In ww2, Oil is important part of warfare. Germany have big broplems in late war because they haven’t oil for airplanes or tanks. Japan’s navy have same broplem. Allies have unlimited source of oil (Caucasus, middle east, USA).
in game, some provinces generate oil:
USA, Alaska, Venezuela, Brazil, Germany (little), Hungary (little), Romania, Ukreine (little), Archangelsk, Ural, Caucasus, Soviet far east, Novosibirsk, Sinkiang, Formosa, Manchuria (little), Papua, Borneo, East indies, French indochina, Burma, India, Persia, Iraq, Transjordan&Syrie, Egypt (little), Libya (little), Algeria (little) and South africa…Moving tank or Mechanized inf costs 0.5, blitzing cost 1.
Moving ships costs 0.5 oil per seazone
Aircraft cost 1 oil for all movement in turn.At start of game, Japan, Germany and italy have Oil Reserves, and when it ends, they must take oil normally…
Ships range isn’t unlimited. They would be same movement than Fighters, 4 zones but must end movement to friendly territory. Ships must refuel and support in ports , fleets can’t stay in sea years. That rule do not apply to submarines. You can pay additional oil to ships for more movement. That rule makes pacific little islands more important, because you need friendly zones to ships support.