• I agree.  Larry comes up with simple but creative rules.  Sometimes they don’t work out too well….  Feedback relayed via Krieg, game gets improved next time.  System works.  :-)

    My 2 cents with this tech is it’s not so much the value of the territory, but it’s strategic location.  India, East Indies and North Africa are always going to be ideal spots to put a boosted factory, whatever their original value.

    Game on!

  • Official Q&A


    The last time the Errata was updated was in March. I’ve seen you refer to “updates to the Errata” in other posts as to the future. Do you know of a time table on that? I would hope this issue will make it to the table for discussion. Will there be an update before AA42 comes out?

    I can’t be certain when the next update will occur.  Unfortunately, it seems that the longer a game has been out, the harder it is to get the FAQ updated.  That’s why I try to get necessary updates in as quickly as possible.  I seriously doubt there’ll be an update before AA42 is out, but it’s possible that I can get one “piggy-backed” on when the AA42 FAQ is published.  If so, I’ll see that this issue is brought up.


    Larry comes up with simple but creative rules.  Sometimes they don’t work out too well….  Feedback relayed via Krieg, game gets improved next time.  System works.  :-)

    I think so.   8-)

    Don’t forget, you can also give feedback directly to Larry on his site.  That’s what it’s for!

  • @axis_roll:



    As big dog suggests in the referenced Thread by Krieghund, we will just ignore this errata change.

    It serves no purpose in game play, except to limit the use of the tech.  And as Tim the Enchanter said in that same thread…. IFP is nerfed, but HBs are not?

    If you ignore that errata change then why not ignore any official rule in the game, because it is an official rule, made by Larry Harris, I mean after all you are much more qualified to decide what’s a better way to play the game he invented, right?

    It’s called a house rule.

    I know it’s called a house rule , that’s what I’m saying , keep it in your house not mine. You go ahead and play how you want to play , but don’t try to force your idea on how to change the game into the rule book, because if we did that then it’s your game not Larry’s and I for one want to play his game not yours. I understand perfectly the reasoning behind this errata change and it makes more sense than your opinions do.

  • '10


    OK, I gues I need a little more help on the aa gun thing.  OK, so Japan captures Indias aa gun. Japan moves it to Persia. Soviets liberate it there.  Is the aa gun British or Soviet?

  • '10

    OK, I may have founf the answer.  The aa gun converts ownership to the new owner of the territory, whoever that is.  So, because the British will own the territory, they will own the aa gun.

    So, in theory, the chinese could own an aa gun with Russian help.  If the Russians captured a Japanese aa gun in Manchuria, the aa gun would go over to the Chinese as owners of the liberated territory.

    Also, you might have a strange scenerio where the India aa gun is taken to the Phillippenes by the Japanese after it is captured.  Then the Phillipenes is liberated by the Soviets (I know its very unlikley). So, a British aa gun, on US territory, liberated by the Soviets…. it would be a US aa gun as they are the new owners of the freshly liberated territory.

    Can you confirm that this is correct Krieghund?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, your examples are correct.

    Any time a territory changes hands, whether captured or liberated, any AA guns in that territory change ownership to the new owner of the territory.

    There is only one exception.  The situation involves when your capital is held by the enemy and because of this and your ally captures one of your former territories from the enemy rather than liberating it.  When your capital is liberated, you get that territory back from your ally, but he/she gets to keep any AA guns in it.

  • maybe this was discussed already somewhere - i just ask:

    In AA revised rulebook page 22 it’s clearly mentioned a newly build carrier may pick up fighters that ended their non-combat movement or have already been in the country with the IC that build the new AC. This means you could use your fighters in combat phase fly 2 spaces away, return on NC phase and the new AC picks them up.

    In AA50 rule book i can’t find this rule - has it been removed, and if - why ?

  • Official Q&A

    Existing fighters may not be moved onto a new carrier from the territory containing the IC from which the carrier was mobilized.  Instead, they must end their movement in the sea zone in which the carrier will be mobilized.  This is explained on page 21.  New fighters can be placed directly onto new or existing carriers (page 22).

  • @Krieghund:

    I can’t be certain when the next update will occur.  Unfortunately, it seems that the longer a game has been out, the harder it is to get the FAQ updated.  That’s why I try to get necessary updates in as quickly as possible.  I seriously doubt there’ll be an update before AA42 is out, but it’s possible that I can get one “piggy-backed” on when the AA42 FAQ is published.  If so, I’ll see that this issue is brought up.
    Don’t forget, you can also give feedback directly to Larry on his site.  That’s what it’s for!

    I’m looking forward to AA42 coming out this fall, and how the rules will be blended together.  Many of the rules will crossover from AA50 so making changes to the FAQ for both at the same time makes sense. It will be cool to see what tidbits might be offered, through new rules, FAQ, tech, or options.
    PS. thanks for the Harris site the one I had bookmarked no longer worked for some reason.

  • @dabapic:




    As big dog suggests in the referenced Thread by Krieghund, we will just ignore this errata change.

    It serves no purpose in game play, except to limit the use of the tech.  And as Tim the Enchanter said in that same thread…. IFP is nerfed, but HBs are not?

    If you ignore that errata change then why not ignore any official rule in the game, because it is an official rule, made by Larry Harris, I mean after all you are much more qualified to decide what’s a better way to play the game he invented, right?

    It’s called a house rule.

    I know it’s called a house rule , that’s what I’m saying , keep it in your house not mine. You go ahead and play how you want to play , but don’t try to force your idea on how to change the game into the rule book, because if we did that then it’s your game not Larry’s and I for one want to play his game not yours. I understand perfectly the reasoning behind this errata change and it makes more sense than your opinions do.

    And that’s your opinion Dabapic, as Telamon pointed out that’s how the system works. Your 2 cents will go into the pot as well. Larry seeks input from his inner circle and from leaders in this forum and other places. As the grunts we get a voice. I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but he thrives on our passion for AA. House rules can be fun at times, but I like to play AA OOB/FAQ too. Most times it will resolve arguments etc. Remember AA50 has only been out for under a year. We barely know the game, and Larry is most likely going to make some tweaks. At some point he may put out an official tournament rules guide, but first he will want to see how things play out.

  • @Crossover:

    maybe this was discussed already somewhere - i just ask:

    In AA revised rulebook page 22 it’s clearly mentioned a newly build carrier may pick up fighters that ended their non-combat movement or have already been in the country with the IC that build the new AC. This means you could use your fighters in combat phase fly 2 spaces away, return on NC phase and the new AC picks them up.

    In AA50 rule book i can’t find this rule - has it been removed, and if - why ?


    Existing fighters may not be moved onto a new carrier from the territory containing the IC from which the carrier was mobilized.  Instead, they must end their movement in the sea zone in which the carrier will be mobilized.  This is explained on page 21.  New fighters can be placed directly onto new or existing carriers (page 22).

    Zee plane ! Zee plane !

    Smiles everyone…smiles  :)

  • IL, you may want to change the link to the Harris site at the top of this tread as it no longer goes there. Krieg posted a new link earlier in this tread, looks like the site had an update haven’t checked it out yet.

  • '10

    Question about Panama… the territory.

    Does Panama really touch E US? That seems silly.  Panama (or even the Central American countries it represents) are thousands of miles from the US border, through Mexico. To get to the Panama, you should have to go through CUS, Mexico and then to Panama. Or at least through Mexico.

    Is it really just 1 move from Washington DC to Panama… over land?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, Panama is adjacent to Eastern US.  The territories on the map don’t correspond exactly to actual countries (obviously).  The territory called “Panama” includes most of Central America, including eastern Mexico.

  • Anyone can quickly reply to me if Surface ships (Cruiser, DD, CV and BB) are blocked by Submarine?

    I mean, I know transport can go through SZ where they are SS, but can warships do so too?


  • '10


    Anyone can quickly reply to me if Surface ships (Cruiser, DD, CV and BB) are blocked by Submarine?

    I mean, I know transport can go through SZ where they are SS, but can warships do so too?


    No they are not….I believe the converse is also true unless there is a defending dd in the sz

  • '10


    Yes, your examples are correct.

    Any time a territory changes hands, whether captured or liberated, any AA guns in that territory change ownership to the new owner of the territory.

    There is only one exception.  The situation involves when your capital is held by the enemy and because of this and your ally captures one of your former territories from the enemy rather than liberating it.  When your capital is liberated, you get that territory back from your ally, but he/she gets to keep any AA guns in it.

    Along a similar line…what happens with an IC territory liberated by an ally when the capital is held by the enemy?  If the UK liberates karelia while germany holds russia can the UK mobilize units in karelia?

  • @Battlingmaxo:

    Along a similar line…what happens with an IC territory liberated by an ally when the capital is held by the enemy?  If the UK liberates karelia while germany holds russia can the UK mobilize units in karelia?

    See page 20 of the rulebook:

    If the original controller’s capital is in enemy hands at the end of the turn in which you would otherwise have liberated the territory,
    you capture the territory, collect income from the newly captured territory, and use any industrial complex there.

    Note that you cannot use industrial complexes that you captured this turn (p.22).

    In other words: Yes UK can mobilize units in Karelia - not in the same turn it was captured - but in UK’s next turn.

    HTH :-)

  • '10

    couldnt remember and didnt have the rules nearby….thanks

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