MY list:
Fortification unit ( like a blockhouse but rather a nice roundish concrete thing with a narrow slit and a gun sticking out
General unit: Not a figure, but a new building structure ( like wolfs lair) with a flag that players can use to stick the flag above. its really a HQ unit
Bombed out factory to denote damaged factories
Replacement Italian pieces that were messed up from AA50: Bomber, BB, CA, Artillery
Soviet Artillery ( katyuska?)
Mechanized Infantry ( just 2 sculpts)
V-1 Rockets
Heavy bomber?
New sub for Germany and Italy.
new fighter-bomber plane in 4 new sculpts, except don’t need German or American ( already have stuka and P-38)
generic airborne infantry ( 2 sculpts)
not sure about transport plane
thats already like 17 new pieces.