Russia Round 1
Combat Move
Buy 3 inf, 3 arm
- Wrus - 3 inf, 1 rt, 1 arm vs. 9 inf (3 kar, 3 arch, 3 mos), 2 rt (1 cauc, 1 mos), 2 arm (1 arch, 1 mos), 2 ftrs (1 kar, 1 mos)
wrus - taken with 3 inf, 2 rt, 2 arm
Non-Combat Move
2 ftrs land in cauc
2 inf to wrus from cauc
2 inf to cauc from kaz
2 inf to mos from novo
2 inf to mos from eve
2 inf to novo from yak
2 inf to sfe from bury
2 inf to yak from sfe
1 arm to cauc from mos
1 sub to sz 2 from sz 4
1 aa to wrus from mos
3 inf, 1 arm on Cauc
2 arm on Mos
Collect 26
Germany 1:
(Sorely tempted to hit W. Russia, but I wont.)
Combat Moves:
Armor from E. Europe to Karelia - BLITZ Archangelsk
Russia Round 2
Buy 7 inf, 1 arm
Combat Move
1) Ukr - 1 inf vs. 3 inf (cauc), 1 ftr (cauc)
2) Belo - 1 inf vs. 2 inf (wrus), 1 ftr (cauc)
3) Kar - 1 inf vs. 2 inf (wrus), 1 rt (wrus)
4) Arch - 1 arm vs. 2 inf (mos), 3 arm (2 mos, 1 wrus)
ukr - taken, wol
belo - taken, wol
kar - taken with 1 inf, 1 rt
arch - taken, wol
Non-Combat Move
2 ftrs land in cauc
1 sub to sz 8 from sz 2
1 aa to mos from wrus
2 inf to wrus from mos
2 inf to wrus from cauc
1 arm to cauc from wrus
2 inf to mos from novo
3 inf to novo from yak
4 inf on Cauc
3 inf, 1 arm on Mos
Collect 30
No added risk to Russia, no forces were diverted away from Germany, infact as NPB and others point out you are allowed to use Russian troops in Moscow for an attack as they move to the front lines and you do not weaken any of your attacks. You trade inf for Arm and in this case it was German armor for nothing. Adv. Russia.