glad to see someone putting that idea to good use! i’ve also found that 5 INF, 2 ARM, 1 ART = 8 units for 29 IPCs is more effective than 4 INF, 4 ART = 8 units for 28 IPCs (if you can get the extra $).
1. Germany plays defensive from turn one and buy almost only infantry. This is the hardest situation where I often lose. Let’s say I have 32 inf. 32 art + 5 ftrs in Eastern Europe (16 inf. and 16 art. from UK and US each). Then Germany have about 50 inf. 6 fighters and some tanks and Japan is sending about 5-6 ftrs to support Ger. When running a combat simulator I have no chance to win. What shall I do then? Wait for more reinforcements? Try to attack Balkans and then Southern Europe to establish a base?
so, G is reduced down to only 3 territories (G, WE, SE) worth only 22 IPCs? meanwhile both UK and USA are cashing in around 40 IPCs each. this position is an allied win. if you keep G contained to these 3 territories, G can produce only 7 inf a round, and that can’t keep up with the allies’ 16 units a round. you will eventually have enough to take G, but it might take 10 more rounds. as long as (1) the allied stack is too large for G to kill, (2) you outproduce G, and (3) the allies occasionally help russia with japan–you won’t lose. maybe expand USA’s supply line to a 5x5 or 6x6.
2. What shall I do when Germany leaves France open? Let’s say I have 8 troops to Norway and I’m ready to shuck 8 more to Karelia. Shall I start to invade France or is it best to ignore it and stick to the plan to attack Karelia with everything.
WE is awesome! 6 IPCs! if you go for WE, make sure that you can continue retaking it each round. this really screws G, since she will have to spend at least 1/2 her income trading this territory with the allies. G can’t afford to leave WE in allied hands, since WE threatens both SE and G. if you do go for WE, the question is: do you reinforce WE with USA or does USA continue the Nor/Kar/EE build up? either way puts G in a tough spot.