• Note that retreating (in this case or any) it is only legal if there are still defending units present at the end of a round of combat.  Given this, if you primary intention is to get your units from Karelia to Russia to defend Russia from attack from a territory other than Belorussia, you might consider limiting the number of units you bring from Russia (depending on how many German units are in Belorussia) so as not to risk killing them all in the first round of combat, which would force you to control Belorussia and leave all your attacking units there, leaving Russia vulnerable.


    I have 7INF 1ART and 2ARM from Karelia with 3INF and 3ARM from Russia attacking Belorussia’s German tank column.  I want to strafe attack 1 round and retreat all surviving forces to Russia?

    Yes, it’s legal.  Since you have at least one ground unit attacking from Russia, Russia becomes a valid location to retreat too.  Since the rules state you must retreat all attacking forces to the same territory (except air power) then if you wanted to retreat one unit to Russia you would be forced to retreat them all to Russia.

    It’s been a strategy players have used for a while to jump their forces across enemy lines.  For instance, if Russia has a large stack in Persia and a large stack in Russia, they can attack Caucasus and retreat all those Persian units with their Russian comrades back to Russia and thus, reunite their forces in one large stack.

  • Does anyone know if Mechanized Infantry works in non-com movement too?  Or is it just in combat?  As stated in the rulebook, it seems to be that it would work in both.  But I want to be certain, of course. I couldn’t seem to find any reference to it in the FAQ.  Thanks.

  • Official Q&A

    It works in both.

  • First, let me get 100% verification.  In the 1942 setup, any territory under Japanese control at the start of the game aside from Kiangsu and Manchuria are considered valid for the purposes of collecting the UK national objective “control any territory originally under Japanese control.” right?

    Well, at the start of either game kia and man are both Japanese controlled, though they’re considered chinese if they fall into allied hands.  kwa, bur, sum, sol, brn, phi, ngu, wak, and mid are all clearly controlled by allied powers in the same fashion that kia and man are in 1942 are in every conceivable way yet they’re treated differently for the purposes of this NO.  I guess I just want to know why.

  • @souL:

    First, let me get 100% verification.  In the 1942 setup, any territory under Japanese control at the start of the game aside from Kiangsu and Manchuria are considered valid for the purposes of collecting the UK national objective “control any territory originally under Japanese control.” right?

    Well, at the start of either game kia and man are both Japanese controlled, though they’re considered chinese if they fall into allied hands.  kwa, bur, sum, sol, brn, phi, ngu, wak, and mid are all clearly controlled by allied powers in the same fashion that kia and man are in 1942 are in every conceivable way yet they’re treated differently for the purposes of this NO.  I guess I just want to know why.

    The FAQ states on page 5:
    “Q: When the rules refer to the original controller of a territory, do they mean the controller at the start of the scenario or the controller printed on the map?
    A: The controller printed on the map. The original controller of a territory is the same whether you’re playing the 1941 or 1942 scenario. China is considered to be the original controller of Manchuria and Kiangsu, and Japan controls these territories as an enemy power at the beginning of both scenarios.”

    So the GB NO does only refer to Jap, FIC, Car, Oki, For and Iwo.

  • Official Q&A


    First, let me get 100% verification.  In the 1942 setup, any territory under Japanese control at the start of the game aside from Kiangsu and Manchuria are considered valid for the purposes of collecting the UK national objective “control any territory originally under Japanese control.” right?

    No.  Only territories with a Japanese control marker printed on the board (excluding Manchuria and Kiangsu) apply to the NO.  Per the FAQ, when the rules refer to the “original controller” of a territory, it means the controller printed on the map, not the controller at the start of the game (as P@nther pointed out).


    Well, at the start of either game kia and man are both Japanese controlled, though they’re considered chinese if they fall into allied hands.  kwa, bur, sum, sol, brn, phi, ngu, wak, and mid are all clearly controlled by allied powers in the same fashion that kia and man are in 1942 are in every conceivable way yet they’re treated differently for the purposes of this NO.  I guess I just want to know why.

