• @TG:

    Well, that just about settles it. :wink: But I think more than a simple, majority vote would be needed before succession is possible due to its burdening significance. Maybe more like 60% or 2/3’s…

    one might consider that reasonable, particularly given the number of referendums. If at first you don’t succeed, try try again. I think that if a referendum that is successful at succession ONE TIME, then a referendum that is not as successful should be the last time as well. Anyway, while silly federalists were pushing for more than 50% + 1, separatists were quite adament in saying that would be all that would be needed.

  • Cased closed! Until those Separatist get a 2/3’s majority, Quebec will remain forever Canada! :P

  • @TG:

    Cased closed! Until those Separatist get a 2/3’s majority, Quebec will remain forever Canada! :P

    awww crap. The whole thing? Really? Couldn’t we just excise the separatist parts and keep the good ones? (like the northern ones where the majority of the people are natives/federalists and Montreal) :wink:

  • If you Canucks want to go through the trouble of subdividing your “provinces” into smaller states, go ahead. However, a patchwork nation with parts here and there will soon crumble and fall. Now if everything was located in one particular section (like the North as you mentioned), I wouldn’t see TOO much trouble in splitting Quebec in two.

  • its like they say
    If Canada is divisible, then so is Quebec.

  • Hey, you guys are lucky! At least your provinces can leave if they want to. :roll: Here in the States, people think that it’s against the Constitution for territories to seperate AKA Republican Free Soilers.

  • here in BC (the most western province) the NDP was in power for 12 years, they spend spend spend and they screw the fckin sht out of our econemy and now the liberals come and lay off evrybody in the f*ckin government :x

  • @GeZe:

    here in BC (the most western province) the NDP was in power for 12 years, they spend spend spend and they screw the fckin sht out of our econemy and now the liberals come and lay off evrybody in the f*ckin government :x

    i don’t understand why BC is so NDP/Liberal. Aside from the proliferation of unions, of course. BC should have the strongest economy in the country, and yet they insist on electing governments that shaft them. Where, oh where, is Bill Vanderzalm and the So Creds :)

  • BC’s taxes are way too high! :o Even with the almighty dollar, I found myself hard pressed for cash there. Elect some Conservatives for crying out loud!

  • I believe that in British Columbia that the Green Party might soon come to power.

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