Hi jonpfl
nope. can only move ftr 4 spaces from AC. Allied ftrs can go along for a two movement ride and then move 4 on their turn
does sz33 border EAF? it does not on abattlemap, and i dont have the actual board available to check.
as an aside abattlemap is incorrect on AA50 42 setup….it lists dd and trn for sz1; game lists ca and dd
No, it doesn’t.
ty kreig
as an aside abattlemap is incorrect on AA50 42 setup….it lists dd and trn for sz1; game lists ca and dd
I read from my setup card: 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport for SZ 1 in the 42 szenario.
Anyway the setup of ABattlemap AA50 42 setup is wrong in SZ1.
I added this issue to the Modules-thread. Thank you!