• Customizer

    We might have to setup a separate board for people that need intervention AAA (Axis and Allies Anonymous).

    Hello my name is gnasape and I own 3 sets of AAP, AAE…

    Hello my name is Bob Mickelson and I own 18 copies of A&A.

    Gnasape I too am an A&A addict. In an effort to facilitate my rehabilitation as a productive member of society I set up this thread which is available for all A&A addicts seeking help.

    A&A title - Number of Copies:
    Axis & Allies: Nova - 0 (but would love to have a copy for purely sediment)
    Axis & Allies: Classic - 1
    Axis & Allies: Europe - 2
    Axis & Allies: Pacific - 2
    Axis & Allies: Revised -2
    Axis & Allies: D-Day - 2
    Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge - 2
    Axis & Allies: Guadalcanal - 2
    Axis & Allies: Anniversary Edition -1 (though I use to own 3)
    Axis & Allies: 1942 - 4
    Axis & Allies: Pacific 1940 - 0 (but will be preordering 2 copies for Christmas)

  • Hello my name is Gnasape, I own 14 copies of A&A.

    I need help:

    I own the following:

    A&A title - Number of Copies:
    Axis & Allies: Nova - 0 (I would also love a copy too; to complete my set)
    Axis & Allies: Classic - 3
    Axis & Allies: Europe - 3
    Axis & Allies: Pacific - 3
    Axis & Allies: Revised -1 (never got around to getting more)
    Axis & Allies: D-Day - 0 (but willing to get it to complete my set)
    Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge - 0 (also willing to get it to complete my set)
    Axis & Allies: Guadalcanal - 0 (also willing to get it to complete my set; in my defense D-Day, BoB and Guad, were released when I quit AA cold turkey…)
    Axis & Allies: Anniversary Edition -2 (same here, had 3 but now will be down to one, other two found good homes… sniff, I do miss the little guys…)
    Axis & Allies: 1942 - 2 (might be getting more but 2 for now)
    Axis & Allies: Pacific 1940 - 0 (no pre-orders for me, the shipping costs to HI make it easier for me to pick it up when it’s released or on ebay)
    Axis & Allies: Europe 1940 - 0 (no pre-orders for me, the shipping costs to HI make it easier for me to pick it up when it’s released or on ebay)

    +1 karma to you Bob.

  • A&A title - Number of Copies:
    Axis & Allies: Nova - 0 (but would love to have a copy for purely sediment)
    Axis & Allies: Classic - 7
    Axis & Allies: Europe - 26
    Axis & Allies: Pacific - 5
    Axis & Allies: Revised -4
    Axis & Allies: D-Day - 3
    Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge - 6
    Axis & Allies: Guadalcanal - 2
    Axis & Allies: Anniversary Edition -now at 1 (sold 5)
    Axis & Allies: 1942 - 2
    Axis & Allies: Pacific 1940 - 6 (preorder)
    Xeno crap: ( i do mean crap) about 6 (one each of every AA type product)
    Table Tactics: 18 total packs of pieces ( mostly “central powers”)
    Metals in AA scale: some 8,000 pieces and 2,000 painted from that total
    Bells of War: 1
    Combined Arms: 2
    World War two: the game 4 copies

    I went hog wild on AAE because it was the first game with new pieces and when Game Keeper went bankrupt they sold them for like $20 bucks, so i went store to store and bought up everything. I must have had a fever

  • Wow, welcome IL, it looks like you need the most help.

  • Wow, I do not belong here

    I only have 1 copy of AAR, 1 copy of AA42 and one copy of AA50, but damnit if I don’t think about playing Axis and Allies a couple dozen times a day, hell I keep AA42 in my car just in case someone wants to play me while I’m on the road! I may not be hardcore, but I get withdrawls just the same.

  • @thetoof:

    Wow, I do not belong here

    I only have 1 copy of AAR, 1 copy of AA42 and one copy of AA50, but damnit if I don’t think about playing Axis and Allies a couple dozen times a day, hell I keep AA42 in my car just in case someone wants to play me while I’m on the road! I may not be hardcore, but I get withdrawls just the same.

    Welcome, thetoof.

    The first step in recovery is to admit you have a problem.

    1.We admitted we were powerless over Axis and Allies—that our lives had become unmanageable.

  • Official Q&A


    Wow, welcome IL, it looks like you need the most help.


  • '10


    Hello my name is Bob Mickelson and I own 18 copies of A&A.

    Gnasape I too am an A&A addict. In an effort to facilitate my rehabilitation as a productive member of society I set up this thread which is available for all A&A addicts seeking help.

