Sorry guys, need to rebump this……
Cant seem to find a National Production Chart to use. Imp Leaders great map doesn’t contain one and they are printed on the actual game boards for E40 and P40.
Thank you in advance
Gotta love your enthusiasm! :-D :-D
Swwweet, nice shot IL.
is there any way to speed up that clock :-)
Yeeess, finally 0 days left, october 23 is here :-D :-D :-D
I’m so happy that the 23 has finally come and past! Now I can utilize this whole weekend and monday that I booked off to play the new Axis & Allies!!
Oh wait, the release date has been pushed back. Now I guess I have to pretend I’m playing it all weekend. Curses!
Maybe this counter is more accurate ?
good job Subotai!
How could they disappoint all of us by pushing back the release date to the christmas shopping season?
15 days down the road. :-)
Cruel, cruel world. My first oppurtunity to play will be Saturday the 22nd but we have been planning all year to watch the Michigan/Ohio football game that day.
Go Blue
The way Michigan has been playing this year I would think playing AA would be much less painful.
My gaming group too have been planning to play AA50 on sunday 23nd, but now it turns out that my wife wanna go mountain climbing just that weekend. Geezz, why just that special weekend ? And when she get startet, its not just one or two peaks, no sir, this is gonna take all weekend, and I have no guarantee to survive this insane trip either. Cruel, cruel world. :-(
So, what are we supposed to talk about up until Nov 18th?..…
Now we can’t even play online games, since we know the setup is incorrect :-
Someone pls start a trivia contest on AA50 or something :-)
We are suppose to be able to read articles giving information about the game and how and why it was design that way but, WOTC is silent.
Yea, now it is less than two weeks until the release and still no ads or anymore info. I hope they are not planning on delaying yet again.
It is driving me crazy that WOTC is keeping silent on this. This is Huge for us fans/players and seems very unfair. I visit their site EVERY DAY for more info.
And ofcourse is the only place information can be found.
Thank goodness for this forum and thank you all who are keeping the community informed.
My Christmas is Nov 18th!
What also bugs me is that we were able to have some fun, playing three test games with the -41 setup. But since it came out that the setup was wrong, it just feels silly to play a game with the wrong setup… Living in Sweden, I can only assume that it will take a month or so before any retailer will have it in store , also :-(
I sure hope that Attila will be making an Abattlemap utility, so not only you Americans can have all the fun :-D 8-)
We are suppose to be able to read articles giving information about the game and how and why it was design that way but, WOTC is silent.
Has anyone checked with Funagain games? They’ve had the scoop before.
Cruel, cruel world. My first oppurtunity to play will be Saturday the 22nd but we have been planning all year to watch the Michigan/Ohio football game that day.
Go Blue
Since the Buckeyes lost to PSU and The School that shall not be Spoken is having their first losing season in several decades snicker kickoff should be noon. Unless Sparty blows it this week and won’t be playing the Nits for the B10 title which would be the likely 3:30 game.
Even with the way the OSU offense has been lately, the Buckeyes don’t have the problems Blue has. As bad as the UM safeties are and the horror story they have at Quarterback I don’t think it is just my Buckeye bias that says the Wolverines are in for a bad bad day in Columbus.
Here is a humorous picture you might like.