Interesting story Garg, interesting story.
And thanks Marc for the background info. It’s easy to forget/overlook things like that.
Yea, cause as we know, when President Bush was the most bi-partisan president in American history he is also known as the greatest President in American histroy too, right???
I am aparently one of the few people in the country who is happy with GWB, so this really isn’t a very good arguement for me.
Furthermore, the Gang of 14 was not needed to break the logjam. Republicans were planning to just use their majority to override the fillabusters. The Gang of 14 just screwed Republicans in an effort to give the Democrats control over the Senate again. And they’ve been leading the Senate ever since, in fact if not in name.
What makes more sense:
So you think the Nuclear option was the way to go and now you want to vote for Obama… Hmm, don’t look now your liberal is showing!
I am betting that a lot of Republicans are REALLY FREAKING GLAD that they did NOT do the “Nuclear Option”, since it would now effectively shut them out of the process altogether…
Shutting the current crop of republicans out is not a bad thing. They’re just as bad as the democrats.
And yes, my liberal is showing. I’m rooting for Obama because when he royally screws up this nation, at least it won’t be a republican and then, maybe, we can elect some real conservatives to office who do more then give lip service to conservativism like we had, and fix this nation.
McCain’s just gunna screw it up like Obama. Only difference is that the democrats will reap the rewards and we’ll get more and more screwed up under their leadership.
Better to give them 4 years now and fix it then give them 40 years later because we elected a liberal who called himself conservative.
Better to give them 4 years now and fix it then give them 40 years later because we elected a liberal who called himself conservative.
I think the reverse of that may be taking effect now…
The Republicans were given a few years in power. They started off strong after the 1994 elections by working with a moderate Democrat. Then they got total control and they the alleged Conservatives started spending faster than LBJ.
And we are not talking Bush alone here. Lots of “old time” Conservatives were willing participants to the drunken sailor spending.
To be honest, I believe that there ARE a fair number of fiscal conservatives out there that are HOPING for Democrats to take control in the hope that the fiscal conservatives will miraculously re-appear as a vocal minority in Congress and we will only have 5%-10% growth in discretionary spending instead of the 20% plus we have “enjoyed” during the Bush Admin.
My point is, by avoiding setting precident of using the “Nuke Option” the minoraty still have the filibuster and there is still some ballance in congress. Not only that but McCain still managed to get most of the apointments through.
The end justifies the means, in this case I think so anyway…
As for sending McCain has made reducing spending his focus and I’d like to see him get the chance to put up.
If the ends justify the means, then we should genocide all races except one so that there will never again be racial strife on the Earth.
I don’t think I want to buy that policy. I think the means and the ends should be justified.
And yes, from 1994 for the next 6 years Republicans were in power with the right people in power, but the Democrats started this slander campaign so they could get Republicans to resign. Any true conservative who was in power was slandered and muck-racked until they voluntarily resigned (since there were no charges to criminalize them with) and we got “Compassionate” conservatives like George Bush Jr.
Compassionate conservates like Bush Jr and McCain are basically democrats who are slightly to the right of the democrat majority, but not on the right wing of the spectrum.
Don’t take me out of context, I said “in this case I think so” Of course that is not a universal rule, otherwise the Nazi’s would be heros…
Back on topic:
Looks like we finally have a future president that will make Jimmy Carter look competant!
Now that the media has turned on McCain, as I knew they would, and he is losing support left and right out there, and Obama is winning everything in site (11 out of 11 of the last state primaries) it appears Republicans have no hope of getting the White House, as I knew we would NOT with McCain leading the way.
McCains gonna win. i hope to hear you cry after he does. :-D
McCains gonna win. i hope to hear you cry after he does. :-D
I highly doubt he will. The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine and all the rest will, and are, turning on him to get their real man into office.
Americans no longer elect the president. The Media does. Obama is their man, McCain is their worst case scenario, instead of a conservative, they get a liberal in conservative clothing.
Back on topic:
Looks like we finally have a future president that will make Jimmy Carter look competant!
Now that the media has turned on McCain,
To finish your quote the way it should ahve been posted…
“Now that the New York Times has turned on McCain, Conservatives are lining up to back him.”
The only thing more “evil” to a Conservative than Hillary Clinton is the New York Times :-P
The old grey lady just made McCain and Conservatives “the enemy of our enemy is my friend”
While I agree that the enemy of my enemy is USUALLY my friend (if only for a while) I don’t consider McCain the friend of republicans and will not support him.
The New York Times is just the most audible opposition to McCain at this time. It will get worse and the cacophony of media bashing will degrade into more and more mudslinging as they do Obama’s dirty work for him.
This is what you get when you allow the Media to chose YOUR presidential nominee. Honestly, there’s really no point in voting anymore, the media choses who is president and who is not now. The Media will elect Obama, he’s their golden child. Hillary is out. The media’s cost her the last 11 primaries so they could get their man, Obama, the democrat nomination. Just like the media slandered and dragged Romney and other somewhat conservative candidates through the mud to get their man McCain the republican nomination, as a security net against conservatives actually getting the presidency - just in case they failed in electing their man.
Perhaps it is the time to ask…
What game is the NYT playing?
They ENDORSE McCain, and they do so AFTER they sit on this alleged story in December.
Then they come out with this week story in February, and the Conservatives (who here to fore had been in opposition to McCain) start backing him in earnest… if the the NY Times is against him, he can’t be all bad!)
Boortz, Hannity, have all made Pro McCain statements since this story “broke”, and callers have been predominantly “I did not like McCain, but the New York Times has gone to far and I am going to back McCain to put it to the NY Times…”
i think it’s to help Clinton Inc, not Obahma.
it puts McCain in the spot light in a bad way.
it gets the negative light of Mrs Clinton (the she is lossing a lot of states), and it also gets Obahma out of the good light (winning a lot of states).
all around it’s a win for Clinton inc, the true indorcement of NYT.
As I said. The NYT et el have selected McCain FOR us, rammed him down our throats, and now have all the evidence they need to cripple him in the general election. Why in the WORLD did you think they would endorse him? They know he’s not a real consevative and they know where all his baggage is (shoot, the guy’s been in office since the dinosaurs roamed the earth, they had plenty of time to gather it.)
Now it’s time to let things start to leak out in a trickle. They figure they can crush him and get their man, Obama, elected and, if for some reason the radical free thinkers of this nation (AKA, red blooded Americans who just happen to want more conservativism then liberalism) get the Republican back into the White House, they’re still covered since McCain’s a media slut and a very liberal Republican.
“all the evidence they need”…?
you mean no evidence.
“all the evidence they need”…?
you mean no evidence.
Generally when the media goes after a Republican they don’t ever have evidence. Since when has the media needed it? Only republicans need evidence when going after a Democrat and even when it takes 11 tractor trailers to haul it all in, the Democrat still gets off.
Actually Jen, the NYT ALREADY endorsed McCain, in early January.
Actually Jen, the NYT ALREADY endorsed McCain, in early January.
Darlin, I’m not disputing that the NYT endorsed McCain early last year. (Dunno about this year, I think it was 2007, not 2008 - could be wrong.)
What I’m arguing is that the NYT and their compatriots fought to make McCain the Republican nominee because they had the dirt on him already researched and assembled from decades of his history and because he does not poll well with the grass roots Conservatives (with the blue bloods he does really well, however.)
This is their consolation prize. If, by some miracle, Obama loses in November, they at least get the most liberal republican who ran AND a man they know will cave on conservative principles to court their favor later.
Now, maybe he WILL win, and maybe we’ll see a miracle and he’ll return to his conservative roots from the 80’s. But I doubt it. It’s like trying to run your bomber of 4 AA Guns to bomb an enemy capitol. Sure, you COULD survive, but the odds are not in your favor. (about 48/52 actually, which is far better then I would give the McCain scenario.)
Oh, and yes, I am almost certain that Hillary is out. That’s why I voted Obama in the Illinois primary. (I had to vote a straight democrat ticket because some upstart was running against my Congresswoman Bean and I had to fight to keep her in power. She’s a good friend of the family…even if she is a Democrat.)
Anyway, the rationale was Anyone But Hillary. :) Looks like I succeeded there at least.
In case anyone missed it, Nader is in the race again this year…