AAE Scenario: Europe 1939 (France, USA, Germany, Britain, USSR, Italy)

  • Corsica and Sardinia are to be considered one island, do you think I need to specify that?

  • Eeeh…I use them as two islands. Thier rarly used when ever I play anyway

    I took back Norway, Finland, Moroco, the med., Scicly, but still is going to take a long time to rule the seas though. I am also officially scared to attake th SU (total of 58inf  :-o 12art 6t 4ft 2bm, 5AA and 2tp, 2s, and 2d!  :cry: )

  • The option for peace Russia to choose between saving up and building is interesting. But would be useful only if there were significant counter forces.
    Like if there was a scissors paper rock situation with the units building strategy. For land combat I think the standard game do not.

    Not sugguesting a big rule change nor this particular rule but for example if you made it land units can’t hit air units but air units must retreat without friendly land units…then you have a scissors paper rock situation.
    *more air units + few land units
    *balanced composition
    *more land units + few air units

    Naval combat we already have scissors paper rock situation, I think.

    P.S. Wouldn’t it be fun if Russia could declare war on US/UK and enter alternate history ;)

  • I’ve had fun and done that before  :lol: U.S./Brtian vs SU vs Axis Usually ends up the Su and allies squish germany together untill they meet, it seems always to be a draw though. Too many turns.

  • @Gewehr:

    I’ve had fun and done that before   :lol: U.S./Brtian vs SU vs Axis Usually ends up the Su and allies squish germany together untill they meet, it seems always to be a draw though. Too many turns.

    Oh, so nothing is changed then. Germany gets squished even if Russia isn’t collaborating with US/UK.

  • Good god, how did you let Russia get so big? They ARE using only half of their income, right?

  • I don’t know. Yes hes using 1/2 income $10 each turn. He built nothing but inf. for like 5 turns. Belive me, I’ve watched him and what hes been doing, and I personly have been giving him only $10 each turn (I’m the banker). The year is probly like 1942-43.
    Want to know the whole map here:

    US-12inf 5art 3t 2fg 1aa 1bm
    UK- 6inf 3art 2fg 1bm
    S Atlan.- 1b 2tp 1d
    E US coast- 1b
    Alz. Sea- 2d 2tp
    Den. Strait-1d 1tp
    Iceland-1inf 1fg
    cyprus- 1bm

    UK- 6inf 3art 1bm 1aa
    Canada- 3inf 1art 1t 1aa
    Gib.- 3inf
    Malta- 1inf
    cyrprus- 1fg
    celtic sea- 1b 2d 2tp
    Atlantic- 1d 2tp
    Gib. Strait- 1d 2tp

    Germany:  :evil:
    Finland- 3inf 1t
    norway- 3inf 1art 1t 1fg
    denmark- 1inf
    poland- 6inf 1t 1art
    Germany- 4inf 1art 1t 1fg 1bm
    Bel-Neth- 4inf 2t
    France- 6inf 3art  3t 1fg 1aa
    E-france- 3inf
    vichy- 1inf
    hungary- 6inf 2t 1art
    moroco- 3inf
    lybia- 1inf
    Check, Aust, yugo, greece, algeria unoc. by germany forces
    Tyrian Sea- 1d 1tp
    Norweigian sea- 2s
    danish sea- 2s 1d 2tp
    b o biscay- 1s

    N-Italy- 6inf 1t 1art 1aa
    S-Italy- 3inf
    Scicly 1inf
    German Yugo.-2inf
    German Greece-3inf
    German Moroco- 1bm
    german alger.- 1t 2inf
    tunis- 3inf
    lybia-1inf 1t
    Egypt- 3inf
    iraq- 2inf
    syria-2inf 1art
    Romania- 5inf 2t
    Bulgaria, crete, trans jor., pals. unoc
    C-med.- 1d 1tp
    Tyria. Sea- 1s
    W-Med. 2d 1s

    Soviet Union:
    moscow- 6inf 2art 2t 1fg 1bm 2aa
    russia- 4inf 1t
    siberia- 4inf 1art
    Arch An.-3inf 1t 1aa
    Kalria- 3inf 1art 1t 1fg
    vyb.- 3inf
    lenin- 6inf 1art 1t 1aa
    Baltic state- 3inf 1art 1fg
    E-Poland- 4inf 1t 1fg
    Bessa.- 3inf 1t
    Ukr.- 4inf 1art 1bm
    Belorusia- 4inf 2art
    Stalin- 6inf 1art 1t 1fg
    caucus- 4inf 1art 1fg
    Iran- 3inf 1art : (
    Turk- 4ing 1t
    Baltic Sea- 1d 1s 1tp
    White sea- 1tp 1d 1s

    There yea go.  :-D :-D

    If I know that I’m going to lose, like if france and Italy are gone, then I’ll declare war on the SU just to see how fast he zips through me.

  • How do you like the game, then?

  • Great! I’ve made a few things like this up with the 1939 senario before and always had fun with it. The games delayed for a while, US/Britash guy (chris) is going outa town for a few days.
    The only bad thing is the jap counters, just looks weird on the europe map.

