This sentence make no sence to me. What are you saying? The rule should say not passable unless control of Germany by Allies. Denmark was the straight that blocked things.
I meant “passage” instead of “passable”
control of passage is completely determined by friendly control of territory Germany
because its exactly the same as OOB canal rule and I didn’t bother making yet naother rule
just draw in the red control symbol like OOB
Ahh only jet planes (or bombers immune to AA. Also make the German NA for Long range bomber immune to this)
ok no immunity for Superfortress
immunity for Jet fighter and bombers
Amerika Bomber NA is already immune to AA
So that means you cant save money? thats not correct. You can save.
you can save
it says IPC not spent nor saved is forfeited
It should mention that so to avoid confusion.
I didn’t feel it would lead to confusion
I felt this is “Combat Move” so you shouldn’t talk about “Non-combat Move”
how about I change it to
Units loaded in Combat Move must be offloaded in Combat Move same turn. Besides an amphibious assault you may also offload into friendly territories.
Ok where did this 50% thing come from? I don’t remember anything on this. So its saying you cannot bring in more than 1/2 of the currently attacked pieces to reinforce for combat?
at one stage you were against reinforces and I proposed 50%
before the colour version we didn’t have the limit
the 50% rule is independent of whether you are being attacked
this about not all forces are deployed as rapid response force
but we can remove that if you want
Its even more arbitrary.
why is it arbitrary?
so you attack with 2 tanks + 3 fighters
1 fighter would fight at -2 modifier
I think it good in that it considers the proportions (1-to-1)
not allowing air only attack on land units would be arbitrary
or if you want then forget 1-to-1 make it only apply only when have no land units
When the attacker brings in more air units than he is attacking on land, the defender has the opportunity to retreat BEFORE the start of combat. This would be that hes not really being engaged by anything but a token force, so he can shrug it off and not commit himself to combat. That allows the opportunity for each side to take it or leave it.
this rule would be weird
just because attacker has a lot of air force somehow its lets the defender retreat?
what you are thinking (regarding token attack force) is actually ALREADY in place
if you attack a large defending force of 10 units with a small attacking force of 5 units, much of the large defending force (10 - 5 = 5 units) can relocate via “land reinforcement” and is not committed to fight
remember the reinforcement rule is defender response and is not about reinforcing a particular battle
Yes but its like getting parts of the same rule piecemeal. it should be together explained one time so its easy to locate for clarification.
its not parts of the same rule
conduct combat aspects of the ID unit is mentioned ONLY in “Conduct Combat”
the overall system at the moment is to mention particular aspects in the relevant game phase
explaining aspects of one unit in different game phases in one place might be easier to locate all information about one unit
but you would not be reading it where you should be reading it
image applying what you said to air units in general
there’ll be lots of cross-referencing required through the book
I think the rule was If those units have movement points left over ( say armor moved only one) then it can move back.
well attacker retreat is allowed
it doesn’t question whether you have movement points left over
and rolling over unused “Combat Move” movement points into “Non-Combat Move” is exactly what we don’t allow
like our air movement system
Otherwise their is not any risk ever, anybody can play keep away. The real war was never fought where you attack something and destroy the enemy and not even bother to seize the field of battle. Its too skiddish.
The idea of retreat is only when you suffer loses too great to continue. When you kill the enemy your fighting in the territory. Retreat after victory makes no historical value in this.
no you wouldn’t retreat completely
you would leave something behind to capture the territory
but the OOB model is not nice
it doesn’t make sense that you suddenly lose the ability to retreat because the enemy was killed
for a tactical level game with very short turns (like one combat cycle or one movement point but not both) than maybe
it has value
if you think its a problem with not being historical, think why and fix it at the relevant place
this model is correct
so don’t destroy it just because the end result isn’t right
the relevant place is probably to do with how many units are needed to capture a territory
it was mentioned in the past but wasn’t implemented
It does not need to be said if you dead you have nothing to retreat. If it only applies to planes in sea zones, then just say that because people read this and ask what is he saying?
“Remaining carrier based planes left after their carrier is sunk must use their last remaining movement points to find another landing spot.”
People are scratching their head on this. Leave this out. If you dead you cant retreat you are dead. Retreat only means 'IF YOU HAVE SHIPS LEFT TO RETREAT" Again if your tasking about planes just say the answer for the item above.
I removed it as I’ve mentioned
yes it was about air units
it was a unneeded counterpart of something from land combat
It must be clear that people dont think they cant use DAS as the passive player and on their own turn also perform air missions. These are more than one mission on a turn : one as defender one as attacker.
yes previously it mentions as active/passive
its clear now
you should notice DAS is no longer mentioned with CA, SBR, GI
CA SBR and GI are mentioned together - for active turn
DAS is mentioned with reinforcement rules - for passive turn
Its needs to say what is the effect of SBR in BOTH cases with IC and w/o IC that is not clear. Your only taking about w/o an IC currently.
ok I’ll add a sentence
It needs to say at 2 VCP or higher. Otherwise people think you can only build them at 2 VCP. It has to make sense to everybody not just us.
Infantry are mobilised at victory cities. The number of units deployable per turn being the VCP value. Airborne units are mobilised at your capital victory city and requires 2 VCP each.
its not 2 VCP or higher
we are not talking about location, for location you can ONLY build Airborne at your capital
its 2 VCP each
I’ll reword to
Infantry units are mobilised at victory cities. Airborne Infantry units are mobilised at your capital victory city. The number of units deployable is determined by its VCP value. Infantry requires 1 VCP each and Airborne Infantry requires 2 VCP each.
Please explain this? SPA defends at 2 Tanks defend at 3 thats the only difference in stats.
you are forgetting that it supports infantry like a normal artillery does
so its a better buy for attacking punch
as for selecting casualty on a 1…
how about make it like Tanks hits allocation
ie. make SPA hits are allocated on Infantry and Airborne Infantry last
recall we tried to streamline gameplay and one thing was air units hit going for armored units first and infantry and airborne infantry last, removing air units selecitvely attack even in air superiority
Its almost ready we need to add it to the file. then prepare a 42 setup.
as mentioned said its already added, see the 1939 rules file that I posted
recall I’ve made that setup tables with the 2007-12-19 map
after you make setup adjustments update the table yourself
and please remember to use the map file (with layers) I uploaded
otherwise you’ll have 4 files (1939, 1942, 1939 with setup, 1942 with setup) for one map
I wonder how you can represent setup