• 2007 AAR League

    so, of course educated catholics from a good catholic school know that stuff switch.  that stuff only works trying to work over an urban liberal who doesnt know anything and you tell them that stuff trying to get them mad at christianity.  but the educated ones already know all the pagan things in early christianity.

    as jen said, if it saves one pagan soul it was worth it.  some people are in the business of spreading the good news of christ and leading them to the path.  (i dont neccessarily deem it neccessary for soul saving however).

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Gee, when I said it it didn’t seem so hateful.  I don’t hate pagans.  Even if they are heathens I don’t hate them.  But if we can bring the love of christ to the heart of just one more man by altering a current holiday and christianizing it, then where’s the harm?  You still have your holiday and God has one more soul!

  • knock, knock, knock

    [door opens and standing outside are young people, mostly female, in long flowing robes]

    “Hi, we are from your neighborhood Coven.  Has anyone brought you the Word of the Goddess today?”

    Damn, I am so glad that that never happens :-)

    As far as stealing Pagan symbols, the Yule Tree has to be one of the best.  Martin Luther decided to ADOPT this very Pagan symbol that was very popular in Germany and attach it to his heresy in order to draw on German Nationalism to help his heresy grow and flourish.  Yule Trees are about as Pagan as Pagan can get.

  • Im pretty sure Jesus was born on July 2nd.

  • 2007 AAR League

    good thing for it, i love christmas trees.

    how does anyone know exactly when jesus was born. or are these best guesses.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I agree, Switch.  Yule trees are very pagan/heathenous.  But they’ve been adopted and given a Christian meaning (the point at the top represents the star that shown down on the baby Jesus.)

    And yes, these are best guesses, no one knows the exact date Jesus was born anymore.  It’s rather irrellevant.

  • All guesses.

    From Luke we have arguments for both April and September.
    From the Catholic Chruch and subsequent convention December.

    Let’s just make it April 15 and be done with it :-P

  • Well Jully 2nd makes sense. The Shepards where out at night with their flocks, and they certainly wouldnt have been doing so in december, they would be more likely to pasture their flocks at night instead of the heat of the day.

    Aside from that I was talking to Jesus the other day (we are pretty tight) And he told me its July 2nd.

  • I still say we make it April 15.

    Taxes and Christmas.  Hate and Love.

    Of course, the Post Office would go INSANE!  LOL

  • Well belive what you want, but I got it from the horses mouth.

  • Well, I just communed with the Goddess, and she SWEARS that she gave birth to the male divine entity on April 15 :-P

    And I think that we can trust a MOTHER to tell us what day she gave birth!


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’d sonner make do the following:

    1.  Make it illegal to have tax withholdings.  Save your money and pay with one big check at the end of the year.
    2.  Taxes are due no later then 11:59PM EST December 31st. (Like, you know, the end of the year?)
    3.  Christmas can be moved to May 5th.  Let’s screw with the Mexicans!

  • @Jennifer:

    3.  Christmas can be moved to May 5th.  Let’s screw with the Mexicans!

    Hey fuck you!!  Im a beaner!!  :-P J/K  I dont care.  Hell the Irish even celebrate “Cinco de Mayo,” so why not?

  • The goddess? huh? :?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    3.  Christmas can be moved to May 5th.  Let’s screw with the Mexicans!

    Hey f**k you!!  Im a beaner!!  :-P J/K  I dont care.  Hell the Irish even celebrate “Cinco de Mayo,” so why not?

    Think of it!  You can celebrate them both by getting drunk and watching your kids go insane trying to figure out how to put together their loud, obnoxious toys!  You almost SHOULD be drunk for Christmas as a parent anyway!

  • 2007 AAR League

    hey jenn i saw your list thats pretty funny.  but W should be higher than the clintons. what about a list of who screwed up the country the most W would have to be near the top

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    hey jenn i saw your list thats pretty funny.  but W should be higher than the clintons. what about a list of who screwed up the country the most W would have to be near the top

    Who screwed up the country the most?

    T. Roosevelt
    F. Roosevelt
    Truman - Oh my Gawd did he screw us up!  He CAUSED the cold war, almost single handedly….Stalin helped a little.

    That’s not set in stone in that order, but it’s pretty close.  I might flip one or two here or there.

  • What do you mean by “screwed up the country”? I think you’re dealing in highly subjective terms here, which makes any list of “Biggest Screw-Ups” rather useless.

    And while I’m at it, what do you mean, Truman caused the Cold War? FDR caused the Cold War with his pandering to Stalin, and refusal to let Western forces push on into the rest of Germany and Eastern Europe at the close of the European Theater. Truman might not have helped the situation, but FDR instigated it.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Save that crap for another thread. This is about Christmas. I happen to know that it was February 30.

  • @froodster:

    Save that crap for another thread. This is about Christmas. I happen to know that it was February 30.

    Yea idiots!  Christmas is the shiznet!

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