What was that line again?
“I stand 40 yards away from someone who is trained to kill me.” Or something like that in A Few Good Men out of the Mouth of Jack Nicholson?
Yea. It’s a war zone. If you cannot bring your wife and children to your duty station because it’s hostile, then it’s a warzone.
And I don’t care if we send the New York Police Department to invade Toronto. They’re STILL the police and not the army. Sure, they have M-16s and Tanks (or whatever those armored cars are with the battering ram, it’s a tank IMHO.) They’re still POLICE, not ARMY. And it DOES make a difference. Japan has no ARMY. That’s why OUR Army works for THEIR defense for free.
Anyway, I’m done with Smacktard. Shoot, anyone who sees himself as a smacktard really shouldn’t be taken seriously enough to argue with. Especially when they’re trolling and driving the topic on a tangent.
The real issue is, can we trust Obama to use nuclear weapons to defend this nation or not? If he won’t even man up enough to absorb some good honest ribbing about his ears or even to answer some straight forward questions about his past, can we really expect him to do his duty?
The other issue is, last time the Clintons were in the white house, the national guards went on strike. (Washington State and Montana.) Considering most of the forces deployed in Iraq (at least while I was there) were rent-a-soldiers (national guard) can we trust them to do their duty under the Clintons, or will they go AWOL like the last time we had the Clintons in the White House?
Finally, can we trust McCain to nominate the right judges so as to over turn some of the bench legislation that’s been rammed down our throats unconstitutionally - to secure our borders with NO PROSPECT WHATSOEVER of an amnesty - to push for the tax cuts he REFUSED TO SIGN TWICE - to protect our civil liberties (which he has actively worked to repeal at every turn he gets) and to protect American business from eco-terrorists and the Useless Nations?
Those are the real questions. Unfortunately, I think the best option we have is Hillary Clinton with a Republican Congress and Senate, like we had in the '90s.
You know, last time we heard “hope” and “change” from the democrats it was 2006. They said they’d bring the country in a “new direction” and they did. We went from an economy that was growing steadily (slow, but steady) to an economy that’s been crushed and is dwindling. Ever since they stole the reigns of power in Washington and got our spineless little twit of a Republican president (who was always a liberal while he was in the White House, if you look at what legislation he passed, what he vetoed) to be even more liberal.
Before the Democrats we had 14,000 DJIA. After them we have 12,000 DJIA. A net change of -15%.
If we get more change by only getting another unchecked liberal, does that mean we’ll see ANOTHER -15% in the economy!?!? Will we return to Carter Era Economics with lines for gas, unemployment pushing double digits, home values plummeting, businesses going out of business faster then employees can get to unemployment lines?
After all, we have three liberals running for the White House:
Obama - Ultra Liberal and very secretive about his past and his affiliations
Clinton - Not as Ultra Liberal, but still VERY liberal.
McCain - The most liberal republican on the face of God’s green Earth. (AKA, Moderate-Liberal.)