• The Political Situation, The United States: This paragraph should read “The United States begins the game neutral. It may not declare war on Japan unless Japan first declares war on it or makes an unprovoked declaration of war against the United Kingdom or ANZAC. Following any such unprovoked declaration of war by Japan, the United States will receive an immediate one-time bonus payment of 30 IPCs, representing the total mobilization and transfer of military assets within the continental United States. However, if the United States is still not at war with Japan by the Collect Income phase of its third turn, it may declare war on Japan at the beginning of that phase. This is an exception to the rules for declaring war (see “Declaring War,” page 11), which may normally be done only at the beginning of the Combat Move phase.” (Note that this change applies only to the Pacific rules, and not to the Global rules.)

    I understand this rule was put in because of the very strong Japanese USA Crush strategy.

    Questions: (A)  If Japan attacks the US at ANY time, when does the US receive these 30 IPCs?

    (B)  If USA declares war on Japan,  do they STILL receive these 30 IPCs?

    ©  What is the difference between a “provoked” and “unprovoked” attack and does that make a difference concerning the 30 IPCs to USA?

    (D)  Are there any ways that the USA does NOT receive this one-time payment?

    Any help is always appreciated from you A&A Masters out there!

  • Official Q&A

    (A) The US receives the IPCs immediately upon an unprovoked declaration of war by Japan on either the US or UK-ANZAC.

    (B) No.

    © A declaration of war is considered to be provoked either when the declaration is made in reaction to the direct aggression of another power or when a political rule allows the power to declare war due to a specific action being taken by another power.  A declaration of war under any other circumstances is considered to be unprovoked.  The US gets the IPCs only in the event of an unprovoked declaration by Japan.

    (D) The only way that the US does not get the IPCs is if it must wait until the Collect Income phase of its third turn to declare war on Japan.  Any action by Japan that allows the US to enter the war before that time also triggers the IPC payment.

  • to follow up on question A…

    the japanese on turn 1 attack the phillipines…as soon as japan attacks the us…thirty IPCs are given to the us player from the bank…while during Japan’s turn or on the purchase units phase of the USA player turn

    btw…thanks KriegHund

  • and can carrier move two spaces into a combat with other naval with the planes on it and they can attack the naval units…and or ground units if it is an island sea zone and then land on the carrier (if they survive)?

  • Official Q&A


    the japanese on turn 1 attack the phillipines…as soon as japan attacks the us…thirty IPCs are given to the us player from the bank…while during Japan’s turn or on the purchase units phase of the USA player turn

    The US receives the IPCs during Japan’s turn, immediately after the declaration of war.


    and can carrier move two spaces into a combat with other naval with the planes on it and they can attack the naval units…

    Yes, but the air units actually take off at the beginning of the movement and move along with the carrier.


    and or ground units if it is an island sea zone and then land on the carrier (if they survive)?

    If the carrier is not actually fighting, it must move in noncombat movement to pick up the air units (assuming they survive).

  • ok…i got it now…thanks KriegHund…aka the “WarMaster”

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