@Elrood That’s somewhat true, but G is mostly a one-trick pony, take Paris. While the Centrals have won many, but not most of our games without G taking Paris, as the other players and their strategies and abilities took center stage.
NML 1914 game 13
Britain spend 10 on tech rollsCombat Move - Britain 2 infantry moved from German Southwest Africa to Northern Rhodesia 1 infantry moved from Northern Rhodesia to Congo 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 98 South Atlantic to Sea Zone 94 South Atlantic 1 infantry moved from Normandy to Paris 1 infantry moved from Normandy to Paris 6 infantry moved from London to Sea Zone 15 English Channel 6 infantry moved from Sea Zone 15 English Channel to Normandy 1 infantry moved from Stockholm to Sea Zone 10 Baltic Sea 1 field_gun moved from Stockholm to Sea Zone 10 Baltic Sea 1 field_gun and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 10 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 9 Gulf of Bothnia 1 battleship moved from Sea Zone 10 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 9 Gulf of Bothnia 3 submarines moved from Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak 1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 10 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea 1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 10 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea 1 battleship moved from Sea Zone 10 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak 1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak 1 infantry moved from Yemen to Oman Britain take Oman from Turkey 1 infantry moved from Sistan to Khurasan Britain take Khurasan from Turkey 1 field_gun moved from Kuwait to Al-Dammam 1 infantry moved from Qatar to Al-Dammam 1 infantry moved from Sistan to Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf 1 infantry moved from Sistan to Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf to Al-Dammam 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf to Trucial Coast Britain take Trucial Coast from Turkey 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea 1 infantry moved from Orissa to Madras 1 infantry moved from Orissa to Madras 1 infantry moved from Calcutta to Orissa 1 field_gun moved from Goa to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea 1 field_gun moved from Bombay to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea 1 infantry moved from Goa to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea 1 infantry moved from Bombay to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea 2 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea to Baluchistan 1 colonial moved from Sistan to Baluchistan 4 field_guns moved from Sistan to Baluchistan 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf to Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea 1 field_gun moved from Stockholm to Sea Zone 10 Baltic Sea 1 field_gun and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 9 Gulf of Bothnia to Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea 1 field_gun moved from Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea to West Prussia Britain take West Prussia from Germany 1 field_gun, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 10 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 9 Gulf of Bothnia 1 battleship moved from Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea to Sea Zone 9 Gulf of Bothnia 1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 9 Gulf of Bothnia to Estonia 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 75 Red Sea to Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean 1 infantry moved from Cairo-Suez to Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean to Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean to Syria Britain take Syria from Turkey 1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 69 Sea of Crete to Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean 1 cruiser moved from Sea Zone 69 Sea of Crete to Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean 1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 75 Red Sea to Sea Zone 68 Aegean Sea 2 battlecruisers, 1 battleship and 3 cruisers moved from Sea Zone 69 Sea of Crete to Sea Zone 68 Aegean Sea 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea to Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean 1 battlecruiser and 3 cruisers moved from Sea Zone 60 Central Mediterranean to Sea Zone 68 Aegean Sea 1 field_gun moved from Northern Rhodesia to Congo 1 cavalry moved from Cairo-Suez to Lower Egypt Purchase Units - Britain Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Removing units owned by Britain from Sea Zone 15 English Channel: 1 transport EDIT: Adding units owned by Britain to Sea Zone 25 Mid Atlantic: 1 transport EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Britain buy 2 fighters, 1 heavy_gun, 15 infantry, 2 transports and 3 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 2 techTokens; Combat - Britain Battle in Estonia Britain attack with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry Germany defend with 1 stormtruppen Britain win, taking Estonia from Germany with 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Britain: 1 infantry Casualties for Germany: 1 stormtruppen Battle in Al-Dammam Britain attack with 1 field_gun and 2 infantry Turkey defend with 2 cavalrys Britain win, taking Al-Dammam from Turkey with 1 field_gun and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8 Casualties for Turkey: 2 cavalrys Non Combat Move - Britain 1 colonial moved from Hudson-Delaware to New England Place Units - Britain 4 infantry placed in Baluchistan 2 infantry placed in Bombay 2 infantry placed in Goa 2 infantry placed in Cape Town 2 transports placed in Sea Zone 22 Mid Atlantic 2 fighters and 3 infantry placed in London 1 heavy_gun and 1 infantry placed in Cairo-Suez 1 infantry placed in Oslo 2 trenchs placed in Uganda 1 trench placed in Cairo-Suez Turn Complete - Britain Britain collect 110 PUs; end with 110 PUs
Territory Summary for Britain :
German Southwest Africa : 1 flag West Prussia : 1 flag, 1 field_gun Normandy : 6 infantry Paris : 9 infantry Macedonia : 1 field_gun Piedmont : 3 fighters Yemen : 1 flag Al-Dammam : 1 flag, 1 field_gun and 2 infantry Oman : 1 flag, 1 infantry Qatar : 1 flag Syria : 1 flag, 1 infantry Trucial Coast : 1 flag, 1 infantry Basra : 1 infantry Bombay : 1 Factory and 2 infantry Cairo-Suez : 1 Factory, 4 heavy_guns, 8 infantry and 11 trenchs Calcutta : 1 Factory Cape Town : 1 Factory and 2 infantry Congo : 1 field_gun and 1 infantry Goa : 1 Factory and 2 infantry Guadalcanal : 1 colonial Hong Kong : 1 infantry Jamaica : 1 infantry London : 1 Factory, 2 fighters and 3 infantry Lower Egypt : 1 cavalry Madras : 2 infantry New Zealand : 1 colonial Northern Rhodesia : 5 infantry and 1 trench Nova Scotia : 1 Factory, 4 colonials and 2 field_guns Orissa : 1 infantry Ottawa-Montreal : 1 Factory Papua : 1 infantry Shanghai 3 : 1 infantry Singapore : 1 Factory St. John's Island : 1 colonial Sydney-Canberra : 1 Factory, 2 cavalrys, 2 colonials and 1 field_gun Uganda : 1 infantry and 2 trenchs Estonia : 1 field_gun New England : 1 colonial Sea Zone 9 Gulf of Bothnia : 2 battleships and 1 transport Sea Zone 11 Baltic Sea : 1 cruiser and 1 transport Sea Zone 13 Skagerrak : 1 battleship, 1 destroyer and 3 submarines Sea Zone 15 English Channel : 2 cruisers and 2 transports Sea Zone 22 Mid Atlantic : 2 transports Sea Zone 25 Mid Atlantic : 1 transport Sea Zone 68 Aegean Sea : 3 battlecruisers, 1 battleship, 6 cruisers and 1 destroyer Sea Zone 70 Eastern Mediterranean : 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer Sea Zone 71 Eastern Mediterranean : 2 cruisers and 1 transport Sea Zone 72 Persian Gulf : 2 cruisers and 2 transports Sea Zone 73 Arabian Sea : 3 transports Sea Zone 94 South Atlantic : 1 transport Sea Zone 145 Pacific Ocean : 1 cruiser Baluchistan : 1 flag, 1 Factory, 3 cavalrys, 1 colonial, 6 field_guns, 1 fighter and 7 infantry Guadalahara : 2 colonials Khurasan : 1 flag, 1 infantry Oslo : 1 flag, 1 Factory and 1 infantry Sistan : 1 flag, 1 infantry Stockholm : 1 flag
Production/PUs Summary :
Germany : 122 / 131 France : 76 / 76 Serbia : 14 / 16 Austria : 97 / 97 Italy : 25 / 26 Arabia : 0 / 0 Turkey : 60 / 69 Britain : 110 / 110 Russia : 65 / 76 Communists : 33 / 33 USA : 79 / 79
@Witt You’re like a swarm of mosquitos or ticks, spreading out with pinpricks everywhere from Baltic to Mideast, slowly bleeding and weakening us. It will take at least two units to take back each of my territories, and then you can retake them again. Death by a 1,000 cuts, guerilla warfare.
@FMErwinRommel I am a horror
@dawgoneit please move one of my Piemonte Fts to Paris. -
3cce1c9d-2da9-4147-b10b-ecb6d9af5e97-Russia 6.tsvg
Game History
Round: 6 Research Technology - Russia Russia spend 5 on tech rolls Russia rolls : 0/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits Combat Move - Russia 1 conscript moved from Caucasus to Azerbaijan Russia take Azerbaijan from Turkey 1 cavalry moved from Novosibirsk to Uzbekistan 1 conscript moved from Omsk to Kazakhstan 1 conscript moved from Omsk to Novosibirsk 3 conscripts moved from Vladivostok to Primorsky 1 conscript moved from Volgograd to Don 1 field_gun moved from Caucasus to Don 1 heavy_gun moved from Volgograd to Caucasus 1 conscript moved from Moscow to Don 1 conscript, 2 field_guns and 1 infantry moved from Moscow to Smolensk 1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Pskov to Smolensk 1 field_gun moved from Pskov to Latvia 1 cavalry moved from Tver to Latvia 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Kiev to Dnieper 12 conscripts and 3 infantry moved from St. Petersburg to Pskov 6 conscripts and 1 infantry moved from Finland to St. Petersburg 1 conscript moved from Norilsk to Krasnoyarsk 3 conscripts moved from Norilsk to Western Siberian Lowlands Purchase Units - Russia Russia buy 7 cavalrys, 4 conscripts, 4 field_guns, 2 heavy_guns and 3 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 1 techTokens; Combat - Russia Battle in Smolensk Russia attack with 1 conscript, 3 field_guns and 2 infantry Austria defend with 1 field_gun Russia roll dice for 1 conscript, 3 field_guns and 2 infantry in Smolensk, round 2 : 1/6 hits, 1.83 expected hits Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun in Smolensk, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 field_gun owned by the Austria lost in Smolensk Russia win, taking Smolensk from Austria with 1 conscript, 3 field_guns and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4 Casualties for Austria: 1 field_gun Battle in Dnieper Russia attack with 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry Austria defend with 1 field_gun Russia roll dice for 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Dnieper, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.67 expected hits Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun in Dnieper, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Dnieper, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 0.67 expected hits Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun in Dnieper, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 conscript, 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Dnieper, round 4 : 1/3 hits, 0.67 expected hits Austria roll dice for 1 field_gun in Dnieper, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 conscript owned by the Russia and 1 field_gun owned by the Austria lost in Dnieper Russia win, taking Dnieper from Austria with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2 Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript Casualties for Austria: 1 field_gun Battle in Don Russia attack with 2 conscripts and 1 field_gun Austria defend with 1 heavy_gun Russia roll dice for 2 conscripts and 1 field_gun in Don, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.50 expected hits Austria roll dice for 1 heavy_gun in Don, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 conscript owned by the Russia and 1 heavy_gun owned by the Austria lost in Don Russia win, taking Don from Austria with 1 conscript and 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript Casualties for Austria: 1 heavy_gun Battle in Latvia Russia attack with 1 cavalry and 1 field_gun Germany defend with 1 infantry Russia roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 field_gun in Latvia, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 infantry in Latvia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 field_gun in Latvia, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 infantry in Latvia, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Germany and 1 cavalry owned by the Russia lost in Latvia Russia win, taking Latvia from Germany with 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1 Casualties for Russia: 1 cavalry Casualties for Germany: 1 infantry Non Combat Move - Russia 1 cavalry moved from Tver to Volgograd Place Units - Russia 1 conscript, 1 heavy_gun and 1 infantry placed in Kiev 1 conscript, 1 heavy_gun and 1 infantry placed in Minsk 3 cavalrys placed in Moscow 3 field_guns placed in Vladivostok 1 field_gun and 1 infantry placed in Omsk 4 cavalrys and 2 conscripts placed in St. Petersburg Activate Technology - Russia Trigger RussiaP: Russia has 3 infantry placed in St. Petersburg Turn Complete - Russia Russia collect 73 PUs; end with 73 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germany regular : 0.33 Russia rolls : 0.00 Austria regular : 0.00 Russia regular : -1.67
@FMErwinRommel commies up
@Elrood Commie 6.tsvg
Round: 6Research Technology - Communists Communists spend 5 on tech rolls Communists roll 1,1 and gets 0 hits Combat Move - Communists 2 field_guns and 2 infantry moved from Sakhe to Chukotka 1 gas moved from Yakutsk to Chukotka 2 cavalrys and 3 field_guns moved from Buryatia to Novosibirsk 3 cavalrys moved from Irkutsk to Novosibirsk 1 cavalry and 1 field_gun moved from Bratsk to Krasnoyarsk 1 cavalry and 3 field_guns moved from Bratsk to Novosibirsk 1 gas moved from Yakutsk to Novosibirsk Purchase Units - Communists Communists buy 4 cavalrys and 3 gass; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 2 techTokens; Combat - Communists Battle in Krasnoyarsk Communists attack with 1 cavalry and 1 field_gun Russia defend with 1 conscript Communists roll dice for 1 cavalry and 1 field_gun in Krasnoyarsk, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.83 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 conscript in Krasnoyarsk, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits 1 conscript owned by the Russia lost in Krasnoyarsk Communists win, taking Krasnoyarsk from Russia with 1 cavalry and 1 field_gun remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2 Casualties for Russia: 1 conscript Battle in Chukotka Communists attack with 2 field_guns, 1 gas and 2 infantry Russia defend with 3 conscripts and 1 field_gun Communists roll dice for 1 gas in Chukotka, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.83 expected hits 1 conscript owned by the Russia lost in Chukotka 1 gas owned by the Communists lost in Chukotka Communists roll dice for 2 field_guns and 2 infantry in Chukotka, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 1.67 expected hits Russia roll dice for 2 conscripts and 1 field_gun in Chukotka, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.67 expected hits 2 conscripts owned by the Russia lost in Chukotka Communists roll dice for 2 field_guns and 2 infantry in Chukotka, round 3 : 0/4 hits, 1.67 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun in Chukotka, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Communists roll dice for 2 field_guns and 2 infantry in Chukotka, round 4 : 3/4 hits, 1.67 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 field_gun in Chukotka, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 field_gun owned by the Russia lost in Chukotka Communists win, taking Chukotka from Russia with 2 field_guns and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Russia: 3 conscripts and 1 field_gun Casualties for Communists: 1 gas Battle in Novosibirsk Communists attack with 6 cavalrys, 6 field_guns and 1 gas Russia defend with 2 conscripts, 2 heavy_guns and 1 trench Communists roll dice for 1 gas in Novosibirsk, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.83 expected hits 1 conscript owned by the Russia lost in Novosibirsk 1 gas owned by the Communists lost in Novosibirsk Communists roll dice for 6 cavalrys and 6 field_guns in Novosibirsk, round 2 : 4/12 hits, 5.00 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 conscript, 2 heavy_guns and 1 trench in Novosibirsk, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1.50 expected hits 1 trench owned by the Russia, 1 conscript owned by the Russia, 1 heavy_gun owned by the Russia and 2 cavalrys owned by the Communists lost in Novosibirsk Communists roll dice for 4 cavalrys and 6 field_guns in Novosibirsk, round 3 : 3/10 hits, 4.33 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 heavy_gun in Novosibirsk, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 heavy_gun owned by the Russia and 1 cavalry owned by the Communists lost in Novosibirsk Communists win, taking Novosibirsk from Russia with 3 cavalrys and 6 field_guns remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1 Casualties for Russia: 2 conscripts, 2 heavy_guns and 1 trench Casualties for Communists: 3 cavalrys and 1 gas Non Combat Move - Communists 1 conscript moved from Tiksi to Bratsk 1 conscript moved from Yakutsk to Tiksi 2 cavalrys moved from Chita to Khabarovsk Place Units - Communists 3 gass placed in Irkutsk 4 cavalrys placed in Yakutsk Turn Complete - Communists Communists collect 36 PUs; end with 36 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Communists regular : -1.83 Russia regular : -0.67
@captainwalker Game History
Round: 6 Research Technology - USA USA spend 0 on tech rolls Combat Move - USA 3 field_guns, 3 infantry and 3 transports moved from Sea Zone 34 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea 3 field_guns and 3 infantry moved from Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea to Valencia 4 field_guns moved from Morocco to Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea 4 field_guns moved from Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea to Valencia 3 infantry moved from Guadalahara to Acapulco 2 field_guns moved from Guadalahara to Acapulco 1 field_gun and 1 gas moved from Guadalahara to Veracruz 1 cavalry moved from Guadalahara to Veracruz 4 cavalrys moved from Mexico City to Veracruz 1 infantry moved from Guadalahara to Veracruz Purchase Units - USA USA buy 1 Factory, 3 field_guns, 3 infantry, 2 submarines and 3 transports; Remaining resources: 3 PUs; 3 techTokens; Combat - USA Battle in Valencia USA attack with 7 field_guns and 3 infantry Neutral defend with 6 infantry USA loses 0 PUs for violating Valencias neutrality. USA win, taking Valencia from Neutral with 7 field_guns and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12 Casualties for USA: 2 infantry Casualties for Neutral: 6 infantry Battle in Acapulco USA attack with 2 field_guns and 3 infantry Neutral defend with 2 infantry USA loses 0 PUs for violating Acapulcos neutrality. USA win, taking Acapulco from Neutral with 2 field_guns and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Neutral: 2 infantry Casualties for USA: 1 infantry Battle in Veracruz USA attack with 5 cavalrys, 1 field_gun, 1 gas and 1 infantry Neutral defend with 4 infantry 1 field_gun owned by the USA retreated to Guadalahara Neutral win with 3 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -24 Casualties for USA: 5 cavalrys, 1 gas and 1 infantry Casualties for Neutral: 1 infantry Non Combat Move - USA 2 submarines moved from Sea Zone 147 Gulf of California to Sea Zone 145 Pacific Ocean 2 field_guns and 4 infantry moved from Washington D.C. to Sea Zone 30 Mid Atlantic 2 field_guns, 4 infantry and 3 transports moved from Sea Zone 30 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 32 Sargasso Sea 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 27 Mid Atlantic to Sea Zone 20 Labrador Sea 2 field_guns and 4 infantry moved from Sea Zone 32 Sargasso Sea to Azores 1 destroyer moved from Sea Zone 58 Tyrrhenian Sea to Sea Zone 54 Alboran Sea Place Units - USA 2 submarines placed in Sea Zone 147 Gulf of California 1 Factory placed in Morocco 3 transports placed in Sea Zone 30 Mid Atlantic 3 field_guns and 3 infantry placed in Washington D.C. Turn Complete - USA USA collect 83 PUs; end with 86 PUs
only Italy and US are the ones with no tech… must be me…
And I lost a 90 sth % battles vs neutrals trying to get some income…
I have shitty hands it seems
@Elrood Yay Veracruz. Yes, your odds were high, but your offense, excluding the one gas without tech, was weak with only one art. Rolling ones is a gamble and a lucky defender rolling twos did you in. Your other battles went well.
Poor attacker dice hurts most when the attacker has weak offence and/or not many more units than the defender. In Valencia, you had more units and mostly art, for overwhelming offense. You would have won there even if you had underperformed.
USA has advanced rapidly to the Old World, which only happens when German Mexico has been dispensed with early. Plus, that allows your income to grow faster.
@Elrood Your lack of tech is partially due to fewer tech dice rolled, which isn’t surprising for Italy, with limited income to spare. But you did roll the best dice in choosing countries this game.
@FMErwinRommel Germany got victory bonds but the game isn’t rolling any dice so I’ll use the forum roller. I’ve had this problem before so it seems to be a common bug in the game
[dice 2d6] -
2d6: 4, 4
Game HistoryRound: 7 Research Technology - Germany Germany spend 5 on tech rolls Germany roll 2,6 and gets 1 hit Germany removing all Technology Tokens after successful research. Germany discover victoryBonds Combat Move - Germany 1 field_gun and 1 infantry moved from Posen to West Prussia 1 infantry moved from East Prussia to West Prussia 2 stormtruppens moved from Champagne to Burgundy 1 infantry and 1 stormtruppen moved from Champagne to Franche-Comte 3 infantry and 1 stormtruppen moved from Champagne to Picardy 1 fighter moved from Belgium to Burgundy 1 fighter moved from Belgium to Franche-Comte 2 fighters moved from Belgium to Picardy 1 infantry moved from British East Africa to Italian Somaliland Germany take Italian Somaliland from Italy 30 gass moved from Wurttemburg to Paris 1 cavalry moved from Rhine to Paris Purchase Units - Germany Germany buy 2 cavalrys, 1 destroyer, 1 field_gun, 4 gass, 4 heavy_guns, 13 infantry, 2 stormtruppens and 8 trenchs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 techTokens; Combat - Germany Battle in West Prussia Germany attack with 1 field_gun and 2 infantry Britain defend with 1 field_gun Germany roll dice for 1 field_gun and 2 infantry in West Prussia, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits Britain roll dice for 1 field_gun in West Prussia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 field_gun owned by the Britain lost in West Prussia Germany win, taking West Prussia from Britain with 1 field_gun and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4 Casualties for Britain: 1 field_gun Battle in Burgundy Germany attack with 1 fighter and 2 stormtruppens France defend with 1 colonial Germany roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 stormtruppens in Burgundy, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1.17 expected hits France roll dice for 1 colonial in Burgundy, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 stormtruppen owned by the Germany and 1 colonial owned by the France lost in Burgundy Germany win, taking Burgundy from France with 1 fighter and 1 stormtruppen remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Germany: 1 stormtruppen Casualties for France: 1 colonial Battle in Picardy Germany attack with 2 fighters, 3 infantry and 1 stormtruppen France defend with 1 field_gun and 1 infantry Germany roll dice for 2 fighters, 3 infantry and 1 stormtruppen in Picardy, round 2 : 1/6 hits, 1.83 expected hits France roll dice for 1 field_gun and 1 infantry in Picardy, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the France lost in Picardy Germany roll dice for 2 fighters, 3 infantry and 1 stormtruppen in Picardy, round 3 : 3/6 hits, 1.83 expected hits France roll dice for 1 field_gun in Picardy, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 field_gun owned by the France lost in Picardy Germany win, taking Picardy from France with 2 fighters, 3 infantry and 1 stormtruppen remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7 Casualties for France: 1 field_gun and 1 infantry Battle in Franche-Comte Germany attack with 1 fighter, 1 infantry and 1 stormtruppen France defend with 1 infantry Germany roll dice for 1 fighter, 1 infantry and 1 stormtruppen in Franche-Comte, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits France roll dice for 1 infantry in Franche-Comte, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Germany roll dice for 1 fighter, 1 infantry and 1 stormtruppen in Franche-Comte, round 3 : 0/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits France roll dice for 1 infantry in Franche-Comte, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Germany lost in Franche-Comte Germany roll dice for 1 fighter and 1 stormtruppen in Franche-Comte, round 4 : 1/2 hits, 0.83 expected hits France roll dice for 1 infantry in Franche-Comte, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 stormtruppen owned by the Germany and 1 infantry owned by the France lost in Franche-Comte Germany win with 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3 Casualties for Germany: 1 infantry and 1 stormtruppen Casualties for France: 1 infantry Battle in Paris Germany attack with 1 cavalry and 30 gass Britain defend with 1 fighter and 9 infantry; France defend with 1 Factory, 1 colonial, 5 field_guns, 1 fighter, 38 heavy_guns, 43 infantry and 15 trenchs Germany roll dice for 30 gass in Paris, round 2 : 27/30 hits, 25.00 expected hits 9 infantry owned by the Britain and 18 infantry owned by the France lost in Paris 30 gass owned by the Germany lost in Paris Germany roll dice for 1 cavalry in Paris, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits France roll dice for 1 colonial, 5 field_guns, 2 fighters, 38 heavy_guns, 25 infantry and 15 trenchs in Paris, round 2 : 40/71 hits, 43.00 expected hits 1 cavalry owned by the Germany lost in Paris France win with 1 colonial, 5 field_guns, 2 fighters, 38 heavy_guns, 25 infantry and 15 trenchs remaining. Battle score for attacker is -43 Casualties for Britain: 9 infantry Casualties for France: 18 infantry Casualties for Germany: 1 cavalry and 30 gass Non Combat Move - Germany 1 fighter moved from Franche-Comte to Champagne 1 fighter moved from Burgundy to Champagne 2 fighters moved from Picardy to Belgium 2 infantry moved from Alsace to Champagne 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry moved from Rhine to Champagne 1 stormtruppen moved from Rhine to Champagne 1 stormtruppen moved from Westphalia to Rhine 2 field_guns and 3 infantry moved from Bavaria to Wurttemburg 1 field_gun moved from British East Africa to German East Africa 1 cavalry moved from Rwanda to Dar es Salaam 1 infantry moved from German East Africa to Rwanda 2 battlecruisers, 2 cruisers, 1 submarine and 1 transport moved from Sea Zone 121 Coral Sea to Sea Zone 122 Bismarck Sea 1 infantry moved from German New Guinea to Sea Zone 122 Bismarck Sea 1 infantry moved from Sea Zone 122 Bismarck Sea to Caroline Islands 2 heavy_guns, 4 infantry and 1 stormtruppen moved from Mecklenburg to Pomerania 4 stormtruppens moved from Berlin to Brandenburg 1 cavalry and 2 gass moved from Berlin to Rhine 1 heavy_gun and 3 infantry moved from Belarus to Lithuania 1 infantry moved from Belarus to Lithuania 2 infantry moved from Warsaw to Eastern Poland 1 field_gun moved from Mecklenburg to Pomerania 1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 4 infantry moved from Belarus to Eastern Poland Place Units - Germany 1 trench placed in Lithuania 1 trench placed in Eastern Poland 2 trenchs placed in Champagne 2 trenchs placed in Pomerania 1 heavy_gun, 2 infantry and 1 trench placed in Dar es Salaam 1 destroyer placed in Sea Zone 122 Bismarck Sea 1 trench placed in Champagne 1 heavy_gun and 5 infantry placed in Wurttemburg 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry placed in Belgium 1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 4 infantry placed in Mecklenburg Germany undo move 10. 2 infantry placed in Warsaw 1 field_gun, 1 heavy_gun and 2 infantry placed in Mecklenburg 2 cavalrys and 4 gass placed in Bavaria 2 stormtruppens placed in Berlin Activate Technology - Germany Germany activating victoryBonds Turn Complete - Germany Germany collect 131 PUs; end with 131 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germany regular : 1.17 France regular : -2.33 Britain regular : -0.33
So… are we doing France now or will Adam do it himself? Not sure about his traveling SEA situation…
@Elrood @Private-Panic Adam should at least make the monumental decision on whether the Serbian army goes to Dardanelles or not. That’s the most interesting decision he will get to make as F/S.
@Witt Ataturk came to the rescue in Dardanelles and stopped the 97% odds for Serbs.
I was somewhat disappointed that Serbs didn’t go all in. As I had planned my defense there and how to manage a reduced attack elsewhere. Serbs couldn’t have taken my capital, since I could have built ten units and sent in many cavalry and a fig. But it would have taken most of my income for this turn.
As it is, I will throw the British back into the sea from which they came; and begin the glorious invasion of Russia. -
@FMErwinRommel I asked Adam what he wanted me to do . He said : retreat.