Thanks. Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something!
Movement and declaration of war
Hi Guys,
I’m new to the game having been introduced to it by my two sons. They love kicking the old guy around. Fun game, we are really looking forward to AA40Europe.
Here is my question, my youngest is Japan and on j1 he saturated the sea zone (sz) around Hawaii and Midway with his navy. I suspect he wants to move this force to the U.S. west coast on j2 and then declare war and attack. I have a ship in the same sz that he now currently occupies. Can he move his forces out of their current location and then attack or does he have to declare first, duke it out with my lonely destroyer and then move to the mainland on j3?
Hope this isn’t too convoluted.
Thanks -
From what I understand, if you wish to make a combat move against a certan power, you must declare war on it at the start of your turn.
Once you declare war on a power, its units immidatly become hostile
During this special war declaration turn units may make combat moves to any legal territory and transports may be loaded even if enemy ships are presentSo lets say he has fleetzilla in the hawaii sea zone. and you have a destroyer and a transport. Before war is declared, these units are neutral to eachother and dont block movement. When war is declared, units are afforded a special move (similar to the option you get if you have ships in a sea zone where the enemy has just placed new sea units) you may move away to conduct a different attack, however if you stay you must fight.
Thanks, I’ll have to read the instructions again. Now that I have played a little bit they may make more sense to me.
Thanks, I’ll have to read the instructions again. Now that I have played a little bit they may make more sense to me.
And read the Errata. As the OOB rules aren’t clear or correct (in many many subtle ways)
HOWEVER…. If your units are in a seazone that was neutral or friendly but is now hostile due to recently placed ships (or declaration of war, in your example), you can choose to leave that seazone as a combat move and ignore the enemy warships there (in effect, retreating before the fight). This is one of the very few, if not the only, combat move that doesn’t necessarily result in combat. So I believe that any units in the shared seazone are NOT blocked from moving from that seazone by your lone destroyer, even if he declares war. However, should he declare war, he HAS to move those units OR he HAS to fight the destroyer.
That only applies to shared seazones though. he would not be able to move ships from another seazone THROUGH that seazone with the destroyer as you cannot move THROUGH a hostile seazone. Only from it, or to it.