• @Brain:

    Countries should settle their differences over a game of Axis and Allies.

    If only it could be that simple! Of course the looser would never comply in the real world.
    But I like the suggestion Brain Damaged. :-D

  • Any of you watched Rome? one of the best TV series lately. In the second season, Marcus Antonius suggest that he and Octavian settle the disagreement in a duel style, 1vs1…. :roll:

    At that time, Marcus Antonius did not manage to mobilize and organize an (Egyptian) army which could possibly put up a decent fight against the Romans, so instead he suggested 1vs1 duel with swords or something… :lol:

    Octavian thought Marcus Antonius had lost his mind, and Octavian was perfectly correct, even if Octavian had no knowledge of psychology or psychiatry.

  • I got that on DVD. I don’t like the fact that the Romans use modern curse words in every sentence, just to point out that fact that they existed. It detracts from the story when every other word is F***. The thing is so Ghetto the only thing left out is pit bulls, cocaine, pimps, and women doing the thunderclap. HBO tried to make a Soprano with togas with that show.

  • @Imperious:

    I got that on DVD. I don’t like the fact that the Romans use modern curse words in every sentence, just to point out that fact that they existed. It detracts from the story when every other word is F***. The thing is so Ghetto the only thing left out is pit bulls, cocaine, pimps, and women doing the thunderclap. HBO tried to make a Soprano with togas with that show.

    The fact that they speak English instead of Latin doesn’t bother you?

    But hey, ancient Rome kept it real in Italy before the Mafia ever existed.  Nero and Caligula were drowning the empire in depravity long before any Al Capone and Don Corleone wannabes.

  • The fact that they speak English instead of Latin doesn’t bother you?

    I would they rather speak like what we got in Spartacus  ( Lawrence Olivier especially ). A proper Roman accent without expletives. I think they want to pull out some revisionist slant on Rome when clearly this civilization was the greatest of its age compared to everything else which were essentially Barbarians.  If they want to do ‘Ghetto skits’ they should make fun of the Vandals and Visigoths. Rome was the only glue that held together western civilization at that time.

  • Some of the consultants, at least the historian who had most influence, except for the main writers, said that their goal was to give a realistic atmosphere of the way romans lived, rather than that every single specific details should be absolutely according historians and archaeologists.
    There are a lot of preserved documentation and sources on the Roman Empire, but we don’t know as much as, i.e. WW1.

    Imo, Rome was almost as good as Sopranos, and more entertaining than West wing.

  • I think I would rather watch “Life of Brian.”  Now that was a good movie about Roman life.

  • Some of the consultants, at least the historian who had most influence, except for the main writers, said that their goal was to give a realistic atmosphere of the way romans lived, rather than that every single specific details should be absolutely according historians and archaeologists.

    Yes but the writers are the guys having them say F*** in every other word. The set and dress may be Roman, but the conversational tone may be the work of people with an axe to grind.

  • Why do you laugh when I mention my friends name, Biggus Dickus. :-D

  • @Subotai:

    Any of you watched Rome? one of the best TV series lately. In the second season, Marcus Antonius suggest that he and Octavian settle the disagreement in a duel style, 1vs1…. :roll:

    At that time, Marcus Antonius did not manage to mobilize and organize an (Egyptian) army which could possibly put up a decent fight against the Romans, so instead he suggested 1vs1 duel with swords or something… :lol:

    Octavian thought Marcus Antonius had lost his mind, and Octavian was perfectly correct, even if Octavian had no knowledge of psychology or psychiatry.

    I’ll have to watch the show.

  • @Imperious:

    The fact that they speak English instead of Latin doesn’t bother you?

    I would they rather speak like what we got in Spartacus  ( Lawrence Olivier especially ). A proper Roman accent without expletives. I think they want to pull out some revisionist slant on Rome when clearly this civilization was the greatest of its age compared to everything else which were essentially Barbarians.  If they want to do ‘Ghetto skits’ they should make fun of the Vandals and Visigoths. Rome was the only glue that held together western civilization at that time.


    Then look at the entry for futuere particularly.

    Rome did rise (and I would argue that the Han empire was just as great during that time), but it was not without its own lewd and lascivious elements.  And looking at the synopsis of the show, the Vandals and Visigoths are years to come from the events (dramatically) portrayed in Rome.


    Why do you laugh when I mention my friends name, Biggus Dickus. :-D

    He had a wife you know. Incontinentia Buttocks. (I had to look up what he actually said because I could never make it out)

  • Yep that was her name.

  • 2007 AAR League


    I’ve seen you on the Political and General boards for several years, but not on any of the game boards.  Do you play A&A? Care to engage in a friendly game?  AA50-41 is the soup de jur these days.

  • @Emperor:


    I’ve seen you on the Political and General boards for several years, but not on any of the game boards.  Do you play A&A? Care to engage in a friendly game?  AA50-41 is the soup de jur these days.

    I do believe someone just threw down the gauntlet!

  • EM if it’s anything like your last game against Tim, I have my popcorn ready for a slugfest.




    I’ve seen you on the Political and General boards for several years, but not on any of the game boards.  Do you play A&A? Care to engage in a friendly game?  AA50-41 is the soup de jur these days.

    I do believe someone just threw down the gauntlet!

  • @Emperor:


    I’ve seen you on the Political and General boards for several years, but not on any of the game boards.  Do you play A&A? Care to engage in a friendly game?  AA50-41 is the soup de jur these days.

    I have not played in years and have only played AA original and Europe.  I’ve also never played any hardcore players or really reviewed any strategies (a few for the original some years ago).  Needless to say, I’d not be much of a match.  More importantly, I’d like to, but I don’t have the resources to game right now (i.e. no reliable access to a computer).  Thanks for the challenge.

  • Why join an Axis and allies forum and NOT play the game? That makes no sense.

  • @idk_iam_swiss:

    Why join an Axis and allies forum and NOT play the game? That makes no sense.

    Sure it does: I like forums.
    I have talked about the game.
    I have reviewed some of the strats written.
    I have played a couple by email and maybe one or two through the forums.
    I had a Pacific game lined up since I was interested in checking it out, but my laptop died right before it started and I could never get Toshiba to own up to the screw ups caused by them and their techs (and don’t have the money to pursue it legally or replace it outright).

    Does that satisfy you?  Or do I need to justify further why I’m still here after 4 years?

  • @idk_iam_swiss:

    Why join an Axis and allies forum and NOT play the game? That makes no sense.

    I only like playing games face to face. And I use the forum to bounce ideas and get information, not to play games.

  • @idk_iam_swiss:

    Why join an Axis and allies forum and NOT play the game? That makes no sense.

    I agree with both Jermofoot and Brain Damaged.  Face to face is more fun to play.  The dice rolls, the trash talk.  Also the online play is very confusing for me.  I may do but maybe in 4 years?

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