There’s a Confederate soldier still holding out somewhere in the Everglades.
Or was I watching Deputy Dawg?
Note: I am reprinting an article by the Associated Press, Ricardo Zaldivar but I am editing it to remove all mention of politics.
Number of people without health insurance declined in 2007
The number of people without health insurance fell by more than 1 million in 2007 the Census Bureau reported Tuesday. Incomes edged up for the middle class while poverty heald steady.
The numbers represent a scorecard on the economy and the kitchen-table level.
The overall poverty rate held steady at 12.5%.
The number of uninsured dropped from 47 million in 2006 to 45 million in 2008, it was largely because more people were covered through personal insurance.
For the middle class, the median - or midpoint - household income rose to $50,233, a modest increase over the $48,816 of the previous year, althought it was the third consecutive annual rise.
“The gains that occurred last year were welcome.” Said Jared Bernstein, a senior economist with the Economic Policy Institute in Washington.
It appears, even with all the doom and gloom of the media in America, the American economy just won’t die! The stock market’s been going up lately, though it has not been the best of decades, there have been very good reasons for the drops in the market: Major Hurricane, Major Terrorist Events, War, Corporate Scandals revealed (Enron, Worldcom, Martha Stewart, etc) so it is not unexpected that the market would correct for more accurate values.
Meanwhile, it appears there was another 2 to 3% raise in income for the middle class, which is really the class that matters. And poverty rates in America, while 12%, are down somewhat. Not to mention, America’s impoverished live like kings compared to some impoverished nations. Remember, the impoverished in America average 2 cars, 2.5 televisions, 2 bedroom house, etc. We are not talking the destitute.
Oh, and uninsured citizens are solving their own insurance needs through private insurance programs! Capitalism has found a way to offer a solution to that problem!
On a personal note, this year looks to be a record year for my mutual funds. My personal stocks are not doing too well, but my funds are bloody well off the charts. I’m almost tempted to sell them and buy funds that are losing because nothing goes up forever and, as the economy strengthens and even the media is forced to concede defeat and admit that the economy has always been growing, just not as fast as they would have liked, my funds may not be in the right sectors anymore. (mostly foreign. When the media preaches doom and gloom at home, it’s wise to move your money somewhere else until the media stop. Americans, unfortunately, are sheep and believe the kool aid that the media is pushing on them is the truth. Kind of a self-fulfilling prophesy.)
Anyway, I thought it was neat that the Associated Press had been forced to admit that things are not as bad as they have been broadcasting it was for the past decade.
Sorry Jen this is clearly going into political. I like that you revitalized the general discussion with so many new posts to read. Thats for that.
It may not be political RIGHT NOW, but you left the rope so thin that nobody could possibly get across the topic w/o falling into making political comments.