The rules file has grammar issues, run on sentences, misspelled words.
when I have time I’ll print it out and go through it slowly
Also where did the oil rules go?
thats 1939
recall the decide was want to minimize the length and leave as much of 1939 and 1942 as possible to the map rules file
The NA’s need separate bold heading for names.
and I just noticed we have Superfortress immune to Anti-Air
The techs got one thats stuck with another.
I found it
A number of confusing rules. Everything should be readable one time.
Case by case points:
first page Id lake the Version and released info in white so it shows up.
page 7 need sequence for 1939 version
thats in 1939 rules
page 10 IPC not spent nor saved is forfeited… what does this mean?
it is lost and removed from the game
IPC path– you need to explain what a closed canal/ straight is ( reference by page #)
“closed” is as is LHTR
inserting cross reference to strait interdiction
Convoy sea zone reverse last two sentences (you roll first and apply result latter)
Page 14 naval transport. So does this allow friendly naval transport during NCM?
yes, that is not changed
Page 15 what does relocate 50% of land units mean?
recall you did not like all land units in a territory to be able to reinforce an adjacent friendly territory
hence we limit it to 50%
I should use the word move instead since its used throughout the paragraph
page 16 Interdiction–- Roll 1 die against each unit destroying it on its hit value? explain differently
lets change it to
Roll 1 die against each unit destroying it on success roll.
page 17–- excess air units fight with normal combat values -2 . explain?
you wanted to remove air-only attack against land units
I wanted to keep it as I thought its too arbitrary to remove it
so to model it better we let air only attack against land units but they would be as effective (hiding in bunkers etc)
anti-air ID rolls need to be placed with ID section. Its like reading chapter 1 now and chapter 2 latter
what do you mean by ID section? like units?
this happens in Conduct Combat phase so I put it in Conduct Combat phase
Page 18 the attacker can retreat even if the defender was destroyed? thats not correct.
hm, we had this for a long time
the realism is simple straight forward
you don’t suddenly lose the ability to retreat just because you destroyed the enemy
if you can retreat when the enemy is harassing you
you can retreat when th enemy is not
of course, to capture the territory you must have an least one land unit behind
page 21 naval combat–- if only one side has naval units the other side must retreat? what is this?
yes actually it can removed
it has no effect
we already stated about carrier capacity
attacker retreat–- this is allowed even if defender has no units left?
yes same reason as land combat
page 24 Naval combat Amp a**–- however units that break off you may not continue amp assault? doe snot make sense.
if the defender runs attacker can offload
if the attacker runs then they abort the landing
I reword to this
Defender retreat via break-off and submerged submarines do not prevent the land combat portion of an amphibious assault. However attacker retreat via break-off aborts the amphibious assault.
air missions–- each air unit can perform only one mission as the active player and one as the passive player ( DAS)
planes doing DAS can also perform other missions and thats not clear.
which version is that?
my file words it as
Each air unit can only perform one air mission per turn. It may not perform normal combat in the same turn. Air missions are declared with normal combat moves. Air missions are resolved before normal combats and before Defensive Air Support air units arrive.
we refrain from letting units fight in more than one space or doing thing to cause a complex timeline to resolve
but anything is open to discussion
in the end we reduced the bomber cost to 14 IPC instead
SBR –- reference that the SR is an optional rule and reference page number.
yes will do
Page 25 what is the maximum damage for territories with a factory?
territory value
you must be referring to the difference of SBR on territories with IC and no IC
but I realise is not correct terminology
since excess damage is applied to saved IPC at that territory
so reword like this…
Economic attacks (SBR and rocket strikes) reduce a territory’s income at its next “Collect Income” phase and not reducing below zero. Excess hits are applied to saved IPC in that territory. SBR attacks are allowed on territories without an Industrial Complex. The maximum reduction to its next “Collect Income” phase is half of territory’s income value rounded down.
page 28 deployment–- airborne units are mobilized at capital victory city…do we need the 2 VCP part?
its to make it harder to raise then normal infantry
page 30 Rocket tech is stuck with Hvy bomber
yep got it
self propelled–-- i think we had some other value for this… for 5 ipc who would buy one? I thought we gave them a if they roll a one they select the unit they kill?
what we did give it was ability to participate one territory away
but that was found unrealistic
it still has its value
INF + ART = 7 IPC for 4 punch, 2 punch after 1 hit
INF + SPA = 8 IPC for 5 punch, 3 punch after 1 hit
INF + ARM = 8 IPC for 4 punch, 3 punch after 1 hit
they also move at 2 like tanks, so you can reinforce quickly
atomic bomb should be spaced away from that box
page 37 check the neutrals for inconsistencies from the new set up sheets
I believe there are consistent with the map
there are no setup sheets for standard map
the 1939 setup is not included
page 38-54 bold headings and separation of NA titles.
will do
on page 37 replace AP for TR people don’t know about AP even though its the correct title.
thats left over from previous abreviations regime
I’ll get rid of it
the word Soviet Union is misspelled with a Unionm but i forgot where i saw it.
found it, it was in diplomacy