list.
    I also want to check out Ozteas 42, we’ve been doing his 41 off and on again for a few years, and its a good change of pace, many alternatives makes it even better

  • Oztea’s 1941 is th best.  His 1942 and Larry’s 1942 aren’t as good.  My setups are slightly unbalanced on the theater scale.

  • When you combine the boards what does Russia look look in the east?

  • See the Global setup.  It is basically infantry spread on all those Eastern territories with a few AA guns, artillery and, mech.

  • '21 '18 '16

    I’ll try to take some pics and let you know how it turns out next week.

  • Thanks, we’ll give it a go next weekend, I think they want to do a G40 this weekend

  • It was a tough game for the Axis when we combined the boards, it was once the U.S. came in it was game over. I also forgot to deploy the German Armor, if I had them I would have tried for France on G1
    It was fun I think it might need some tweaks when you combine the 2 boards
    We will try another soon

  • Yes yours is the third complaint about U.S……I think I will lower their forces.

  • '21 '18 '16

    We made some adjustments to your setups based on our playtesting.
    France went down on G2 barely. UK Europe got a real blitz from G3. China was tough. USSR held for awhile but eventually got diced on a counterattack and German armor pierced the southern flank. Germany waited a few turns shoring up the Atlantic wall and shipping some arty/mech to the east. Once Japan poked through China into USSR it was all over.
    Fun game overall and we will try some new strategies in 2 weeks.

    Player Turn Order Starting Income
    Germany 14
    Soviet Union 26
    United States 20
    Italy 10
    Europe 27
    Pacific 17
    Japan 24
    China 14
    ANZAC 10
    France 17

    Anything not specified here is the same as 1940.

    Political situation changes:

    Russia: may declare war turn 5 if not yet attacked by the Axis.

    Soviet Aggression: On turn 1 only, Russia is given the option of attacking any of these territories: Vyborg, Baltic States, Eastern Poland, and Bessarabia. Germany may not take any of these as well as Finland on turn 1 without first declaring war on Russia. If Russia does not take some/all of these, Germany may take them and Russia may not move into them later, unless it is at war with Germany. Remember that Russia won’t be an Allied power at this point. Vyborg and Eastern Poland would both fight Russia, but Vyborg and Finland will join Germany (they are Finnish) and Eastern Poland will fight Germany or Russia.

    Pacific Dutch Territories may be occupied and subsequent income collected by United Kingdom and ANZAC only after the fall of Holland/Belgium to the Axis powers.

    Iceland and Belgian Congo don’t start as British anymore, they are needed for UK’s Maintenance of the the Empire national objective.

    Italy begins the game neutral. While neutral, Italy follows the normal restrictions of a neutral power such as the United States in addition to the following rules:
    1: Italy may not move into any territory without an Italian control marker.
    2: No powers may move or load on to Italian territories or transports.
    3: Italy may only move through straights/canals if the controlling power will allow Italy.
    4: Italy may declare on any Allied powers on turn 2 or later. The Allies (aside from the U.S. and Soviets) may declare war on Italy on turn 3 or later. Like Japan, Italy may load a transport which is in a hostile sea zone on the turn Italy declares war. If it is the Allies that declare war, they also may do this.

    United States may declare war on the Axis on collect income phase of turn 4. The special rule for the U.S. that states that when they declare war their minor ICs become majors no longer applies.  The U.S. gets a major IC in Eastern U.S. and minors on Western and Central US which they will have to upgrade on their Purchase Units phase.

    When collecting national objectives, treat the territories as the board represents them (e.g. the original controller as printed on the board).

    Poland: 6 infantry
    Denmark: 1 infantry
    Norway: 2 infantry
    Holland/Belgium: 3 infantry
    Iceland: nothing
    Greenland: nothing
    Belgian Congo: 1 infantry

    Slovakia/Hungary: 6 infantry
    Romania: 6 infantry
    Bessarabia: nothing
    Baltic States: nothing
    Vyborg: 2 infantry
    Northwest Persia: nothing
    Persia: 2 infantry
    Eastern Persia: nothing
    Finland after turn 1 is available to Germany

    Non Allied neutral fights all invaders Axis or Allied:
    Eastern Poland: 2 infantry

    Germany: 15 infantry, 4 artillery, 4 mechanized infantry, 4 AA guns, 4 tanks, major industrial complex

    Greater Southern Germany: 6 infantry, 2 artillery, 4 tanks, 1 AA gun

    Western Germany: 2 infantry, 1 AA gun, 4 fighters, 4 tactical bombers, 1 strategic bomber, air base, naval base, major industrial complex

    Sea Zone 112: 2 submarines, 1 cruiser

    Sea Zone 113: 2 submarines, 1 transport, 1 cruiser

    Sea Zone 114: 1 submarine, 1 transport, 1 battleship

    Soviet Union:
    Russia: 1 infantry, 1 mechanized infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 tank, 1 fighter, air base, minor industrial complex
    Tambov: 1 infantry
    Samara: 1 infantry
    Novosibirsk: 1 infantry
    Kazakhstan: 1 infantry
    Turkmenistan: 1 infantry
    Caucasus: 1 infantry, 1 artillery
    Volgograd: 1 mechanized infantry, 1 AA gun, minor industrial complex
    Rostov: 1 infantry
    Ukraine: 2 infantry, minor industrial complex
    Western Ukraine: 2 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 tactical bomber
    Bryansk: 1 infantry
    Smolensk: 1 infantry
    Belarus: 1 infantry, 1 mechanized infantry, 1 tank
    Archangel: 1 infantry
    Novgorod: 6 infantry, 1 artillery, 2 AA guns, 1 tank, 1 fighter, air base, naval base, minor industrial complex
    Karelia: 2 infantry
    Timguska: 1 infantry
    Yenisey: 1 infantry
    Yakut: 2 infantry
    Buryatia: 4 infantry
    Sakha: 2 infantry, 1 AA gun
    Amur: 6 infantry, 1 AA gun
    Siberia: 2 infantry
    Soviet Far East: 1 infantry

    Sea Zone 115: 1 submarine, 1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 127: 1 submarine

    United States:
    Eastern United States: 1 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 AA gun, 1 fighter, air base, naval base, major industrial complex
    Central United States: 1 infantry, 1 strategic bomber, minor industrial complex
    Western United States: 1 infantry, 1 fighter, air base, naval base, minor IC
    Hawaii: 1 infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 fighter, air base, naval base
    Midway: 1 infantry, air base
    Wake: 1 infantry, air base
    Guam: air base
    Philippines: 2 infantry, 1 fighter, air base, naval base
    Sea Zone 10: 1 transport, 1 destroyer, 1 cruiser, 1 battleship, 1 carrier
    Sea Zone 26: 1 submarine, 1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 35: 1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 101: 1 transport

    Southern Italy: 4 infantry, 1 artillery, 2 AA guns, 1 fighter, air base, naval base, major industrial complex
    Northern Italy: 4 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 tank, 1 AA gun, 1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber
    Sardinia: 1 infantry
    Sicily: 1 infantry
    Albania: 2 infantry, 1 tank
    Libya: 2 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 tank, 1 AA gun
    Tobruk: 1 infantry, 1 mechanized infantry
    Ethiopia: 2 infantry, 1 artillery
    Italian Somaliland: 1 infantry
    Sea Zone 95: 1 submarine, 1 destroyer, 1 transport, 1 cruiser
    Sea Zone 96: 1 destroyer, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 97: 1 transport, 1 cruiser, 1 battleship

    United Kingdom (Europe):
    United Kingdom: 1 infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 artillery, 1 tank, 1 fighter, air base, naval base, major industrial complex
    Scotland: 2 infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 fighter, air base
    Quebec: 1 infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 mechanized infantry, minor industrial complex
    Nova Scotia: naval base, air base
    Ontario: 1 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 tank, minor industrial complex
    Gibraltar: 1 infantry, 1 fighter, naval base
    Malta: 1 infantry, 1 fighter
    Alexandria: 2 infantry, 1 mechanized infantry, 1 tank
    Egypt: 1 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 AA gun, naval base
    Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: 1 infantry
    British Somaliland: 1 infantry
    Union of South Africa: 2 infantry, naval base, minor industrial complex
    West India: 2 infantry
    Sea Zone 106: 1 transport, 1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 109: 1 transport, 1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 110: 1 destroyer, 1 battleship, 1 cruiser
    Sea Zone 111: 1 destroyer, 1 battleship, 1 cruiser
    Sea Zone 91: 1 aircraft carrier (carrying 1 tactical bomber)
    Sea Zone 98: 1 destroyer, 1 cruiser, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 71: 1 destroyer

    United Kingdom (Pacific):
    India: 6 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 AA guns, 1 fighter, air base, naval base, major IC
    Malaya: 3 infantry, naval base
    Kwangtung: 2 infantry, naval base
    Samoa: naval base
    Sea Zone 39: 1 cruiser, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 37: 1 destroyer, 1 battleship

