• They’ve already promised that their next batch will be better.

  • @Imperious:

    So get about 2,000 orders first that would be filled and that includes credit card numbers…everything… You can take this to a bank and they may give you a loan because its showing you got orders to fill and its not a pipe dream.

    One thing to keep in mind is that credit card companies apparently have a time limit on how long pre-order credit card data can be held without being processed.  This was mentioned on the website of a game company that used to take pre-orders on games not yet in production in order to determine the level of interest in them; they then ran into problems with long credit card holds and had to change the way they handled pre-orders.

    CWO Marc

  • Well whatever the rules are obviously the charge would fall before that time lapsed. Many companies do this for many years: GMT , Minuteman press, and others. Its basically a pre-order situation.

    Perhaps getting all the emails from people interested, then once the threshold is crossed to break even, then all the people would be contacted for final processing and a date set for product shipping. Obviously the product would need to get far enough in the pipeline so its a matter of funding the project and everything has been prepared up until that point.

  • top job FMG, i like your thinking! that way everyone will be pleased  :-D

  • IL has a good point, since there are several groups out there wich need plastic pieces, and so they could join in a community of interests.

    Field Marshall Games want to make this pieces.
    Also Table Tactics want this
    Jeff Stein from the Wargame need nation specific pieces.
    The Struggle is just a map and rules, and they need this pieces.
    Timerover51 has a small company and want to make this kind of pieces for his “political Correct” games.
    Xeno Games could need this pieces, too.

    Its all about a joint operation.

  • '10

    So far I think these should be:

    a) The Truck or Half track unit
    b) The bunker unit
    c) The commander unit
    d) The Rocket unit (Maybe… I just think it is cool)
    e) Transport Plane
    f) Other…Huh (we will all figure this out)

    The commander unit is new to me.  What are the rules on this?

    As for the peices, if the numbers still aren’t there, then perhaps you can contact hobby store chains to see if they would be interested in carrying them.

  • Bunker unit?

    You mean something like a coastal concrete encasement with a large gun sticking out a slit in front?

    I like that idea alot. A bunker is a final refuge for people on the run.

  • @Imperious:

    Bunker unit?

    You mean something like a coastal concrete encasement with a large gun sticking out a slit in front?

    I like that idea alot. A bunker is a final refuge for people on the run.

    Wait a minute, IL do you not have a basement Bunker to play the game?  So, what are you telling us.  Are you on the run?? LOL

  • No but i will make a fuhrer bunker basement complete with a warroom and custom table with the classic light overhead all in 1930’s style including old telephones and people with sticks pushing tanks like that scene from the movie “battle of the bulge”.

  • sounds good, but the old-style telephones are only allowed to connect to the local pizza place  :-P

  • '10


    Earlier FMG said he was planning on making the following units.

    So far I think these should be:

    a) The Truck or Half track unit
    b) The bunker unit
    c) The commander unit
    d) The Rocket unit (Maybe… I just think it is cool)
    e) Transport Plane
    f) Other…Huh (we will all figure this out)

    Letter “C” says “The Command Unit”.  This is what I was asking about.  I know what a bunker unit is but not a commander unit.

    Personally though, I think bunkers are worthless.  Look how much time and money Germany spent building the Atlantic wall.  And how long did it hold off the allies, one day.

  • MY list:

    Fortification unit ( like a blockhouse but rather a nice roundish concrete thing with a narrow slit and a gun sticking out

    General unit: Not a figure, but a new building structure ( like wolfs lair) with a flag that players can use to stick the flag above. its really a HQ unit

    Bombed out factory to denote damaged factories

    Replacement Italian pieces that were messed up from AA50: Bomber, BB, CA, Artillery

    Soviet Artillery ( katyuska?)

    Mechanized Infantry ( just 2 sculpts)

    V-1 Rockets

    Heavy bomber?

    New sub for Germany and Italy.

    new fighter-bomber plane in 4 new sculpts, except don’t need German or American ( already have stuka and P-38)

    generic airborne infantry ( 2 sculpts)

    not sure about transport plane

    thats already like 17 new pieces.

  • @Imperious:

    new fighter-bomber plane in 4 new sculpts, except don’t need German or American ( already have stuka and P-38)

    so just make a mold from these existing pieces?

  • '10



    Earlier FMG said he was planning on making the following units.

    So far I think these should be:

    a) The Truck or Half track unit
    b) The bunker unit
    c) The commander unit
    d) The Rocket unit (Maybe… I just think it is cool)
    e) Transport Plane
    f) Other…Huh (we will all figure this out)

    Letter “C” says “The Command Unit”.  This is what I was asking about.  I know what a bunker unit is but not a commander unit.

    Personally though, I think bunkers are worthless.  Look how much time and money Germany spent building the Atlantic wall.  And how long did it hold off the allies, one day.

