Hi friends
I really like the setting of 1914, what with that death of the old world type of feeling to it, but I’m after a change.
Does anyone have or have any suggestions for objective based rules so that everyone could play free for all and diplomacy would become more important. I’m thinking we would want to lower the initial army sizes, clear out some regions in the map/use a variant map, empty Africa so there’s a reason to go there- stuff like that.
I was thinking that one might have two or three objective, drawn at random from a deck of objectives and you go about trying to achieve them- they might mean war, they might just be holding certain territories- kind of like objectives in Risk. I think this would make for an interesting and varied game where different alliances might form and the war might happen in other places. Let me know if you have map/rule/objective ideas, I’d love to try this out.