Yes so I know… Too much of us think that you are Frasier’s from “Due South”… OF course not me… :)
Wait, didn’t Canada go on Strike?
(For those of you who don’t want South Park, that’s your own d@mn fault.)
rats its blocked.
That was AWFUL!!
It looks like some guy from Winnipeg went to Toronto and took a couple of pictures, and slid some pix of Avril Levigne in there with a couple of flags and a map. There were THREE pix of Winnipeg, two of Toronto, one niagara falls, 2 avrils, and a bunch of flags. And the song was SOOO repetitive.
There is MUCH better than this out there i pray.
that was bad.
to whoever made that……I’m not your buddy guy!
Never heard the remake on the Lee Greenwood Song?
I’m proud to be a Canadian Where at least I know I’m free
From wiretaps and Greenies And American Bourgeois
So now I’ll stand up and wave my maple leaves across the sky
For God’s grace is on Prescriptions Half off for you and I… :roll:
I don’t understand the question, eh? :|
Ever heard of the song?!?!?!?!
Ever heard of the song?!?!?!?!
You flag waving communist! :P We all know anyone who plays that song, even in parody, is a pot smoking jerk! (this is obviously in jest, since I actually like GG and know he’s just kidding. hehe)
Anyway, I had planned to go to Canada at one time (like for real, not just to enter, urinate and leave like I did once) but life got in the way.
Besides, the beer sucks in Canada! And when, oh when, will those Canadian boys learn how to skate! I mean heck, you call THAT hockey! Looks like a beauty pageant on ice skates!
I would have to agree depending on the context it’s sung in… If it’s sung in such a way that if you don’t stand and put your hand over your heart you will get arrested as a suspected terrorist then yes it is an annoying song…
Side Rant: I’ve been watching different ads from Canada on Youtube… You know the one thing that irritates me is that they assume that all USians only think of the Canadian Population in the limited, bleak, and 100 Year old stereotypes. I would want to think that even though we are conceited in regards to our global location we don’t have stupidity mixed in with it…
What I wonder is when will Canada be added to the United States? Do you think in 100 years, or 150 years? Maybe you think sooner, like 50 years?
yea thats already starting by what they call incrementalism. The Nafta thingy, and the Mexican commerce trucks running around all over United States are others.
Yeah down here in TX everyone is up in arms (And rightly so) about the Trans-Texas Corridor…
Please end the political tangent of this thread…
My fault… Sorry bout that… :|