I’ve only seen these in WWI A&A variants. How would they work? Is it a viable unit in A&A, or just a waist of plastic?
Lets Talk Paratroopers!
I’ll go ahead and add my version of the Paratrooper Rule:
Cost 4, Att 1, Def 1. Delivery method: Your choice, whatever you like best. LH rule is good (bomber drops one into first hostile zone), or many of the others here are great as well.
Here’s the kicker: Special ability- Match either 1-1 or 1-2 (haven’t play tested enough yet to decide) with DEFENDER’S UNITS, reducing the defender unit by 1 Def.
Example: 1 tank and 1 paratrooper attack 1 infantry and 1 tank. Attackers = 1@3 (tank) and 1@1 (para). Defenders = 1@2 (inf) and 1@2 (tank) instead of 1@3 (tank). If you decide to match 1-2, then defender would be 1@1 (inf) and 1@2 (tank)
After going back over this a few times, I’ve decided on 1-2 matching. First, the delivery method is a bit complex and expensive. 2, with bases having their own air defense now there is more tactical AA fire on the board. 3, at a 1/1/1/4 unit, they need 2 “points” more to be worth it. So match 'em 1-2 if you use my rules.