    Bravo…. love the thread  +1 to  you

  • I have:

    1 revised
    1 d-day
    1 AA50
    not much, but i’m only 15 XD
    and friend of mine has another copy of revised and battle of the bulge

  • @Frontovik:

    I have:

    1 revised
    1 d-day
    1 AA50
    not much, but i’m only 15 XD
    and friend of mine has another copy of revised and battle of the bulge

    Addiction always start at young age

  • I’d say…

    I’ve only got Axis and Allies: Europe and Axis and Allies: Anniversary Edition, but I’ve only just discovered A&A a year ago! It’s all I can think of… I have a permanent station in my family’s basement, fully laid out and everything. I’m only 15 as well.
    My friend and I will probably become fullfledged A&A addicts within several years  :|

  • In the meantime…

    :lol: 8-) I love A&A!!!  :mrgreen: :wink:

  • @gnasape:


    Wow, I do not belong here

    I only have 1 copy of AAR, 1 copy of AA42 and one copy of AA50, but damnit if I don’t think about playing Axis and Allies a couple dozen times a day, hell I keep AA42 in my car just in case someone wants to play me while I’m on the road! I may not be hardcore, but I get withdrawls just the same.

    Welcome, thetoof.

    The first step in recovery is to admit you have a problem.

    1.We admitted we were powerless over Axis and Allies—that our lives had become unmanageable.

    Hi, I’m TheDesertJournalist, and I’m an A&A-aholic. I dream about this game non-stop, my social life (sometimes) suffer because of the amount of time I spend online playing this game, and I stay up until all hours of the night just watching/reading the progression of other people’s games.

    What’s the second step to recovery?

  • I’m a platic piece junkie and A&A is at the top of my list.

  • Hi, I’m gamer, and I chose an appropriate name for myself.
    I’m just a hopeless game addict, and I was born that way.  I remember begging my Mom for quarters to play video games, and I was always looking for arcades and trying to get to my friends’ houses where they had video games.  If I do not have an opponent, I enjoy playing both sides of a game.  Many games are actually well suited for this, including, yes, A&A.
    I just love coming up with strategies, so yes, I am pretty into A&A lately.  It’s funny, I didn’t really play it for years and years (I own “classic”) but my old A&A archnemesis from 1993 got me back into it last Thanksgiving.  All he did was ask me what I thought about the game between he and his brother, who were playing Revised.  I didn’t even know Revised existed at the time.  I told them I couldn’t really tell, what with the different map and everything (I had nothing to look at - we were at a family get-together)
    You know what happened next, right?  My ambitious nephew wanted to play a game against me for old time sake and he managed to find AAR at GTO.  I played that for awhile, but jeez you can’t even go to the bathroom or eat away from hte computer for like 5-6 hours because of the timers. 
    Then I think I stumbled on these boards, and discovered the AA50 game.  I ordered it immediately, and boy am I glad I did.  I’ve had a couple face-to-face games, but mostly had to play, you guessed it, yours truly. 
    I haven’t had to play against myself since I discovered the play by forum was actually a very viable option!  The AA50 map is beautiful!  The only thing that would be better is if Germany was black like in the board game.

  • By the way, I don’t want help here at AA Anonymous. 
    Not yet.  Maybe after my wife gets really ticked off because she wants to spend some time with me, I might have to come back for her.  But I’ll never really change.  I was born this way, and I’ve learned it’s useless to resist.
    I own - my original classic A&A game that I made a special 90 mile 1-way trip to get when I was about 17.
    Anniversary edition.
    I will probably buy the new ones - Pacific and Europe.  I was about to say it depends on what they cost, but it really doesn’t  :-P

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    I have:
    (1) AA50
    (1) AAA Europe
    (1) AAA Pacific

    and one of IL’s maps that I now investing $1000.00 in metal, plastic, chips, label, dice to make this 47" X 94" map beautiful!

  • Title of this thread should be more like:  BRAGGING RIGHTS!  WHO IS THE BIGGEST NERD?

    Axis and Allies Classic: ~1, missing a bunch of the pieces
    Axis and Allies Anniversary Edition: 1, played ONCE one month after I bought it, been collecting dust since, haven’t really played any since the PBF AA50 tech tournament on the boards here, haven’t been able to play at all since Hasbro/WoTC shut down TripleA, can’t find RL opponents willing to devote entire days/weeks to boardgame sessions, going to try to hold an AA50 game sometime in the next few months with my old AAClassic buddies from high school, will see how it goes.

    Any people out there who like AA50 in the Austin, San Marcos TX area?  Probably not.

  • @SgtBlitz:

    Axis and Allies Anniversary Edition: 1, played ONCE one month after I bought it, been collecting dust since,

    I know an easy way for you to make a couple hundred bucks.

  • @cts17:

    I’d say…

    I’ve only got Axis and Allies: Europe and Axis and Allies: Anniversary Edition, but I’ve only just discovered A&A a year ago! It’s all I can think of… I have a permanent station in my family’s basement, fully laid out and everything. I’m only 15 as well.
    My friend and I will probably become fullfledged A&A addicts within several years  :|

    last words are true :-D
    people should start recruitement station for young AAA players :-D

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