@Witt Wrong game, this is NML 1914 game 17. You’ll need to post this save game to another game feed.
Total World War 3.0 7 players
@dawgoneit said in Total World War 3.0 7 players:
@Guderian1 I tried to deploy there and couldn’t
I don’t think we can deploy troops in that territory… we have to go to the other barracks
@Avner I think i tried all the spots
@dawgoneit there is a territory in the middle of UK. it is labeled “exiled allies”. It only has a barracks, so you can only build men. Beliggerent nations can only build regular infantry, engineers or paratroopers.
If you cant make it. make a save and I will make an infantry there for you
@Guderian1 I saved all my turns, i just skipped over them and figures we could edit what ever we needed to.
@dawgoneit I dont understand. For @mainah to take his turn you need to be finished with yours. Can you not finish the purchase and edit that which doesnt work?
ll of my turn and posted it.
@dawgoneit i did all of my turn and posted it.
TripleA Turn Summary: Italy round 1
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 1 Research Technology - Italy Note to players Italy: <body><img src="startitaly.png"/></body> Trigger Starttechtokens: Italy met a national objective for an additional 5 techTokens; end with 5 techTokens Italy spend 0 on tech rolls Italy rolls : 1/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits Italy removing all Technology Tokens after successful research. Italy discover Production Combat Move - Italy Trigger italianTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to italianTank Trigger italianHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to italianHeavyTank Trigger italianAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to italianAirTransport Trigger italianMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to italianMech.Infantry Trigger italianMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to italianMech.Infantry Trigger italianTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to italianTank Trigger italianHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to italianHeavyTank 2 italianMarines moved from Southern Italy to 50 Sea Zone 2 italianMarines and 1 italianTransport moved from 50 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone 2 italianMarines moved from 51 Sea Zone to Tobruk 1 italianFighter, 1 italianInfantry, 1 italianMarine and 1 italianTank moved from Cyrenaica to Tobruk 1 italianNavalFighter moved from Greece to Tobruk 1 italianCruiser moved from 50 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone 1 italianBattleship moved from 46 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone 1 italianArtillery, 1 italianInfantry and 1 italianMech.Infantry moved from Al Kufrah to Tobruk 1 italianTacticalBomber moved from Rome to Tobruk 1 italianStrategicBomber moved from Sicily to Tobruk 1 italianSubmarine moved from 59 Sea Zone to 58 Sea Zone Combat - Italy Battle in Tobruk Italy attack with 1 italianArtillery, 1 italianFighter, 2 italianInfantrys, 3 italianMarines, 1 italianMech.Infantry, 1 italianNavalFighter, 1 italianStrategicBomber, 1 italianTacticalBomber and 1 italianTank Britain defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 britishAirfield, 1 britishAntiAirGun, 1 britishFortification, 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishParatrooper Britain roll AntiAircraftGun dice in Tobruk : 0/1 hits, 0.08 expected hits Italy roll dice for 1 italianBattleship and 1 italianCruiser in Tobruk, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.08 expected hits Italy roll dice for 1 italianArtillery, 1 italianFighter, 2 italianInfantrys, 3 italianMarines, 1 italianMech.Infantry, 1 italianNavalFighter, 1 italianStrategicBomber, 1 italianTacticalBomber and 1 italianTank in Tobruk, round 2 : 3/1 hits, 3.42 expected hits Britain roll dice for 1 britishAntiAirGun, 1 britishFortification, 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishParatrooper in Tobruk, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 1.83 expected hits 2 italianInfantrys owned by the Italy lost in Tobruk 1 britishInfantry owned by the Britain, 1 britishAntiAirGun owned by the Britain, 1 britishParatrooper owned by the Britain and 1 britishFortification owned by the Britain lost in Tobruk Some non-combat units are