A strategy to get right in Japan’s face is to build an industry and naval base in Alaska. A strong fleet positioned in SZ1 is an immediate threat to SZ6 and can receive reinforcements directly. To create a highway to be able to help ANZAC and get to the DEI quickly, build a naval base in Johnston Island. Establish Allied control of Dutch New Guinea and build a naval base there. This extends the highway to India and allows (potentially unopposed) amphibious landings in China. It should also tie up Japan in the DEI and make it commit units to defend the Philippines. If Japan can’t commit enough units against China or India the latter will start winning on that front in which case Japanese defeat is inevitable.
Declaration of war for the US
Hi everyone. Just had a question about the US. In the rules it states that the US can attack Japan only if a declaration of war is made to Japan. My question is at what point of the turn of the US is this made. I’m guessing that its made at the beginning of the turn before the buying phase.
Krieghund will check me on this…
The US makes a declaration of war if Japan attacks the UK or ANZAC forces at any time…
The US goes to war production after the THIRD turn if Japan has not attacked by then…
The US collects its war income on its collect income phase of the turn that war was declared…which is usually at the end of the US turn…
check me KriegHund…
The US-player can’t declare war. You have to wait until Japan attacks you, UK or ANZAC. If they don’t then the USA will declare war at the end of their third turn (right before getting income, so you’ll get the +40 IP).
In the rules it states that the US can attack Japan only if a declaration of war is made to Japan.
No, it says that the US can attack Japan only if Japan provokes war with the US or the US declares war on Japan. The US may declare war on Japan at the beginning of the Collect Income phase of its third turn, if Japan has not provoked war (attacked the US, etc.) before that time.
Thanks Krieghund.