Britain’s NAs aren’t useless, but 3 of the 6 are one-time-use. Once you trigger 'em, they’re gone. That puts a little tension on the UK player to make the correct choice about when to use them, and also means that have relatively fewer advantages once they do. In general, Britain’s NAs are meh.
Mideast Oil - I like this one, because it allows surprise defensive appearances by Fighters halfway across the world. Bombers get unbelievable reach. You can take off from London, bomb Moscow, refuel in Persia, and land in Australia all in one turn.
You’re going to use UK bombers to bomb Moscow? HERETIC!
Colonial Garrison. A double-edged sword. You can put down a complex, but it could get gobbled up and used against you if you don’t devote a lot of resources to protect it. I would prefer this NA if it were a free Complex one time during the game, not necessarily at game start.
If you start popping stuff out in India on UK1, it is FAR more difficult for Japan to take. Three more infantry makes a big big difference.
Radar. Useful, if there were any British territories with an AA that regularly got attacked by Axis air.
What, like London and Calcutta? German fighters provide the big added kick against London, Japanese fighters provide the big added kick against Calcutta. Radar is actually a g****** pain in the a** for the Axis.
French Resistance. Three lousy infantry. Egh. That should slightly slow down the German retake.
True, it’s not a BIG difference. But if it can make a VITAL difference. Capture, add in infantry fodder, add in US fighters.
Joint Strike. I have yet to plan and execute a proper D-day using this. I’m sure it will be a fantastic moment when I do.
Joint Strike is pretty broken. It’s like Voltron. (edit) “broken” - that is, game breakingly good. Like, um, Voltron! (/edit)
Enigma Decoded. My favourite of UK’s NAs. I love setting traps for poor sucker Germany. Once you’ve used it to devastating effect, it takes on a good psychological value in future games, too. A flotilla of undefended transports won’t get attacked by German air, because I have a few combat-ships next door and Enigma Decoded in my pocket.
Germany, on the other hand, is all action all the time, and becomes a combat beast when all 6 are turned on. Fortress Europe and Atlantic Wall together mean that _every single German unit defending against amphibious assaults in grey territories defends at 3 or better._ Not too shabby. Luftwaffe Divebombers and Panzerblitz together means that first-cycle massacres are the norm, and that expensive German equipment doesn’t remain in range of a counterattack. U-Boat Interdiction and Wolfpacks are not ideal, since subs are not such a mainstream purchase for Germany, but when they’re active, you’ll find the Allied player quite concerned with their effects.
If I have a LOT of stuff defending in grey territories, that just makes it so I lose slower. Same thing for building mass subs; you can slow down the Allied Atlantic fleet, but then Russia presses very hard. Panzerblitz frees up your fighters, so it’s pretty sweet.
Generally, the Allied NAs help the Allies to ATTACK, or are significantly powerful on defense. That is, Allied NAs help the Allies WIN. Generally, the Axis NAs just make it so it takes longer for the Allies to kill them. That is, Axis NAs do NOT help the Axis win; they just make it take longer for the Axis to LOSE. IMHO of course.