destroyed: Italy win, taking Tobruk from Britain with 1 italianArtillery, 1 italianFighter, 3 italianMarines, 1 italianMech.Infantry, 1 italianNavalFighter, 1 italianStrategicBomber, 1 italianTacticalBomber and 1 italianTank remaining. Battle score for attacker is 17 Casualties for Italy: 2 italianInfantrys Casualties for Britain: 1 britishAntiAirGun, 1 britishFortification, 1 britishInfantry and 1 britishParatrooper Non Combat Move - Italy Note to players Italy: <body><img src="tobruk.png"/></body> Trigger italianMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to italianMech.Infantry Trigger IncomeRegulationEA2: Setting switch to false for conditionAttachmentYesEA attached to ExiledAllies Trigger italianAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to italianAirTransport Trigger italianAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to italianAirTransport Trigger italianAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Italy for unitAttachment attached to italianAirTransport Trigger italianMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to italianMech.Infantry 1 italianAntiTankGun, 1 italianArtillery and 1 italianCombatEngineer moved from Tripolitania to Cyrenaica 1 italianFighter moved from Tobruk to Crete 1 italianNavalFighter, 1 italianStrategicBomber and 1 italianTacticalBomber moved from Tobruk to Cyrenaica 1 Truck and 1 italianInfantry moved from Tripolitania to Tobruk 2 italianInfantrys moved from Rome to 46 Sea Zone 2 italianInfantrys and 1 italianTransport moved from 46 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone 2 italianInfantrys moved from 51 Sea Zone to Tobruk 1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Northern Italy to Southern Italy 1 Train, 1 italianArtillery and 1 italianInfantry moved from Rome to Southern Ukraine 1 italianInfantry and 1 italianMech.Infantry moved from Kharkov to Southern Ukraine 1 italianInfantry moved from Western Ukraine to Kharkov 1 Truck and 1 italianAntiAirGun moved from Western Ukraine to Southern Ukraine 1 italianArtillery and 1 italianInfantry moved from Romania to Bessarabia 1 italianAlpineInfantry moved from Southern Yugoslavia to Greece 1 italianInfantry moved from Southern Yugoslavia to Romania 1 italianFighter moved from Southern Italy to Crete 1 italianDestroyer moved from 50 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone 1 italianDestroyer moved from 46 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone 1 italianDestroyer moved from 49 Sea Zone to 51 Sea Zone 1 italianSubmarine moved from 47 Sea Zone to 50 Sea Zone 1 italianTransport moved from 49 Sea Zone to 46 Sea Zone 1 italianMech.Infantry and 1 italianTank moved from Northern Italy to Romania 1 italianAirTransport and 1 italianParatrooper moved from Northern Italy to Sicily 1 Truck moved from Southern Italy to Northern Italy 1 italianInfantry moved from Northern Italy to Rome 1 italianMech.Infantry moved from Northern Yugoslavia to Bessarabia Purchase Units - Italy Italy buy 1 ResearchCenter, 2 italianMarines and 2 italianSubmarines; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; 0 techTokens; Place Units - Italy 2 italianMarines placed in Rome Units in Southern Italy being upgraded or consumed: 2 Materials 1 ResearchCenter placed in Southern Italy 2 italianSubmarines placed in 50 Sea Zone Activate Technology - Italy Italy activating Production Turn Complete - Italy Italy collect 26 PUs; end with 28 PUs Units generate 6 techTokens; Italy end with 6 techTokens
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Italy regular : -0.50 Britain AntiAircraftGun : -0.08 Italy rolls : 1.00 Britain regular : 0.17
Got it. But I’ll be delayed a day…sick kid. Should be better tomorrow.
I want to do a solo game of this to help me learn. If i was going to use the AI for all the other countries what is the 1 country i should take?
@Grinchveld said in Total World War 3.0 7 players:
I want to do a solo game of this to help me learn. If i was going to use the AI for all the other countries what is the 1 country i should take?
Even if it’s complex… I think UK. You have to manage forces globally (air, sea, land).
For the group: What is the Lend Lease rule for Queensland? There is a US-British rule to exchange aircraft in Labrador. But i don’t see anything in the rules for Queensland.
Testing Forum poster
Test summary from TripleA, engine version: 2.6.14394, time: 7:23:59 PM
Savegame -
TripleA Turn Summary: Usa round 1
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 1 Research Technology - Usa Note to players Usa: <body><img src="startusa.png"/></body> Trigger Starttechtokens: Usa met a national objective for an additional 5 techTokens; end with 5 techTokens Usa spend 0 on tech rolls Usa rolls : 1/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits Usa removing all Technology Tokens after successful research. Usa discover Logistics Combat Move - Usa Note to players Usa: <body><img src="pearlharbour.png"/></body> Trigger americanHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to americanHeavyTank Trigger americanMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry Trigger americanTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to americanTank Trigger americanAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger SovietFarEastLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Soviet Far East Trigger EasternSzechwanLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Eastern Szechwan Trigger EasternIranLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Eastern Iran Trigger ArchangelLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Archangel Trigger MurmanskLLUsa1: Usa takes ownership of territory Murmansk Trigger americanMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry Trigger americanHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to americanHeavyTank Trigger americanTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to americanTank 1 americanDestroyer moved from 6 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone 1 americanStrategicBomber moved from Iceland to 21 Sea Zone Combat - Usa Battle in 21 Sea Zone Usa attack with 1 americanDestroyer and 1 americanStrategicBomber; Britain loiter and taunt Germany defend with 2 germanSubmarines Usa roll DepthChargeAttack dice in 21 Sea Zone : 1/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits 1 germanSubmarine owned by the Germany lost in 21 Sea Zone 1 germanSubmarine owned by the Germany submerged Usa win with 1 americanDestroyer and 1 americanStrategicBomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7 Casualties for Germany: 1 germanSubmarine Usa win with 1 americanDestroyer and 1 americanStrategicBomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7 Casualties for Germany: 1 germanSubmarine Non Combat Move - Usa Trigger americanMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry Trigger americanMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to americanMech.Infantry Trigger americanAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger americanAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger americanAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Usa for unitAttachment attached to americanAirTransport Trigger EasternIranLLUsa2: Russia takes ownership of territory Eastern Iran Trigger MurmanskLLUsa2: Russia takes ownership of territory Murmansk Trigger ArchangelLLUsa2: Russia takes ownership of territory Archangel Trigger SovietFarEastLLUsa2: Russia takes ownership of territory Soviet Far East 1 americanStrategicBomber moved from 21 Sea Zone to Southern Britain 1 americanInfantry moved from Southern US to Southeastern US 1 americanArtillery moved from Southwestern US to Los Angeles 1 americanAntiAirGun and 1 americanMarine moved from Los Angeles to 156 Sea Zone 1 americanAntiAirGun, 1 americanMarine and 1 americanTransport moved from 156 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone 1 americanAntiAirGun and 1 americanMarine moved from 115 Sea Zone to Hawaiian Islands 1 americanTransport moved from 113 Sea Zone to 156 Sea Zone 1 americanCarrier and 1 americanDestroyer moved from 136 Sea Zone to 143 Sea Zone 1 americanSubmarine moved from 134 Sea Zone to 143 Sea Zone 1 americanNavalFighter moved from Los Angeles to 115 Sea Zone 1 americanStrategicBomber moved from Los Angeles to Hawaiian Islands 1 americanCruiser moved from 156 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone 1 americanDestroyer moved from 112 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone 1 americanDestroyer moved from 106 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry moved from Western US to 112 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry and 1 americanTransport moved from 112 Sea Zone to 106 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry moved from Northwestern US to 106 Sea Zone 2 americanInfantrys and 1 americanTransport moved from 106 Sea Zone to 104 Sea Zone 2 americanInfantrys moved from 104 Sea Zone to Alaska 1 americanFighter moved from Northwestern US to Hawaiian Islands 1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Central US to Detroit 1 americanTank moved from Detroit to New York 1 americanInfantry and 1 americanMarine moved from Washington to 30 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry, 1 americanMarine and 1 americanTransport moved from 30 Sea Zone to 39 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry and 1 americanMarine moved from 39 Sea Zone to Azores 1 americanDestroyer moved from 30 Sea Zone to 39 Sea Zone 1 americanInfantry moved from Florida Peninsula to 36 Sea Zone 1 americanAntiAirGun moved from Florida Peninsula to 36 Sea Zone 1 americanAntiAirGun, 1 americanInfantry and 1 americanTransport moved from 36 Sea Zone to 39 Sea Zone 1 americanAntiAirGun and 1 americanInfantry moved from 39 Sea Zone to Azores 1 americanTransport moved from 35 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 Train moved from Southeastern US to Chicago 1 americanAirTransport and 1 americanParatrooper moved from Chicago to Newfoundland 1 americanNavalFighter moved from Eastern US to Azores 1 americanCombatEngineer moved from Chicago to Detroit 1 americanInfantry moved from Northern Central US to Northwestern US 1 Material, 1 Train and 1 americanAntiAirGun moved from Chicago to San Francisco 1 americanMech.Infantry moved from Detroit to Eastern Central US 1 americanInfantry and 1 americanMech.Infantry moved from Eastern Central US to New York 1 Truck and 1 americanAntiAirGun moved from Iceland to 6 Sea Zone 1 Truck, 1 americanAntiAirGun and 1 americanTransport moved from 6 Sea Zone to 7 Sea Zone 1 Truck, 1 americanAntiAirGun and 1 americanTransport moved from 7 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone 1 Truck and 1 americanAntiAirGun moved from 21 Sea Zone to Southern Britain 1 americanNavalFighter moved from 113 Sea Zone to 143 Sea Zone 1 americanCarrier and 1 americanDestroyer moved from 113 Sea Zone to 115 Sea Zone 1 americanFighter moved from Midway to Hawaiian Islands Purchase Units - Usa Usa buy 2 Materials, 1 ResearchCenter, 1 americanCarrier, 1 americanFactory, 1 americanHull and 1 americanSubmarine; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; 0 techTokens; Trigger EasternSzechwanLLUsa2: China takes ownership of territory Eastern Szechwan Place Units - Usa Units in Detroit being upgraded or consumed: 2 Materials 1 ResearchCenter placed in Detroit Units in San Francisco being upgraded or consumed: 2 Materials 1 americanFactory placed in San Francisco Units in 30 Sea Zone being upgraded or consumed: 1 americanHull 1 americanCarrier, 1 americanHull and 1 americanSubmarine placed in 30 Sea Zone 2 Materials placed in Detroit Activate Technology - Usa Usa activating Logistics Trigger americanL1: Setting isAirBase to true for unitAttachment attached to americanCarrier Trigger americanL1: Setting maxScrambleCount to 2 for unitAttachment attached to americanCarrier Turn Complete - Usa Usa collect 70 PUs; end with 72 PUs Units generate 6 techTokens; Usa end with 6 techTokens
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Usa DepthChargeAttack : 0.83 Usa rolls : 1.00
@surfer Its the same rule as in Labrador. one american aircraft per turn per territory.
@Guderian1 Also, I’m guess I did my attack “correctly” against the German subs. I attacked with 1 DD + ftr vs 2 subs. I didn’t realize I needed Improved Destroyers to stop the subs from submerging.
However, the combat as played by the TripleA engine allowed 1 round of attacking, then the surviving sub was given the choice to submerge…which I assumed it would.Is this how the submerge rule works in TWW? DDs get at least 1 round of shots before submerge becomes an option? What about other units?
Or does the game engine fail here, and Germany should have 2 subs still? In which case I might want to rethink US placement. -
@surfer Im pretty sure its correct the way it works in the engine. Its the treacherous notion of this game. There are plenty of these differences from the typical G40. You wont discover them when reading the rules, only when you play it.
The only problem I am aware of is that carriers have 2 lives, which they are not supposed to have until an upgrade. This can be mitigated by downloading an xml file with the newest updates. You can update if you want to, but its not necessary for this game
Heres the xml file:
https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/3237/can-we-fix-tww/43 -
@Guderian1 How does that work without the patch? You can’t player edit the dead units during combat.
Or do you mean that since we started the game, we’ll just continue as if all CVs are 2 hit?
@surfer I think we should play as the engine allows. Theres too much hassle to get 7 people to adhere to all details.
If anybody wants to start a new game we can do it then. I want to play a new game with fewer players as soon as I get a hold of all the rules.
@Guderian1 not that i expected to be a play tester, but i would suggest that we keep a record of the “bugs” we find, so we can share with the developers.