How do you rate Risk? (I Think it sucks!)

  • how do you rate Risk?

  • If you want realism it sucks. I think it is an excellent game. It is a good starter game for newbies, it teaches good strategy fundamentals, as well as supply line theories and dice basics. Because of its simplicity it is a good teacher.

    (Always start in Australia :P )

  • I agree with bangalore. As a strategy game, it is in many ways lacking (though you could just as easily also make that argument for A&A compared to other wargames). But for just plain fun, world domination, and political maneuvering, Risk is an instant classic.

    BTW; My key is South America, it’s much better placed than Australia :P

  • Agreed. It seems to be the starter war game for all of us table-top warriors! You get the basics down and move on to more involved games (A&A)…

  • I once got stuck with having to take Europe at the beginning cause the setup stank. I was screwed from that point on because Europe is in the middle of everything. It’s almost impossible to hold it.

  • Agreed with TG Moses VI. South America first, then Africa. North America or Europe next depending on enemies and situations. Then Asia and it’s over…

  • My friends and i sometimes get a charge out of Mission Risk.
    Each person gets a random mission:
    Take out blue, red, yellow, etc. (note: if you get your own color, then capture 24 territories - also a mission)
    Take NA and Aus,
    Take Africa and Asia
    Take SA and Asia
    and others.
    I actually like to start with Africa. Usually i can negotiate a deal with the holder of SA. Either that or i work out a deal with whoever is in Mexico to divide the holder of SA :)
    Anyway, Mission risk is fun, fast (game in 30-120 minutes), easy, and not as tedious as regular risk.

  • Mission Risk is tough! You also have to figure what ulterior motives each player has. Often times I have to do the dirty work for another player, only to find out I’m helping him win!

    Usually I go to South America, North America, and Africa (depending on which continent is the most heavily defended). I never go for Asia or Europe first, impossible to hold.

  • I can see what you’re saying about S. Amer. Mose, that works too. But what I like to do is take the Ukraine and Middle East as my western front and try to make Kamchatka my eastern. This way I only have to put guys on three terr., making me stronger, buildup, kick everybody’s butt, it’s over. This often works because nobody likes asia, and if you start there and keep a small front you can hold it. Also I will agree, Europe sucks. If you meet somebody who can hold it let me know, I’ll get his autograph.
    I’ve never played mission RISK, it sounds fun though! What would be real cool, and tell me if this is actually the way it works, is if you wrote down the missions on cards and shuffled them, passed them out, then nobody knows what they’re up against. Then you could really get screwy and pass your mission to the guy on your left or something! 8)

  • SORRY!!!
    I forgot that part.
    No one knows what the other missions are. The game comes with the mission cards. We shuffle them and pass them out (we sometimes pull “occupy 18 territories with 2 or more troops” and “take out yellow” if yellow is not playing). Then we try to accomplish our mission.
    We try not to let anyone know our mission - that may mean pretending to go after someone we’re not after - it’s amazing how people react if they perceive you taking out another player to be your mission - you can take any continent you want that way :). Also, we try to guess the other players’ missions in order to thwart them.
    I did see one player win on the first turn (i hadn’t had an attack yet, however a couple of earlier players took out some of my units in strategic opening moves - the guy who one simply moved right through me !!!)

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