• @Craig:


    Can we just enjoy the pics for a few days before you start bitching ??? :-D

    I can if you tell what those counters are for? :wink:

    I am not trying to rain on the picture parade, I am just asking why they are there. :-D

    And why you can’t take a clear picture?   :-P :lol:


    Its a camera phone. And I had to do it quick with all the security hub-bub. :evil:

    Even now WOTC may be tracking me down….

  • Squirecam: Those pictures are not worth the reichmarks you were paid as a double agent.  :mrgreen:

  • @Imperious:

    Squirecam: Those pictures are not worth the reichmarks you were paid as a double agent.  :mrgreen:

    Well, you get what you pay for.  :-D

  • @LT04:


    Wow. The map looks fantastic!  I’m a little surprised that Italy only starts with 10 IPC though…

    Yeah, not much Italy can do with that.  It looks like strategy papers for Italy will very short.


    1. Take Egypt
    2. Try not to be conquered

  • Well, you get what you pay for.


    I think this is the best map they ever made for any AA game. Its actually like a real map and drawn like one. The terrain is amazing as well as the color of the water.

  • Looks like the Germans and Italians finally get the ME-109 model from Battle of the Bulge vs. the Stuka’s.  Nice.

  • Man i will order 2 more copies of this sucker!

    Now the new house rules for using the stuka can be made as well as blockhouses.

    man this is like Christmas day.

  • @Imperious:

    Well, you get what you pay for.


    I think this is the best map they ever made for any AA game. Its actually like a real map and drawn like one. The terrain is amazing as well as the color of the water.

    It looks great. That we knew.

    The playability worries me a bit though. With the axis getting a tougher path to victory, and Italy, well, not doing so much.

    Now tournament wise, the VC/bid should make everything ok.

  • @Adlertag:

    The Italian units look very familiar

    like the Italian tank and artillery looks very like the japanese pieces
    and the Italian battleship and tranny looks very like the german pieces

    and the Italian brown colour is close to the russian and japanese colours, they should have went for light gray

    I was afraid that might happen.  The Japanese tanks and the Italian tanks do look a bit alike, and the Italian artillery really had no distinctive piece.  I was hoping that they would at least turn out a Littorio-class ship though, and make a distinct cruiser.  I suspect that they were looking to cut costs in producing the game without having to make an entirely new mold set. Just change the colors, and start cutting them from the runners.  What do the Italian fighters and bombers look like?

  • @Craig:

    What did people have to say about the new sub rules?


    “0” defense transports?

    Chinese production mechanic?

    Country-specific Bonuses?


    Remember, I was busy in the masters, so I did not play. Transports at “0” is more “historical” as they are sitting ducks. China at 0 IPC (but inf per territory as in AAP) is a good re-used mechanic.

  • Yes transports at zero is historical. They cant shoot down planes and such.

    I was wondering that the victory conditions didn’t allow Japan to win on its own?

  • wait:

    what is the turn order for the game you guys played?

    With the pictures we have strategies can be created

    just need to know about price differences

    changes in unit values?  Cruisers what are they?  2/2 or 3/3?

  • IIRC, its like Revised, except with Barbarossa coming first, the axis goes first. Something like:

    1. Germany
    2. Soviet Union
    3. Japan
    4. United Kingdom
    5. Italy
    6. United States

  • @squirecam:

    IIRC, its like Revised, except with Barbarossa coming first, the axis goes first. Something like:

    1. Germany
    2. Soviet Union
    3. Japan
    4. United Kingdom
    5. Italy
    6. United States

    The UK used to be able to assist the US (some what limited) before the Pearl attack.  Looks like they took care of that with the new line up.

  • By the way folks, if you register at board game geek you can get a really good pic of the whole board.

    VCs added are: Ottawa, Warsaw, Stalingrad, Hong-kong, Sydney and Honolulu. All good choices, even though Singapore was what I thought. Makes sense though, it gives the Chinese two VCs to attack at the coast.

    No ICs in Egypt or India. But with Burma there, you would be able to build your IC in peace in Ìndia, and this might be used to reinforce Africa as well.

    China has 7 territories at start, so if the Japs takes the three they can reach the Chinese still spit out 4 inf, correct? Should make for tight fighting!

    New SBR rules, superb, tell me more! What’s on subs?

    Territories in Europe, Northeast Europe was a surprise. Gives the Allies the choice of Calais or Normandy when invading. Will the Germans be stretched by that long coastline? Is that Bismarck in the baltic? =) Waiting for more details…

  • This game looks amazing

    really diffrent from revised

    what are the unit stats?

  • The individual boxes inside the larger box.

    i bet thats gonna make adlertag real happy.

    I think the set up sheets are two sided no?  one for each scenario?

    Craig: please try to remember all the details and slowly recant each as it comes up.

    this is exciting!

  • Have you noticed that on the map, there are 6 areas from Manchuria to Moscow, instead of 4 as in AAR? And that most of the Japanese transports seems to be placed at Truk? This combined with new VC placing and the Chinese production rules could make the Japanese tank assault on Moscow a rare sight in the game.

    Its not 100% clear, but I think I can read this on the map board:

    Mobilization zone (Cost, move, attack, defend:

    Infantry 3/1/1/2
    Artillery 4/1/2/2
    Tank       5/2/3/3
    AA-gun     5
    IC         15

    Fighter       10/4/3/4
    Bomber     15/6/4/1

    Submarine 6/2/2/2
    Transport 7/2/-/-
    Destroyer 8/2/2/2
    Cruiser         12/2/3/3
    Carrier         14/2/1/2
    Battleship 18/2/4/4

  • Yes i was hoping for that. Perhaps thats the trade off for italy?

  • Destroyer  8/2/2/2
    Cruiser          12/2/3/3
    Carrier          14/2/1/2
    Battleship  18/2/4/4
    tansports move 1

    WOW!! this is earth shattering news.

    what picture are you looking at? link?

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