    Speaking of wierd pieces, has anyone else noticed that the german fighter is a stuka dive bomber  :? I don’t under stand why they didn’t use a Fock Wulf or Bf/Me 109? wth

  • I hope I get some other people to play these rules. Any suggestions on where to put them up so that a large number of A&A fans will know where to find them?

    And yeah, the Stuka isn’t exactly the pinnacle of German aircraft development, but you must understand that early on in the war, the Stuka was feared for its powerful ground support capabilities, and thus is generally more memorable to us, its victims, than say the rather generic-looking BF-109. Really, it’s mostly about the recognition factor - will players of Axis and Allies generally recognize this piece as distinctively German?

    Also, if you ask me, the Stuka and the Russian Sturmovik are the two aircraft they got right. Yes, the P-38 and the Spitfire were crucial to the Americans and British, but neither of them served in a ground-support role primarily, especially the Spitfire. A better choice might have been the Mosquito or the Hawker Hurricane.

  • To me, the fighters should be a fighter. this is how I would have done it.
    America: p-38 or p51 mustang
    Germany: Bf109 or Me109
    UK: Spitfire or Hurricane
    SU: I don’t know Soviet aircraft
    Japan: Zeke
    I also would have the german tanks be panzer IVs not panthers. There wernt nearly as many panthers as there was IVs produced.

  • just a suggestion, bt have you thought about making the northern american convoy under british control during peactimes? then have a rule if germany attacks that convoy america is brought to the war. maybe if the canadian one is held in german hands for a certian number of turns. that’s because american goods would be traveling though that convoy too.

  • I made up a rule that amerca was only alowed to produce fighters and send them over to britan at which time they would turn into british fighters. The Eagle Squadren.

  • @ cyan: We could have done something like that, but we felt that things are already tough enough for the German player without the chance that it might end up fighting every single Ally at once. Besides, I don’t know if you know this, but German subs were actually fighting and sinking American Merchant Marine carrying supplies for Britain and Russian far before the USA got into the war. Roosevelt was doing practically everything possible to aid his European friends except actually declaring war on Hitler, because that would have been shot down by Congress and the American public in general. America needed something really bad and personal, something like December 7, 1941, to actually spur them to action.

    As it is, if there are any balance issues with the Scenario as it is I am afraid they may lie with the Allies being to powerful rather than too weak.

  • The game has restarted, and, well, I think I lost  :| North Africa and the med. islands are gone, but I’m holding onto the mid east, but not for long. He’s probly going to invade greece or Italy, then norway/finland, then france……shoot!  :x Hes having britan just sit around and stratigically bomb and it’s navy completely blockading me, while the US is storming into N Africa. I held him off at tunis for 16 turns!  :-o We duked it out back n forth, but in the end the US was able to slowly but surly put more troops in than me. The battle of tunis was the battle thata is probly going to make me lose WWII!

  • quit and restart the game. I hate when the axis lose. Arrg!

  • I would, but my friends want to see me get wuoped even without the USSR  :cry: . Soo to make the game end quicly, I’m going to launch Operation RETREAT!!!  or Total lose…  :-o oh! Operation Implosion is what I’m going to call it. I’ll declare war on uber 6trillion inf, 60t, 40billion artilery, with $600 stored (exaderation by only alittle) Soviets and then I’ll go back in time 10yrs to 1939.

  • @Gewehr:

    I would, but my friends want to see me get wuoped even without the USSR  :cry: . Soo to make the game end quicly, I’m going to launch Operation RETREAT!!!  or Total lose…  :-o oh! Operation Implosion is what I’m going to call it. I’ll declare war on uber 6trillion inf, 60t, 40billion artilery, with $600 stored (exaderation by only alittle) Soviets and then I’ll go back in time 10yrs to 1939.

    maybe japan can help you.  :lol:  ther is no way you can launch operation gambling sea lion?

  • Well, it’s over….that fast, the Su took iraq, seria, palistine, romania, bulgaria, finland, hungary and poland in 1 turn! 2nd turn, chz, austria, norway, greece, yugo, eygypt, jordan, and cut germanys defenses in 1/2…We decide to quit after that.  :cry:

    Great senario though, great job, I coped the rules and everything so I can play it any time I want.  :mrgreen:

    Hey, does anyone here on the forums want to try this senario out and face me as Germany/Italy, or if someone else could be Italy and me Germany?  :evil:

  • @Gewehr:

    Well, it’s over….that fast, the Su took iraq, seria, palistine, romania, bulgaria, finland, hungary and poland in 1 turn! 2nd turn, chz, austria, norway, greece, yugo, eygypt, jordan, and cut germanys defenses in 1/2…We decide to quit after that.  :cry:

    Great senario though, great job, I coped the rules and everything so I can play it any time I want.  :mrgreen:

    Hey, does anyone here on the forums want to try this senario out and face me as Germany/Italy, or if someone else could be Italy and me Germany?  :evil:

    okay i’ll be italy but only if we can play on the forum.( no triplea or anything like that. i just read all the rules. who will we play are they on the forum?

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