With regards to rolling crappy NAs, my clique has come up with a plan for that. We decide which one NA we would REALLY want, and then roll for two NAs. If either of our rolls end up as the one we chose, we would get only that one. If not, then we get whichever NAs we actually rolled. OR another way would be to choose two that we really want, and then roll for three, or even four. If you get the two you chose, then you get just those two, etc., etc.
But yes, I put that it’s a big part of my strategy, because the NA I get will affect what units I lean toward (Wolf Packs, Bonzai Attacks, etc.) Remember, also, that the NA you get can be combined with techs to further enhance your forces. (See “Tech/NA Combos” thread) In the above case of getting two NAs, you can make combinations there, too. Think of how hard it might be to take out Germany if they have Fortress Europe AND Atlantic Wall. D-Day would be SO much harder to pull off!
Just my two cents… :wink: