Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • Huckabe has won his secound state. W. Varginia for 18 delagates.
    it started as a 3 way dead lock between McCain, Huck, and Mitt.
    at the last recount the McCain delagates went to Huck to give him the win so not to give Mitt the win.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Pretty much.  You had to get 50% in W. Virginia to get the state.  In the first poll Mitt had 41%, Huckabee had like 17 and McCain like 14.  Not sure on the second two numbers, but it was Mitt, Huck and John in that order.

    After the recount, Huckabee suddenly jumped WAY up.  Weird, but whatever.  At least McCain doesn’t get the delegates either.

  • if i may jump in

    i dont know much about McCain

    but i ll say one thing

    McCain is not Bush! McCain is not Reagan. He is McCain.

    an altough he is from republican party he can alongside with partys policy have a standpoints of his own in some issues

    and in some way its good that these two partys arent so much confronted

    McCain is older, and much more experienced than others nonethelles the years he has, and plus that…
    In some issues he is maybe much more liberal then others in Republican party, or in some is even liberal-to some level

    but isnt that the necessity, i dont know the issues but,  somehow its seems that this two partys are confronted like two poles.

    and myself, altough i am conservative rather than liberal, have to admit that in many issue liberal parties are right and the conservative ones are not, and in the same time in some issues conservative parties stand for better values and liberal arent. the thing why i lean to conservative is that in the most important/more important issues conservative stand for better values and solutions. thats my per.opi.

    and this ˝are right˝ dont mean literally, maybe it can be , but you know what i mean :mrgreen:

    so what i am trying to say is that only very wise conservatives can be liberal when its good to be, and vice versa, there is much risk about the votes, since the ˝loyal party voters˝ will shrug off McCain, Ok, he can count on that

    but i am sure he will win some votes of the democrat, and what is even more important of neutral, or voters which havent been on last elections, thats just my opinion, i dont know your status there, ˝how the people breathe˝ about this issue…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    That may be true, but McCain is CLAIMING to be Reagan and his RECORD is very close to Bush, only more radical.  More radical in support of the military, and more radical in support of democrat style legislation.

    So it’s pretty safe to say that he will sign off on legislation that Bush would have approved and would push for the war in Iraq as much or more then Bush.

  • McCain supports the US imposing tax’s for global warmming as well. the price tag to the US is $1.2 Trillion i think is the number. i don’t know if thats a bill we the people can pay for something that isn’t proven to be man made and also that the tax and spending hike isn’t proven to have any effect on the problem.

  • I have not kept up on the news today (I take it WVA was a Caucus if we already know the results), BUT…
    If the McCain folks jumped to Huckabee in order to preclude a Romney win, then that is truly remarkable for MANY reasons.

    First and foremost it would indicate a level of state wide organization and communication that is completely unprecedented in the US.  Coordinating that type of even over hundreds, perhaps thousands of Caucus sites in real time, across TWO INDEPENDENT campaigns… Truly amazing!  With Logistics that good, they SHOULD be President/VP!

    Second, it if it did happen it would seem to confirm my prior postings that McCain/Huckabee is a probability as a way for the Republicans to try to maintain control… a Centrist Republican on top, a Religious Conservative VP…

    Third, it would also be fitting for such a thing in traditionally poor WVA for the coal miners to tell the millionaire where to get off :-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    So does Bush though.  Not a huge difference there.

    Anyway, what I don’t get is according to CNN, Romney’s winning EVERY bleeding state except one or two, but yet, they say McCain is getting the nomination.  WTF?

    Huckabee has W. Virginia, Arkansas, Iowa
    McCain has Florida, New Hampshire and S. Carolina.

    Romney has:


    Some states don’t have any delegates awarded according to CNN yet.  But common, that’s like almost the entire country going Romney with a handful of dissenters for McCain and Huckabee.

    I’m starting to wonder if the Media is biasing the reporting in an effort to influence the election to get the guy they want to be nominated instead of just reporting the news.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I have not kept up on the news today (I take it WVA was a Caucus if we already know the results), BUT…
    If the McCain folks jumped to Huckabee in order to preclude a Romney win, then that is truly remarkable for MANY reasons.

    From what I understand, the party made the decision.  They did not hold a second vote.  They just decided to apply votes differently in order to establish a candidate with more then 50% so they could call the state.  There was no need to coordinate the people, nor was there a “back lash”.  If there had been, it would have been McCain who was backlashed because all his votes disappeared and magically appeared for Huckabee.  but then, Ron Paul’s votes all went to Romney, so who knows.

    Maybe them coal miners need to get out of the tunnels, see some daylight.  Think they’re a bit whacked the way they are handling the primary there.

  • CNN proved their incompetence beyond a reasonable doubt when they announced Al Gore as the winner of Florida. You can’t really trust that information.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, but they were not the only station to call Florida in 2000, M36.  Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS all called it too, just CNN called it first.

    Anyway, their polling has gotten SLIGHTLY better.  At least they didn’t screw up 2004 very badly. (Though CBS still called the election for Kerry before begrudgingly stating that Bush had actually won.)

  • 2007 AAR League

    if you ever watch the news alot, everyone waits for fox news to proclaim the winner, then they do so about 10 seconds after that.

    they have always lost in credibility to fox on who won/lost

    remember the 04 election.  and the congressional elections.  everyone that is close fox news gets it right first.  its that republican confidence.

    and other than CBS pouting in 04, so did every other news station besides fox.  all the pundits were saying “wait, wait, more votes could come in, a miracle could happen,……please”

  • They all use the same polling service…  they all get the info at the same time.  Any difference in “calling” an election is measured in seconds in most cases; unless a specific networks takes the tiem to cross check against their own independent (and usually smaller sample) polling; then they can be delayed in declaring a winner in an abundance of caution for accuracy.

    VNS is who they ALL use for their primary exit polling, and they have for YEARS.

  • Say goodnight Mitt…  Your self-funded race to take power is OVER!

    A Centrist and a Fair Tax supporter have cleaned your clock!

    Huckabee sweeping the South, McCain in New England and the Midwest…  California… IF you can win it, is NOT enough…

  • Huckleberry was basically given that one state because McCain knew he could not win it so he pulled a “scorched earth” strategy to deny Huck the goods giving it basically ( and telling his people to get Huck his votes)

    Thats hardly anything to brag about. Its like a bacon scrap left over from the lions morning meal.

  • It is NOT one state, it is WVA and almost the entire South…

  • hey what happens to edwards delegates? and the delegates that other dropouts received? also what happens if you have the most deletes in you party but mot the 50% majority?

  • Those delegates are “free to move about the convention” when the DNC or RNC rolls around.

  • Schneider: Democrats split by education and age
    Posted: 10:11 PM ET

    (CNN) — Beyond race and gender, national exit polls tonight are showing Democrats a varying divisions based on education and age. The more educated the voter, the more likely he or she is an Obama supporter.

    I think that says a lot about hillary. she is winning the votes by people who don’t really know that much and are just voting because there like I remember when Bill was prez. and everything was good. ( the old people)  It seems obama is winning most of the states but hillary is getting the two big ones. He lost New York and is  going to lose California.  so i’m not sure who’ll come out on top. I think if obama can get 40% of clifornia he’ll have the most delegates today. i just glanced over the results so my predictions are probablly wrong.

  • how does edwards have votes? stupid callifornian  voting for a dropout.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    From what I see, it’s about 45% Romney, 50% McCain 5% Huchabee.  I don’t think he’s out yet.  A lot of those states are ratio states (as opposed to all or nothing.)

    Anyway, rather surprised to see Switch rooting for another Bush.  I thought you didn’t like Bush?

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