News flash: AXIS & ALLIES ANNIVERSARY EDITION due out oct 23 08

  • thats what the smaller sub games are for. other wise it’s a weekend game  :-)
    hey thats right WOTC owns A&A, i’m right down the road from there main office… i’m buying from the source.

  • Is good add Italy on axis side, but I would like they add also allied China as a true playing power, with more territories in that zone. I think China deserves being playable more than Italy. China would add more fighting in the Pacific area. Sending USSR forces to reinforce Sinkiang is viable, and you can call them “Maoist forces”, but still have a ugly visual effect.

  • and even if China is not a playing power, it should have nation specific infantry

  • China would be a boring nation to play as, there economy in WWII was bad and there troops were not vary good. Pacific did make a good attempt with China being a power and the novelty of it was cool, it just didn’t play out well IMO. i think making it work in much the same way it did in Pacific would be the only way to play it though, China would have to have a IPC value for most teritorys, give it a factory and link it’s turn to the US turn making it part of the US play but they can’t share IPC’s. this way China is played like a normal nation, but no one gets stuck playing China as it’s own power.

  • @Bunnies:

    Even if the rules are edited and the game balanced, will the Anniversary edition become the new standard for tournaments and casual play?

    If this edition become the new tournament game, I hope it has individual victory condition

  • I flame evrybody to buy no less than 10 copies each of this new edition, this will give IL soemthing to think about

  • I guess this will put Jeff out of bussiness

  • You are too funny. I will call your buy and raise you one game, so i will now buy 11 copies.

    Jeff will not be out of business. BTW did you ever buy a copy?

    I hope china has more territory’s, but i don’t want them to be a real nation because they were backward in this time. It was not a cohesive modern society in this time.

  • Customizer

    China as a stand alone player??? It would make more sense to give Vichy France or Canada or Australia a chance… China could only raise poorly equiped infantry units… Only with the US and British equipment they were able to create sa few decent divisions.

    Besides, how fun it would be for a Chinese player to just build infantry units after infantry units? You want them to built fighters? tanks? artillery? lololol Thats really very historical…

  • IMO they should if included be part of US turn (so the US player gets a little more play early on), but as there own nation in the same way as China was in Pacific game (US controled and on US turn but it’s own peaces). in additon give China 1 factory, and a total value of say $10-$15 depending on how the rest of the nations economies are starting. this way China can build what they want (ok navy and bombers are out, but they could if they saved the cash), but still are prity limmited to infantry. giving China’s 1 Factory teritory a value of say $3-$4 so they can build up, but also a few $0-$1 teritories to have to guard. not just that but unlike in Pacific Japan will have a reason to invade China as there is real value to the teritoreis.

  • Customizer

    Better yet, Chinese player only receives IPCs from territories they have a military presence to simulate the civil war. They must be separated from the US (so that US dont collect their income) BUT they cannot be a stand alone player as they cannot do much…

  • thats kind of what i ment (or ment to say) is they collect there own money to spend, US collects it’s own, but there turns and control is the same. own color units though.

  • Ok then thats fine. If you do that then give Germany her axis minor nations with light grey colored German units for Finland, Romania, Hungary, and Bulgaria.

    My got i cant stop think about this game. Every few minutes it is comforting my thoughts as the greatest game ever made.

    It great to be alive in these times. How lucky we are!

  • @Imperious:

    You are too funny. I will call your buy and raise you one game, so i will now buy 11 copies.

    send me one i’m poor :wink:

  • sure. LOL!

  • At this point Larry Harris will be attending GCI. They would like to have a portion of the AA area as a place Larry can hang out, sign, talk to fans, etc. He won’t be there the whole time as he will also be doing stuff in our booth. There will most likely be an event involving Larry (like play A&A with Larry as a prize) but not sure of the all details just yet. Things can always change as far as his attending so beware.

    -          Deluxe edition will not have released by Gen Con, but we MAY be able to get a copy there for prizes?

    -          They are also informing me that are doing a warehouse clean up and found some more large boards for some of our games. If there are large A&A boards in there, soon as I find out, I will let you know.

    This was part of an email sent to me on the 20th of the month. So Larry will be at Gen COn and probably at least a demo for Deluxe edition will be available.

  • That of course would translate to you taking pictures of the board for us and posting them here.

  • China can work, but need more territories. Anyway, Italy is going to be a mayor power and Italy has the same chance of doing something than China.

    Someone said China should be as in Pacific, integrated in USA’s turn. Maybe, but let them buy more than inf. And if China is in USA’s turn, maybe Italy can play in Germany’s turn

    And I like the idea of different pieces for Italy and China. They could even make markers for minors, only for flavour (example, Australian IC built forces having an Australian marker, Canadian armor have his marker, etc.) Minor markers could even mix with some minor power NAs or such.

    Just a couple of ideas  :-)

  • Italy had a much more complete national industry and a modern armed force including Air and Naval.

    It had uniformed and trained division led by garbage.

    China was a 6th rate nation that still bound children’s feet and killed girls when they were born and was living in the 18th century. They had not any naval vessels, nor any airplanes, nor tanks or anything but a few pieces of artillery.

    They had to buy German helmets because they cant make their own, and were barely trained and had to rely on foreigners exclusively to have any organization  and defend against the Japanese who themselves were  on the same level as Italy.

    And you know the Japanese totally dominated China and it would have been the same if Italy was in its place, except that Italy was boxed in against too many civilized nations that were not going to just roll over. Japan had a clean table to pick and choose inept territories to conquer and face no opposition to its new order in the east.

    Italians where fighting the Soviet Army, the British Army and the American Army and Japan fought trash Chinese units that folded worse than anything the Soviets had in any period of the war.

    No sir… Italy was 10 times the nation China was except China was never conquered because frankly it was not worth the trouble for Japan to deal with too many more hungry mouths to feed not to mention they weren’t even doing that. Japan was making a sausage machine out of the Chinese army and China had to resort to hit and run attacks and avoid a real military confrontation.

    That does not qualify for an Axis and Allies major player. Do you want to push around a few infantry pieces? Gee what fun…

  • i think the real reason Italy is being intoduced is to break up the 2 Allied turns in a row. i have to agree also that China would be all but pointless to play as a nation by it’s self well Italy wouldn’t. Italy was just poorly managed, they should have had more influence on the war, but bad planning/leadership ment they did not.

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