• Rodger!

  • @Krieghund:

    No.  You can’t move it in the same turn that you capture it.

    can you move one you already own into a newly captured territory?  and are either of these rules different for AAR?

  • Official Q&A



    No.  You can’t move it in the same turn that you capture it.

    can you move one you already own into a newly captured territory?  and are either of these rules different for AAR?

    Yes, you can, and no, they aren’t.

  • Do anti-aircraft guns count as a unit in terms of maximum production in a territory?  For example:  can I produce 2 inf and an aa gun in Karelia?  Thanks.

  • 2007 AAR League


    Do anti-aircraft guns count as a unit in terms of maximum production in a territory?  For example:  can I produce 2 inf and an aa gun in Karelia?  Thanks.

    Yes, AA guns count against production capacity.  Karelia could build 1inf, 1AA, unless you have the Increased Factory Production Technology then you could build a total of 4 units (including AA).

  • @Emperor:


    Do anti-aircraft guns count as a unit in terms of maximum production in a territory?  For example:  can I produce 2 inf and an aa gun in Karelia?  Thanks.

    Yes, AA guns count against production capacity.  Karelia could build 1inf, 1AA, unless you have the Increased Factory Production Technology then you could build a total of 4 units (including AA).

    i concur

  • Q about subs (may have been asked already, but to wade through 24 pages of posts…  :| ):

    In the rulebook it states that any sea unit can choose to attack a sub, and can end it’s combat, and non-combat, move in a sea zone only containing enemy subs.

    So…does that go for transports aswell? I’d like to shuttle some troops to India (which is in Britain’s hands) with Japan, but there are 2 subs in SZ35.
    That shouldn’t be a problem right?

  • Yes, if it is only subs in the sea zone you can move your transports in and unload. Be prepared to lose them on the next turn though ;)

  • Thanks. And I could care less about that transport though, it’s India I am after, and it’s India I will take.
    The priceof 1 transport is nothing compared to an India with an IC already nice in place, and no enemy units inbetween India and Russia  :-D

    (plus my 2 loaded AC’s, escorted with a cruiser and destroyer will take care of those subs in the round thereafter to avenge the brave captain of the transport  :-P )

  • Moderator

    A couple of questions on Russia’s Arch NO.

    #1 - If Russia takes Fin and/or Nor (or any Ger ter) and the UK/US land in Fin/Nor does this cancel the Arch NO?

    Or does it only count for when the UK/US Allies move to Russia’s original (red) territories?

    #2 - If you move the UK AA from Ind to Cauc, does this cancel the Arch NO?  (Note the UK AA is the only Allied unit in any Russian ter.)

  • Official Q&A


    #1 - If Russia takes Fin and/or Nor (or any Ger ter) and the UK/US land in Fin/Nor does this cancel the Arch NO?



    Or does it only count for when the UK/US Allies move to Russia’s original (red) territories?

    Any territory with a Soviet control marker on it counts, including territories liberated by another Allied power.


    #2 - If you move the UK AA from Ind to Cauc, does this cancel the Arch NO?  (Note the UK AA is the only Allied unit in any Russian ter.)

    Yes.  The AA gun will still belong to the UK, so it counts as an Allied unit.  However, if the Axis then captures Caucasus (and the AA gun) and then it is subsequently recaptured by the USSR (or by any Allied power if the USSR controls Moscow when it’s retaken), the USSR will then own the AA gun and it will no longer count against the NO.

  • Moderator

    Thanks, that’s what I thought.

  • I have a guestion. If a trasport moves one and loads then can it move one more and then unload?

  • yes,
    a transport cam load cargo before, during or after it’s move.  If it picks up before or during, it can off-load at the end of it’s move.

    it’s on page 31 of the manual too,

  • 2 quick rules questions

    1. If a Paratrooping bomber attacks a territory which contains no units other than an aa gun, does the aa gun still fire?  I am guessing that it would, but could I get a clarification?

    2. A transport starts the turn with 2 units on it.  (The 2 units were loaded on the last turn during the non-combat phase and were not offloaded.)  May the transport amphibiously attack a territory with only 1 of the units, leaving the other unit on the transport?  Think, US takes Iwo Jima, but wants to keep a unit on the transport because Japan’s air force could strafe and destroy both land units on Iwo Jima?

    2a. A transport is carrying 1 inf, 1 aa.  When the transport conducts an amphibious assault, what options does the aa gun have?  It must stay on the transport?  It must offload in the attack, but if the attack fails, then the defenders get a free aa gun?  or what?

    1. I see no reason why the AA gun wouldn’t fire, it’s still a bomber attacking a territory and the territory does have a defending unit - the AA gun.  But I’ve been wrong before.

    2. Regarding offloading of units that are in the boat already, I asked about something similar a while back and I’m pretty sure you can choose to unload only one of the units during combat phase.  The catch is that you can’t then unload the other into either the same or a different territory (adjacent to the same sz) during NCM.  The unit has to stay on the boat.

    2.a) AA guns can not move during combat moves, so the AA would have to have already been on the boat at the start of the turn, and must stay on the boat during the amphib assault.  It then must stay on the boat through the end of the turn since the transport already unloaded in combat moves and can’t unload again during NCM.

  • Official Q&A

    Thanks for answering those, Tim.  I’m not sure how I missed them when they were posted, but I did.

    Sorry, Bardoly.  :oops:

  • @LuckyDay:

    a transport cam load cargo before, during or after it’s move.  If it picks up before or during, it can off-load at the end of it’s move.

    it’s on page 31 of the manual too,

    I believe it can load and offload at the end of it’s move too (move then bridge).  Am I wrong?

  • Official Q&A

    You are correct.

  • Krieg, i’d be grateful if you can answer this one.  A fighter moves 4 spaces to a seazone in the combat move.  A carrier also moves to the zone in the combat, the player declaring the fighter will land on the carrier if it survives.  If the carrier is destroyed but the fighter lives, will the fighter drown in the sea or be allowed to move one extra space to land as a defending fighter would?

    Thanks  :-)

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