    They aren’t treated differently, as I noted above.  If they were treated differently, both this NO and income derived from captured  “original” territories would play differently in the two scenarios.  For example, if the UK took the Philippines from Japan, they would be claimed by the UK in the '42 scenario and liberated to the US in the '41 scenario.  However, since the original controller is the one printed on the map, the Philippines are liberated to the US in both scenarios.

  • Well, that’s what I wanted to make sure of originally, thanks.  For some odd reason I thought I’d read somewhere else in the FAQ that those territories were originally under JP control and subject to that in '42.  Thanks for clarification.

  • I have just captured Karlil and i was wondering if you can Noncom the AA gun out in the turn captured.

  • Official Q&A

    No.  You can’t move it in the same turn that you capture it.

  • Rodger!

  • @Krieghund:

    No.  You can’t move it in the same turn that you capture it.

    can you move one you already own into a newly captured territory?  and are either of these rules different for AAR?

  • Official Q&A



    No.  You can’t move it in the same turn that you capture it.

    can you move one you already own into a newly captured territory?  and are either of these rules different for AAR?

    Yes, you can, and no, they aren’t.

  • Do anti-aircraft guns count as a unit in terms of maximum production in a territory?  For example:  can I produce 2 inf and an aa gun in Karelia?  Thanks.

  • 2007 AAR League


    Do anti-aircraft guns count as a unit in terms of maximum production in a territory?  For example:  can I produce 2 inf and an aa gun in Karelia?  Thanks.

    Yes, AA guns count against production capacity.  Karelia could build 1inf, 1AA, unless you have the Increased Factory Production Technology then you could build a total of 4 units (including AA).

  • @Emperor:


    Do anti-aircraft guns count as a unit in terms of maximum production in a territory?  For example:  can I produce 2 inf and an aa gun in Karelia?  Thanks.

    Yes, AA guns count against production capacity.  Karelia could build 1inf, 1AA, unless you have the Increased Factory Production Technology then you could build a total of 4 units (including AA).

    i concur

  • Q about subs (may have been asked already, but to wade through 24 pages of posts…  :| ):

    In the rulebook it states that any sea unit can choose to attack a sub, and can end it’s combat, and non-combat, move in a sea zone only containing enemy subs.

    So…does that go for transports aswell? I’d like to shuttle some troops to India (which is in Britain’s hands) with Japan, but there are 2 subs in SZ35.
    That shouldn’t be a problem right?

  • Yes, if it is only subs in the sea zone you can move your transports in and unload. Be prepared to lose them on the next turn though ;)

  • Thanks. And I could care less about that transport though, it’s India I am after, and it’s India I will take.
    The priceof 1 transport is nothing compared to an India with an IC already nice in place, and no enemy units inbetween India and Russia  :-D

    (plus my 2 loaded AC’s, escorted with a cruiser and destroyer will take care of those subs in the round thereafter to avenge the brave captain of the transport  :-P )

  • Moderator

    A couple of questions on Russia’s Arch NO.

    #1 - If Russia takes Fin and/or Nor (or any Ger ter) and the UK/US land in Fin/Nor does this cancel the Arch NO?

    Or does it only count for when the UK/US Allies move to Russia’s original (red) territories?

    #2 - If you move the UK AA from Ind to Cauc, does this cancel the Arch NO?  (Note the UK AA is the only Allied unit in any Russian ter.)

  • Official Q&A


    #1 - If Russia takes Fin and/or Nor (or any Ger ter) and the UK/US land in Fin/Nor does this cancel the Arch NO?



    Or does it only count for when the UK/US Allies move to Russia’s original (red) territories?

    Any territory with a Soviet control marker on it counts, including territories liberated by another Allied power.


    #2 - If you move the UK AA from Ind to Cauc, does this cancel the Arch NO?  (Note the UK AA is the only Allied unit in any Russian ter.)

    Yes.  The AA gun will still belong to the UK, so it counts as an Allied unit.  However, if the Axis then captures Caucasus (and the AA gun) and then it is subsequently recaptured by the USSR (or by any Allied power if the USSR controls Moscow when it’s retaken), the USSR will then own the AA gun and it will no longer count against the NO.

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