• @Lynxes:

    Probably you have reason, Craig, with people thinking subs were not enough good, but I think forcing aircraft have a dd to attack them and the reduced cost was enough. The thing most annoys me is a lone trannie ignoring a sub and sending people to other place, but I guess, as you say, opinions will vary with the time

    I love these sub changes, and can’t wait to play it out! I think the tracking of enemy destroyers and moving of subs into striking position can be a new and exciting part of the game. Let’s see if this change will make Convoy interdiction house rules disappear, time will tell…

    I agree, tracking will be great.

  • The Russians weren’t merely told to cross the battlefield without a rifle and pick up one

    from their dead comrade.

    They had a gun at their back!

  • 2007 AAR League


    Subs get to fire first only in the first combat round if no enemy destroyers are present.  They may submerge instead of firing in any combat round before any dice are rolled if no enemy destroyers are present.  They don’t block combat or noncombat movement of any enemy ships.  When a warship ends a combat movement in a sea zone with an enemy sub, it may choose to attack it or ignore it.  Air units can’t hit subs unless there is a destroyer friendly to the air units on the battle board.  Subs attack on a 2 and defend on a 1.  They cost 6 IPCs.

    One change that will really affect the decision wheter or not to buy subs, is the 2/1 attack/defense values.
    With a ‘1’ on defense, you will not want to get stuck with a bunch of subs, if you are faced with a defensive naval position.
    However, if you expect to be the attacking party, then you’ll be happy with your subs.

    But how shall you know if you’ll be playing defense or offense. Interesting dilemma!

  • @Constantinople:

    The Russians weren’t merely told to cross the battlefield without a rifle and pick up one

    from their dead comrade.

    They had a gun at their back!


    Good point, I was wondering, if I should have stated orders at gun point.

  • @Bluestroke:

    , the Russians, can you imagine being told to charge across a battlefield without a weapon and told to pick one up from your dead comrade, ouch.

    It was more likely that Russian soldiers were sent into battle ill-equipped in WW1. Rare was it when Russian soldiers were sent to fight weapon-less in WW2. In fact, it almost never occured. I hope you aren’t getting your history from movies such as ’ Enemy at the Gates '…

  • I have sometimes wondered if one of the lesser reasons that other allies were never allowed to step foot in Russia was that Russian soldiers would see how much more well equipped the US soldiers were then themselves and possibly start another Bolshevik scenario.

    This to some degree did become an issue with US troops in England.

    I know that the big reason Russia was taboo for other allies was Stalin’s ego.


  • i love 2-1 subs because it makes destroyers the ‘infantry of the sea’ because 1) they negate subs, 2) they can shoot at planes, 3) they got better defense, 4) they can protect transports , while subs cant do jack.

    I have said for 5 years now that the Destroyer and not the submarine should be the ‘infantry of the sea’ and finally they listen.

  • @LT04:

    I have sometimes wondered if one of the lesser reasons that other allies were never allowed to step foot in Russia was that Russian soldiers would see how much more well equipped the US soldiers were then themselves and possibly start another Bolshevik scenario.

    This to some degree did become an issue with US troops in England.

    I know that the big reason Russia was taboo for other allies was Stalin’s ego.


    I wonder what would have happened if Germany just left Russia alone?

  • @mwindianapolis:


    I have sometimes wondered if one of the lesser reasons that other allies were never allowed to step foot in Russia was that Russian soldiers would see how much more well equipped the US soldiers were then themselves and possibly start another Bolshevik scenario.

    This to some degree did become an issue with US troops in England.

    I know that the big reason Russia was taboo for other allies was Stalin’s ego.


    I wonder what would have happened if Germany just left Russia alone?

    I guess that would have been up to Stalin.  If say when Germany invaded Poland that Russia felt they had more claim to that country they may have declaired war on Germany.

    Then again Stalin may not of wanted to have been out done by the US so they may have entered the war any way even if Poland was left untouched.

    Who knows?


  • @Imperious:

    I have said for 5 years now that the Destroyer and not the submarine should be the ‘infantry of the sea’ and finally they listen.

    They seem more like the tanks of the sea as they do more than subs.