    I am not sure if the COMMANDER unit is covered in this forum (Im sure it is somewhere)  There are several expansions (One that I am creating) where you can purchase a COMMANDER.  This unit gives the army attached to it special abilities and access to certain DOCTRINES.

    It adds something to the game as WW2 was full of clashing commanders, Rommel - Monty… etc…

    If I make the unit I will publish all these ideas at that time.

  • '10



    new fighter-bomber plane in 4 new sculpts, except don’t need German or American ( already have stuka and P-38)

    so just make a mold from these existing pieces?

    For our own Legal protection we can not just “copy” the existing units.  We have to make new sculpts and/or change the existing units in some way so they are unique from the WOTC pieces.  Also we want to make them BETTER than these existing units.

  • yes no copy of existing junk. Thats the whole purpose which is to offer something better.

  • How many of what units do we think we need per set?

    I was thinking that we should count the total’s up from both '41 & '42 scenarios and use the highest number from each and do this country by country.

    Example lets say Russia has 21 INF in '41 and 25 INF in '42 we will have 25 INF come in the set.
    If Russia has 29 ARM in '41 and 18 ARM in '42 we’ll go with 29.

    Bottom line what I would like to see is if I don’t want to use chips in the starting set up I don’t have to.

    Maybe I’m putting the cart before the horse…  :|

  • '10

    I am not sure if the COMMANDER unit is covered in this forum (Im sure it is somewhere)  There are several expansions (One that I am creating) where you can purchase a COMMANDER.  This unit gives the army attached to it special abilities and access to certain DOCTRINES.

    I understand now thanks.

    A couple of questions.  Now when you say you will make them of better quality.  Do you mean better than anything A&A has produced or make them of equvilent quality of the previous A&A games such as the revised addition?

    If you are going to make Mechanized Infantry and Fighter (Dive) Bombers. here are the units I would like to see.

    Mech Inf
    US/Russia - M3 Halftrack
    Germany - SdKfz 250
    British - Bren (Universal) carrier
    Japan - Truck or  SdKfz 250
    Although Japan did develop and armored APC (Type 1 Ho-Ha) They felt they were too slow and so built very few and primarily used trucks (However, trucks are classified as “Motorized” infantry.  If you wish to give Japan an APC then I would use the Sdk fz 250
    Italy - Krauss-Maffei KM m 11 or Autoblinda 41
    Italy did used and produced a licence version of the German KM m 11 but were bigger users of Armored cars such as the Autoblinda 41

    If you plan to make Fighter (Dive) Bombers I recommend the following.
    Note:  On a strategic level I classify Fighter, Torpedo and Dive - Bombers in the same groups because their primary mission was to attack surface/ground targets.

    Russia - Il-2M3 Shturmovik
    Germany - Stuka
    British - Hawker Typhoon or A-31 Vengeance
    U.S.A - SBD Dauntless
    Japan - Aichi DA3 Val
    Italians - Breda 65
    If you want to combine.  The Italians used the Breda Ba-201 which looked very similar to the Stuka

  • Mechanized and Motorized Infantry ( elite infantry)
    US/Russia - M3 Halftrack
    Germany - SdKfz 251
    British - M3 Halftrack
    Japan -SdKfz 251
    Italy - Krauss-Maffei KM m 11 or SdKfz 251

    Russia - Il-2M3 Shturmovik or PE-3
    Germany - JU-87
    British - Hawker Typhoon
    U.S.A - SBD Dauntless
    Japan - Aichi DA3 Val or Kate
    http://www.air-and-space.com/20051022 Edwards/DSC_1620 Harvard Mk IV N2047 Kate left rear taxiing l.jpg

    or judy  http://www.cv13.com/d4ylat1.gif

    Italians - JU-87

    Savoia Marchetti sm79-1

    Italian naval pieces:

    BB:  http://www.regiamarina.net/arsenals/ships_it/battleships/battle_us.htm ( prefer Littorio Class)
    CA: http://dadamo.us/arsenals/ships_it/cruisers_heavy/crui_heavy_us.htm (prefer Zara)
    DD: I dont think you need one.
    AP: dont think you need one
    SS: dont think you need one

    i saw that they have and it really looks too close to the Japanese artillery. So save the money.

    Self Propelled Artillery:
    Germany: http://www.achtungpanzer.com/images/elep_1.jpg  (elephant)
    Soviet: Katyuska or SU-122 http://www.battlefield.ru/tanks/su122/su122_1.jpg
    American: M-10 or M36 tank destroyer
    Italy: http://k53.pbase.com/u45/kuklabubs/upload/34640934.ItalianTankDestroyerSemovent4732.jpg

  • i think the Wespe would be a better choice for a German self-propelled artillery piece: http://www.figuren-modellbau.de/fahrzeuge/matchbox-40077-wespe-panzer-artillerie.jpg

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