title says it all…
anyway I’ve narrowed it down to those two games, i’ve looked in to the other games but they don’t interest me and i don’t really want to pay $100 for AA50. I’ve easily found all of the board games except the 2004 revised one which is out of print. So AA europe or wait until August for AA1942? (i’m more into geting AA1942 but i gotta wait till august :( the time will kill me… lol
Once again i’m a new AA player, haven’t even tried any of the games yet but want to play AA badly and i mean really badly :D
P.S. when you play AA games, with who do you play?
i think if i get the game, me and my friend can play any time, and gather 1 or 2 more people once a while for 2v2 games or something.