In occupied territory if your garrison is less units than the territory is worth in IPCs you do not receive the difference in income.
I like this idea sort of.
I’d say if you don’t have 1 infantry for each IPC the territory is worth, the original owner gets to throw a die. If s/he rolls a 1 (+1 for each additional unit missing) they get the territory back with 1 infantry for each IPC the territory was originally worth. (This happens unless the owner’s capitol has been captured.)
Example 1:
England has taken France, but only has 1 infantry, 3 armor present. Since France is worth 6 IPC, and England only has 1 Infantry, then the German player, before the build new units phase, gets to roll a die at 1 + 4 (since England is short 5 infantry). If Germany rolls anything but a 6, all British units in France are removed and 6 German infantry are immediately placed in France to be used this round.
Example 2: Germany has Caucasus with 5 infantry, 7 armor, 3 fighters. Since Caucasus is 4 IPC in value, Russia does not get to roll to see if the partisans liberate it.
Example 3: Germany has Caucasus with no defenders and Moscow with 6 infantry. Since Moscow is worth 6 IPC and Germany has 6 infantry there as a garrison, then Russia does not get to see if Moscow is liberated. Also, since Moscow is the capitol, garrisons in the rest of Russia do not have to be provided as no liberation attempts can be made until Moscow is liberated.
This allows for certain historical accuracy as France had a resistance that tied up Germans and prevented them from being used in the front. Also, if you think about it, if New York was captured by the NAZIs, and then all the Germans left North America, do you really think we’d still be chanting Heil Hitler? Or do you think we’d roll a few Shermans in there?
Meanwhile, by allowing for the taking of a capitol to free up garrisons, it allows a country to make an attack on a capitol and not have to worry about the entire nation rising up. It also allows that nation to use those infantry for something else finally.