@SuperbattleshipYamato I like the ideas/rules you mentioned. I will follow through on triple a.
Possible free For All?
Just seeing if anyones keen on having a fun game of Free for all. Is there a version out there maybe with an altered set up. I thought there was but couldn’t find it in any of the threads. If your keen let me know and If you have the rules possibly for it or know as to where I can find them let me know that would be appreciated.
I would definitely be interested!
I shotgun a slot! :-) -
Excellent AJ your in. now to find those rules….
Since a FFA almost has to be a 5 player, i’ll give it a go.
poor russia. thats my 2 cents.
yeah they would be up against it that’s for sure. At least you will see plenty of action. Just need 2 more players and will have to give it a crack. To make it fair we will have to chose sides randomly. Maybe roll a dice for each player 1 being Rus 2 being Ger etc and go from there. So far we have Randmacts, Jen and AJ on board. As soon as we get the 5 we’ll get it started.
Possibly give both Russia and UK full national advantages and all techs enabled in order to give them some sort of fighting chance (well not Joint Strike or Lend Lease rofl since the Allies are no longer allies)
I think all techs and all NAs would be way over kill. Love to have them if I end up as England or Russia, but hate to have to fight that.
As for determination, I like the random idea. Maybe roll 1d5 for the first name in alphabetical order, then 1d4 then 1d3 then 1d2 and last name in the order gets whatever wasn’t assigned. Nations would be lined up Russia - 1; Germany - 2; etc.
I think all techs and all NAs would be way over kill. Love to have them if I end up as England or Russia, but hate to have to fight that.
Well, they’re both in really bad situations. The UK is a farflung empire now with zero assistance anywhere, with the US having nothing better to do than wipe out the UK fleet then take Africa. The UK’s IPCs are going down very fast, with 4 down from Canada and the Japanese mopping up Aus/India/Zealand, then Africa going down to Germany early on. I don’t see how all the NAs/techs would be overkill in the least!. :evil:
Russia also now has no allies, and actually has to worry about the UK landing stuff in Archangel right next to the capital!
Well perhaps Germany wouldn’t be too happy with all the rocket fire from UK/Russia, but still it be a poor attempt to recover the big IPC difference from the bad positioning that UK/Russia are in.
How about giving the following:
Railway National Advantage
Mobile Industry National AdvantageBonus: Salvage National Advantage
Bonus: Non-aggression Treaty National AdvantageGermany:
Atlantic Wall National Advantage
Fortress Europe National AdvantageEngland:
Radar National Advantage
Enigma Decoded National AdvantageBonus:Colonial Garrison National Advantage
Bonus: Jet Power Technology (Gives them a break on their attacks for a while.)Japan:
Tokyo Express National Advantage
Most Powerful Battleships National AdvantageAmerica:
Marines National Advantage
Superfortresses National Advantage
Furthermore, I think in the Free For All, nations should be allowed to make temporary alliances. Though, because there are no rules that you have to stick to your alliance, you can always back-stab each other! But an “alliance” would allow you to share resources like landing strips, stack units together, share aircraft carriers, etc.
why not a 4 way match with 1 player as teh UK and RUssia?
Ok Cyan and Bean I take it with your interest in this topic you are keen to play? I think National Advanatages could be a good idea. I’m all for alliances ( Especially if I was Russia ) but the idea is a ffa after all and don’t believe in being able to share land, AC’s etc. An alliance should be only an agreement such as you don’t attack me I don’t attack you sort of thing, with the view to eventually seek world dominence. There can also probably be no surrenders in this game, as silly as that sounds ( But this is a completly hypothetical game in any case ) so as to there being no advantages to certain sides.
Any thoughts? -
Ok Cyan and Bean I take it with your interest in this topic you are keen to play? I think National Advanatages could be a good idea. I’m all for alliances ( Especially if I was Russia ) but the idea is a ffa after all and don’t believe in being able to share land, AC’s etc. An alliance should be only an agreement such as you don’t attack me I don’t attack you sort of thing, with the view to eventually seek world dominence. There can also probably be no surrenders in this game, as silly as that sounds ( But this is a completly hypothetical game in any case ) so as to there being no advantages to certain sides.
Any thoughts?ohh sorry i’m a little busy to play a new game sorry.
What is that FFA stuff? All vs all? Scary :-o
Ok Cyan and Bean I take it with your interest in this topic you are keen to play?
Sorry to blow a hole in your submarine, but I will decline participating in this game as intriguing as it is. I am pretty busy with schoolwork, and I promised Gamer to play a League Game soon, which is probably going to overtax my limited resources. :oops:
In a free for all game, my money is on Germany.
They are the most compact in terms of territory, the highest number of starting units, and they have a good opportunity to make substantial territorial gains early.
UK would be the weakest.
Yeah my thoughts are Russia, Britain should get several techs, I like what Jen suggested earlier on
Russia:Railway National Advantage
Mobile Industry National AdvantageBonus: Salvage National Advantage
Bonus: Non-aggression Treaty National AdvantageRadar National Advantage
Enigma Decoded National AdvantageBonus:Colonial Garrison National Advantage
Bonus: Jet Power Technology (Gives them a break on their attacks for a while.)America:
Marines National Advantage
Superfortresses National AdvantageI feel Both Germany and Japan are strong enough to start with in any case
We still need 2 more players to try this out. As far as I’m concerned first in best dressed.
Well, i could add. How we decide who plays what country? Some bids for UK and USSR? :-D
Maybe as they say it should be a 4 player game or so…
Maybe even make it so that UK/russia have everything joint, including just 1 turn.
It would give them a fighting chance. (possibly without a bid)
Some very strange Churchill/stalin pact…
Other interesting “thing” is that none can let germany /japan kill russia if they gain nothing from it, so UK/USA, and possiably either japan or germany will have an interest in keeping russia alive until “tehy” can capitalise on them dieing.
same goes for uk.
So things like that can balance the game itself.
Well, if you really have 5 players in a “free for all”, they will be bound to negotiate with each other.