    France: 6 infantry, 3 AA guns, 4 artillery, 2 tanks, 1 fighter, air base, minor industrial complex
    Normandy/Bordeuaux: 1 infantry
    Southern France: 1 infantry, 1 artillery, naval base, minor industrial complex
    Tunisia: 1 infantry
    Algeria: 1 infantry, 1 mechanized infantry, 1 artillery
    Morocco: 1 infantry
    French West Africa: 1 infantry
    French Equatorial Africa: 1 infantry
    Syria: 1 infantry
    Sea Zone 105: 1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 93: 1 cruiser, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 94: 1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 110: 1 cruiser
    Sea Zone 82: 1 destroyer

    Suiyuan: 1 infantry
    Chahar: 1 infantry
    Anhwe: 1 infantry
    Kiangsi: 2 infantry
    Kwangsi: 2 infantry
    Hunan: 1 infantry
    Kweichow: 2 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 fighter
    Hopei: 1 infantry
    Shensi: 1 infantry
    Szechwan: 2 infantry
    Yunnan: 3 infantry, 1 artillery
    Sikang: 1 infantry
    Tsinshai: 1 infantry
    Kansu: 1 infantry

    Japan: 8 infantry, 1 mech., 2 artillery, 2 AA guns, 1 tank, 2 fighters, 2 tactical bombers, 2 strategic bombers, air base, naval base, major IC
    Korea: 3 infantry
    Manchuria: 6 infantry, 2 mech., 1 artillery, 1 tank, 2 fighters, 2 tactical bombers
    Jehol: 3 infantry, 2 artillery
    Shantung: 2 infantry, 2 artillery
    Kiangsu: 4 infantry, 1 artillery
    Okinawa: 1 infantry, 1 fighter
    Formosa: 1 infantry, 1 fighter
    Hainan: 1 infantry
    Palau: 1 infantry
    Caroline Islands: 2 infantry, 1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber, air base, naval base
    Marshall Islands: 1 infantry
    Marianas: 1 infantry
    Iwo Jima: 1 infantry
    Siam 2 infantry
    Sea Zone 6: 1 submarine, 2 transports, 1 destroyer, 1 cruiser, 1 battleship, 3 carriers with 3 fighters and 3 tactical bombers
    Sea Zone 19: 1 transport, 1 destroyer, 1 cruiser
    Sea Zone 20: 1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 36: 1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 34: 1 submarine
    Sea Zone 33: 1 cruiser, 1 battleship
    Sea Zone 32: 1 destroyer

    New South Wales: 1 infantry, 1 artillery, naval base, minor IC
    Queensland: 1 infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 artillery, 1 fighter, air base
    Northern Territory: 1 infantry, 1 AA gun
    Victoria: 1 infantry
    New Zealand: 2 infantry, 1 fighter, naval base, minor IC
    Malaya: 1 infantry
    Trans-Jordan: 1 infantry
    Egypt: 1 infantry

    Sea Zone 63: 1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 54: 1 cruiser
    Sea Zone 62: 1 transport

  • We also gave Russia 35 dollars, 37- Baltic and Pol. I was thinking of keeping them at the 26 until Japan declares war on them and then they would collect for all their territories. We also thought about the Islands and Japan, the Allies. They cant claim the value of the Island unless they take it from an Axis (Japan) power, For the U.S. we thought of maybe ramping them up like the 1939 Global War. It was a long day for me and I didnt deploy the Germ. Armor, that might have made a little difference.
    We’ll try it again, not this weekend I’m going to see Halestorm, but maybe next weekend.
    Have you thought of changing the order of play by moving Italy between U.S. and U.K., just a thought

  • Your alternate version looks good Sean but possibly giving the Axis almost too much of an advantage.  It simply doesn’t have all my preferences so I will make an updated version of mine so players have two choices.


    We also gave Russia 35 dollars, 37- Baltic and Pol. I was thinking of keeping them at the 26 until Japan declares war on them and then they would collect for all their territories. We also thought about the Islands and Japan, the Allies. They cant claim the value of the Island unless they take it from an Axis (Japan) power, For the U.S. we thought of maybe ramping them up like the 1939 Global War. It was a long day for me and I didnt deploy the Germ. Armor, that might have made a little difference.
    We’ll try it again, not this weekend I’m going to see Halestorm, but maybe next weekend.
    Have you thought of changing the order of play by moving Italy between U.S. and U.K., just a thought

    Russia gets 35 in Global.
    If you are going to weaken the Allies, I wouldn’t reccommend Russia.
    U.S. will get reduced forces and will have to pay for those majors.
    Italy is between U.S. and U.K.

  • The setups haven been updated.  Don’t forget to use the link on the original post for the Global setup.

    Have fun!

    de Gaulle

    We’ll keep you posted

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