    So the analogy is inf:tanks
    as subs:destroyers

  • 2007 AAR League


    They seem more like the tanks of the sea as they do more than subs.

    So the analogy is inf:tanks
    as subs:destroyers

    You are clearly in error axis_roll  :-)

    It goes like this:

    inf = sub
    rtl = dd
    ca = arm

    Or, like this table puts it. The only thing that deviates from a ‘perfect match’, is that CA’s should cost 10  :-)

    Inf:          Sub
    Cost 3      6
    Att  1      2
    Def  2      1

    Rtl            DD
    Cost 4      8
    Att  2      2
    Def  2      2
    Cost, in % of previous unit (Inf/Sub, respectively):
    133%        133%

    Tank        CA
    Cost 5      12
    Att  3      3
    Def  3      3
    Cost, in % of previous unit (Rtl/DD, respectively):
    125%        150%

  • You are clearly in error axis_roll  smiley

    It goes like this:

    inf = sub
    rtl = dd
    ca = arm

    Or, like this table puts it. The only thing that deviates from a ‘perfect match’, is that CA’s should cost 10  smiley

    Inf:          Sub
    Cost 3      6
    Att  1      2
    Def  2      1

    Rtl            DD
    Cost 4      8
    Att  2      2
    Def  2      2
    Cost, in % of previous unit (Inf/Sub, respectively):
    133%        133%

    Tank        CA
    Cost 5      12
    Att  3      3
    Def  3      3
    Cost, in % of previous unit (Rtl/DD, respectively):
    125%        150%

    i guess we are both in error. Thanks Perry. but to my credit the destroyer can actually attack planes and prevent the transport from taking the hit and infantry is a soak up admittedly for armor, so it can be argued that the destroyer fills the role as a proper protector=soaker for naval units attacked by air, which is pretty common. Also, who is gonna bring in subs for defense anyway? i would not even buy them if i had a fleet to protect as the Axis. I would buy them as only attack ships and if the claim is they are infantry, then they would be better on defense because that’s why we buy infantry for defense not attack. I dont buy transports for defense in revised because a one is nothing. I need at least a 2 to have a chance to kill the enemy based on any cost investment basis.

    Thats my 2 cents anyway

  • So the battleships are the fighters/bombers of the sea. I am thinking of Fighters are the aircraft carriers and the battleships as the bombers.

    Though subs as the inf. as the sea i totally agree and then the rest is perfectly great!

  • Remember also its hard to access the intrinsic value of items like:

    ability to hold planes

    to shore bombard

    to negate subs first strike

    to shoot at air units

    to not be able to be fired at by air units…unless yada yada…


  • The tank can move 2 spaces!

  • It would have been nice to see the Battleships come down to around 18IPC

    20IPC would have been OK if TRNs,SUBs and DDs were their original costs (8,8,12), but with all of them coming down (6,7,8), Battleships should have recieved a bit more of a boost as well.

  • noone ever hs the money to spend on a battleship unless you are huge or usa trying to get soem sea control (i have found once that a usa bought a bship and a destroyer on turn 1 to not do kgf and bships hurt a lot)

  • While the sub changes make their role a little more specific and realistic, I can’t help but think that they’re terrible now.

    Even the argument of “it’s only 6 IPCs!” doesn’t work since Destroyers are only 8.

    I think I like all of these changes though, aside from possible balance issues, this is the game of Axis and Allies that I’ve wanted to play.

  • ahh like my bnet game i get the subs just to make my oppenent to buy destroyers

    (when im naval japan i get subs for like 1340gold anyways and i make 2 so my oppenent makes like 3 destroyers that i pick off with plaens at the earily yeard 1941-1942 after that i lose unless asia is taken (india is a choke piont)

  • @italiansarecoming:

    ahh like my bnet game i get the subs just to make my oppenent to buy destroyers
    (when im naval japan i get subs for like 1340gold anyways and i make 2 so my oppenent makes like 3 destroyers that i pick off with plaens at the earily yeard 1941-1942 after that i lose unless asia is taken (india is a choke piont)

    Dude, take your time when you type. Relax…It helps when we can read and understand what you are trying to say.

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