Need help defending as UK until USSR joins

    First off russia is going to be insane soon, they can attack round 4 and there is verry little germany can do against them. Make sure you spend some forces taking finland and then norway for the extra bonus for russia and take away german bonus.
    But dont let it take away from your main drive mainland europe, once you can reasonably threathen berlin your golden. You spread your russian forces thin and also put your planes on the front line. There is no reason your planes should be on the front line. Also your infantry is spread out so it can be picked off piecemeal.

    He spend 40ipcs just in battleships in the first 2 rounds, he wont be going anywhere anytime soon. Even london is quite safe as you would have spend at least 1 or 2 turns of units on there.
    Dont bother with tanks in S-afrika, you got 2 transports in the area just buy 2 art + air, use your existing Inf. That would give you 2 inf 2 art to counter same as buying 2 mech + 2 tanks but for a fraction of the costs.

    Since china is kinda dead make sure that India is safe, he didnt go for the money islands yet so thats good. Move the fleet to Queensland that would be a nice bother for Japan with their fleet spread out. What is he going to do take hawai with 2 transports while you got 3 fighters and 2 inf there. Not likely.

    Stop buying BB really the US should have 2 or even 3 carriers ( loaded with fighters ) in the pacific by now not 3 battleships. Lucky germany is equally silly with its buys.

    And indeed where are the 18 russian in against japan and the 2 anzac inf in egypt.
    Also what happened to the force you had in alexandria? They seem to have vanished.
    Next time dont bring 2 planes to taranto bring at least 4 maby even 5 ( you figure out how but its possible )

    Also what did the US buy? I see 1 BB and a destroyer in the pacific and nothing extra in the atlantic? Did stuff get destroyed? This is round 2 right so the US should have spend at least 104IPC’s.
    Looks like there are some mistakes made with setup for global maby also for the income for some countries. As you spend about 28ipcs with the US in 2 turns. And its not like the US lacks things it needs to buy so saving is not really usefull.

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20

    Yeah, don’t buy battleships. Here is an article I wrote that will help you play the game better.

  • @AndrewAAGamer said in Need help defending as UK until USSR joins:

    Yeah, don’t buy battleships. Here is an article I wrote that will help you play the game better.

    Yea good general rule, dont buy battleships.
    There are situations where it could be better to buy a battleship but these are so rare.

    Like you will be attacked and you need as much defence possible but only got 20ipcs and already 3 fighters @ the airbase. In that case you might consider a BB over a Cruiser + destroyer combo.

  • Thinking about the post and the board pictures.
    Its kinda unfair we now helping only 1 side of the board. As it looks like both players are new to the game our help will give 1 side a clear advantage over the other side.

  • @shadowhawk yea proxy war. Fascists need someone in there corner :)

  • @YUMYAM Here’s turn 5. There’s a lot to go over and I’ll miss some things but here’s my synopsis. Yes, much of our setup was wrong. The pacific USSR troops were missing, most likely a few men in Egypt, and most importantly we were clueless on the global rules for war income regarding US, Japan, and USSR. USA was given 40 for the turn we missed that they were at war for, so that would somewhat explain USA weak presence in the last photos. I’ll have to ask for forgiveness from the community, we are learning as were going. Frankly, the Axis are looking set to win. We had Germany take their first turn, and the USSR is set to start next time we play. Germany only took one territory that was a bait with a few men defending. I had USSR buy all arty so they have 20+ on the board. We consolidated in the territory bordering Ukraine and I’m planning on attacking Slovakia and hope we can liberate Greece/Yugoslovia with a Mech. Longshot. USSR will hold for another turn or two, but the US is in too little too late. Italy is set to take all the money from Africa with the exception of SA/Sudan. Japan has taken calcutta at heavy aircraft losses but nevertheless own India. I moved my ANSAC fleet and took out a battleship/sub/cruiser and plan on being more aggressive in pacific now that US and ANSAC has built up and Japan has spread out. Here’s the kicker of the whole game, and easily my biggest blunder. Italy was threatening Persia but I had a few troops and Russian reinforcements coming. What I didn’t account for was Italys TAC bomber which totally threw the scales in their favor. So I build a maj factory (I learned yesterday I can’t do that on a 2 IPC territory so I may get some money back) but Italy came through and stole it. Shit. So now we need to make some moves, and quick, because Italian tanks funded by Africa will be coming for Moscow, forget Jap expansion from India. Allies will not have trouble owning the sea, but there’s no money from owning just the seas. Just taking this whole game as a learning experience, so if you all have any suggestions they would of course be appreciated. Thanks for analyzing!

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  • @YUMYAM Correction, Italy brought a strategic bomber, not a tactical one.

    To be fair, since you made a lot of mistakes at the start with the setup and the war economy and with the movement rules your are better off just calling this a practice round and start over with the proper rules.

    Make sure you read the global rules to be sure you know them all and got the correct starting income and setup sorted. Since you got a bit of a grasp for the rules you might also go faster and make less mistakes.

    Also a round by round picture would say a lot more then the text as you miss out on stuff like you mentioned and we can spot mistakes pretty easy on a picture. We are trained for that :P

  • @shadowhawk I think were gonna let the USSR play out a turn just because they’ve been waiting hours to get in the game. But yeah, chalk up the whole game as a practice round, I agree.

  • @YUMYAM said in Need help defending as UK until USSR joins:

    @shadowhawk I think were gonna let the USSR play out a turn just because they’ve been waiting hours to get in the game. But yeah, chalk up the whole game as a practice round, I agree.

    You are aware that the USSR can attack round 4 right. Even if the axis do not attack first round 4 they are free to do whatever they want.
    Why wait till round 5 is done?

  • @shadowhawk No, I was going to ask. With the amount of troops we had, would’ve totally done that. Will make the other players aware for next time. Changes the whole strategy for USSR and Germany. Also, I appreciate you sending that guide in here, it’s just one step up from the basic rules. We watched Ben Harsh’s hour long video, and read a good bit of the book, but obviously missed a lot.

  • @YUMYAM said in Need help defending as UK until USSR joins:

    @shadowhawk No, I was going to ask. With the amount of troops we had, would’ve totally done that. Will make the other players aware for next time. Changes the whole strategy for USSR and Germany. Also, I appreciate you sending that guide in here, it’s just one step up from the basic rules. We watched Ben Harsh’s hour long video, and read a good bit of the book, but obviously missed a lot.

    Well the rules are the same, even that guide is more or less just people doing some math on the subject. But most important thing is to get the setup right and get the income settings right.
    Just read the global rules and make sure both understand them the rest is pretty and you got most of the game sorted i think.

  • @barnee

    Agreed. I’m not a good Axis player but I’ll by happy to help. Maybe the Axis player uses the forum too?


    Did the Axis scramble during Taranto? If so, you need way more than 2 planes and the naval units to dust the enemy off.

    Anyways, everyone else seems to have you covered so I don’t have much to say. AndrewAAGamer’s guide is perfect. Really changed my view.

  • @YUMYAM said in Need help defending as UK until USSR joins:

    @shadowhawk No, I was going to ask. With the amount of troops we had, would’ve totally done that. Will make the other players aware for next time. Changes the whole strategy for USSR and Germany. Also, I appreciate you sending that guide in here, it’s just one step up from the basic rules. We watched Ben Harsh’s hour long video, and read a good bit of the book, but obviously missed a lot.

    You should really read up on the rules before you start the game. I was wondering why there where so many weird things in the picture.

    Things you most likely forgot.
    USA can declare war end of round 3 ( or before if certain conditions are met )
    USSR can declare start of round 4 ( or before if certain conditions are met )
    You can load and unload troops from transports in the same turn.
    Income is different in global.
    Starting units are slightly different.

  • @shadowhawk

    I think he got the US thing right. Based on how he worded things it appears Japan pulled a J1 or J2.

  • @SuperbattleshipYamato said in Need help defending as UK until USSR joins:


    I think he got the US thing right. Based on how he worded things it appears Japan pulled a J1 or J2.

    Well its obvious that if the US gets attacked that its at war. Just pointing them out because maby next time Japan might not pull of a J1 or J2 ( or even J3 )
    Since he missed the russia thing which is on the same page, and the USA income thing also in the same page might as well point some more out so he doesnt miss them.

    Its not that obvious that the rules for global are @the back of the rulebook and not just a small different rulebook.

  • @shadowhawk

    That’s true.

  • @shadowhawk funny enough we all went “ohhhhhhhhhh” when we saw there were global rules in the back of the book half way through the game.

  • @SuperbattleshipYamato I think were planning on restarting, if we can finish before our winter break. I’ll keep this post updated by turns as best I can.

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