Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything from Der Kuenstler. Here is the piece Gen Manstein was talking about:
Sort of like risk?
I think that could potentially be really interesting and fun… I’d envision a lot more battles for naval superiority, a lot more variety in viable strategies.
Although some tweaks might have to be made for balance issues.
Japan has all the advantages in 5 teams all out for themselves…
Not necessarily… Europe has the more concentrated IPCs than Asia. Japan can’t expand into Russia as easily when Germany isn’t necessarily pressuring Russia. Japan’s choice of going after the U.S. is not easy, either.
America and Britian would have an interesting advantage because they have territories all over the world that they could build up forces in.
Britain in particular has territories all over the world that it cannot defend without help.
Japan can claim early income from US, Russia, and UK.
Remember, in a free for all, Russia may very well destroy Sinkiang’s forces, and will probably take Persia on R1. That isolates China and India and allows Japan to mop-up.
As for the UK… in addition to losing their distnat empire, they have the US and Germany both aiming at London… Better build INF while you can…
Yeah, Britian would be in a tough spot. However, barring an alliance, neither America nor Germany would like to see the other in control of the U.K. It still has the advantage of being an island nation. They would not have to worry as much about defense there with a strong navy and air force. Germany requires land defense against Russia, and the U.S. will be the prime target for Japan… this gives the U.K. a nice advantage in the Atlantic.
In addition, their location in the Atlantic makes them a viable threat to the U.S., Germany, and Russia. Being able to hurt someone is a good bargaining chip.
As for why Japan will most likely give attention to the U.S…
In the regular format Japan can easily fight Russia because Germany is their enemy, but in a FFA it is most likely a Japanese force would be fought out of Europe. Defending near a capital, with its production potential, is a huge advantage. Likewise, attacking away from a capital is a disadvantage. Keep in mind that Japan still has to defend against the U.S. in the Pacific, so they cannot put all their IPC’s towards the European front anyways.
In a FFA the Americas I believe the U.S. would be a more attractive target for Japan. The Pacific will end up being a theatre that only involves Japan and the U.S. Nothing makes an offense harder than a third party that can pounce on a victorious, but weakened force. The Japanese will have gained some ground in Asia, 10 IPC’s or so, making them most likely slightly stronger than the U.S. The U.S. mainland production is huge, and it would be much easier to defend than Russia if they conquered it, bringing them much closer to winning.
Back to the British…
Holding either the Africa or Pacific territories would require some politics as the production per turn is limited, but they could build up a serviceable force in one of the two areas least. If it seemed too hard for the British (they do lose canada for sure) a couple extra ICPs could be added to the UK, or possibly instead, a factory or at least increased IPCs could be added to South Africa or Australia.
UK is just toast.
USA takes Canada (-4) on USA1.
Germany takes Egypt (-2) on G1
Japan takes India on (-3) either J1 or J2
That puts UK in a hole to begin with (-9, or nearly 1/3 of their income to start)
UK can;t afford to attack Norway on UK1, because of the risk of invasion by US forces on US1, unless it is left totally vacant (not as likely in a free for all game).
Also, US will not be going to Africa on USA2 to lioberate it for UK, but to take it for themselves. So Germany will race through Africa first (taking all 9 UK IPC’s), with USA following behind them to claim Africa for the USA.
Meanwhile, Uk will be building up navy and landing forces to make their move a few turns later… a make or break move for them.
So USA and Germany are after UK in Africa.
UK is trying to prevent invasion from Germany and USA
Russia is after USA in Sinkiang and China, UK in the Middle East (all of which have negligable defense)
Only Japan has no imminent threat.
Once they crack the initial Russian units in the east, Japan is off to the races.
They can grab 3 from USSR, 2-4 from USA, 6 from UK… all before they hit any real opposition.
So while everyone else is on the defensive, or trading and counter trading in 3 or 4 way fights, Japan is gaining gorund, and building up offesnive units, with their only real opponent being Russia which has to deal with the US in China, UK landings, and Germany. So Russia is NOT going to be focusing on 1 IPC territories far from home, but fighting for dear life in Karelia, West Russia, and Caucuses.
Game to Japan :-)
risk is awfully superficial
when you play risk you would at least play with advanced rules
America won’t be playing defensively either and if they just secure the Atlantic they can go into the Pacific right away and go island hopping which will hurt Japans income so they might be ahead of Japan and America can outproduce Japan if they basically go all Pacific and they are being defensive with their fleet in the Pacific and taking islands while waiting for Japan to counter attack so US might force Japan to build more ships then they would like rather then going all out mainland.
I have a version I have made up using the existing units and map with a set of rules that modify the original rules. Be sure to give me feedback.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Where is that?
Is it the thing in your signature?
I modified my profile. It should give my email address. That is for feedback. The Download is where the Rules are.
risk is awfully superficial
when you play risk you would at least play with advanced rules
I personally love Risk. Its not about fancy units and smart buys, its more about diplomacy. And its easier to teach a beginner than Axis and Allies, so some of my friends prefer Risk.
There was a discussion not too long ago aboutt his in the Variant Rules forum, I posted a link with a few rules sets to play like this.
I prefer to play untl 2 powers get eliminated, and then the remainng 3 get winning placements by their IPC totals.
There was one rules set that made for spenind IPC’s to declare war, a rules I really liked.
UK might not be toast, if the US or Germany forms and alliance, the UK can survive a bit longer, using their remaining navy or airforce to attack either US or Germany (whoever didnt make the alliance, obviously). If Russia makes a border alliance with Germany, trading WRus for Karellia, then it takes a load off of both Russia and Germany, since they can now devote their forces towards Africa/Britain and Towards mainland Asia.
I prefer to play untl 2 powers get eliminated, and then the remainng 3 get winning placements by their IPC totals.
yeah that would be interesting actually
can add to diplomactic aspect
still the other aspects of Risk are a bit crap for me
I played a few games of risk and starting thinking about how to make it a little more advanced, strategic, realistic
and before you know it I found a game called Axis and Allies :mrgreen:
I guess I could enjoy Risk if
*more than 3 attacking vs. 2 defending
*no unlimited movement
*horse and canon being actual units
but most would say thats Risk anymore :mrgreen:
I like unlimited attacking (in Risk only), it adds an element of surprise since you can attack right into your opponents gut.
Im playing a free-for-all game later tonight. Im probably going to be Russia, jus to add a challenge.
I sense an early treaty with Germany and a war with the UK in my future…Russia in africa/india might not be a bad idea.
I like unlimited attacking (in Risk only), it adds an element of surprise since you can attack right into your opponents gut.
Im playing a free-for-all game later tonight. Im probably going to be Russia, jus to add a challenge.
I sense an early treaty with Germany and a war with the UK in my future…Russia in africa/india might not be a bad idea.
ithink japan will be the most intresting to play. probably most likely to piss everyone off. it has no common enemy everyone except german yis in the grasp of japan. even then if japan want safrica they may start a war. you may have to give up ypu 2 eaxstern countries as appesment. but don’t forget to attack sinkiang first turn. w.r russia should fall to you to so german should evacuvate it 1st turn.