After a quick check of the AA40 Europe Rule Set (unofficial/playtest copy), I see that this situation was caught and edited to remove the “air” part of the statement.
Yes. This was done in order to avoid just this sort of confusion.
This goes back to Krieghund stating that there are a bit of typo/clarifications that will have to been put out concerning AA40 Pacific. Everyone needs to keep their panties from getting in a wad and wait patiently for Krieghund and Larry to get that info out.
Speaking of which, I’m working on the FAQ now. In in effort to facilitate that process, I’m going to stop answering rules questions and let you guys work them out for yourselves. I’ll only step in if you get to an impasse. That way, I’ll be better able to more quickly identify ambiguities in the rules.
I know there are some minor problems with the political rules, but this is the first A&A game that’s ever had them, so please bear with us. Due to the development schedule, some new issues came up with them while testing Europe after the Pacific rulebook had already been finalized. Many of the clarifications in the FAQ will deal with those issues. Of course, some of these are also just plain old mistakes. :oops:
Remember, they are just humans too! I know, it’s hard to believe, but trust me. I have proof of their mortalness. See my avatar.
They are nice guys (Larry most of the time! :wink: ) doing a great job of keeping us happy with new challenges.
Lies! All lies!! :wink: