Tekkyy, I think I get what your going at… Basically it must be routed through the shortest route, so if that means through the Pacific, so be it (but I doubt that will be necessary, except maybe with the Australian Convoy)… After you choose the route, either you have a set pattern for the target zones, or you can choose them yourself, provided one of them is adjacent to the End Destination…
Convoys are means of transporting your economy from distant holdings to your home factories. 2 Territories will be considered the Home Territory, where you are routing from; and the Destination Territory, where you are routing too. You may buy a route during your purchase units phase. Routes are through the shortest routes to your factories; this includes Canals, except if they are enemy occupied at the beginning of your turn. After choosing the route secretly, pay 1 IPC per SZ the route travels through. You must also choose 3 SZ’s, called target SZ’s where your convoy can get attacked from. One of them must be adjacent to the Destination Territory. The other 2 are at the discretion of the player. Record them on your shipping log. Your route may now transfer IPC’s from the home territory and all adjacent territories to to the destination territory. The Income is added at your collect income phase by counting up the IPC’s recorded on the appropriate shipping logs.
The enemy may choose to raid your convoys. Any Naval or Air Unit with an Attack Value may choose to search for your convoys. Use the ASW Search Roll for this action. If he is correct, and finds a convoy, he may preform an attack against it, using his attack values. This lasts for only 1 round. For every hit, you must remove 3 IPC’s from your bank. If the convoy is being guarded by your own naval shipping the enemy must defeat your defending fleet before he can attack.
I want to change the last part to must make a breakthrough roll, but I haven’t figure that out…